Adullam said:
Excommunication is unknown among the simple churches of faith. We have church discipline where a member is publicly warned after not listening to certain brothers. If the warning goes unheeded and the wilfull disorder continues, then that brother is rejected from the assembly. This is seen as a temporal arrangement until said rejected one comes to his senses and sees his error. Then he is to be re-admitted into the brotherhood. We cannot judge anyone in finality.
Excommunication is unknown, and then you describe the process of excommunication... Sigh...
Of course, a person who is excommunicated here is allowed to repent and return, as well. However, because it is an institutional church, I suppose it is the wrong thing to do, because everything they do is wrong in your eyes, anyway... No one is "judged in finality" on this earth, Mr. Strawman.
Adullam said:
There is no red tape involved. There are no empirical declarations...just the concensus of the brotherhood.
Again, you have defined red tape. "No empirical declarations"??? When someone is rejected publically, what would you call that? Sounds like red tape to me. Now, because your community is smaller, the red tape is obviously shorter. However, the effect is the same.
Adullam said:
Ironically, I find that there is not enough discipline in the institutions.
Perhaps, but if there IS more discipline in institutions, no doubt, you will be quick to judge that as "too rigid", etc... The Church is trying to live up to the standards created by Christ, and they are often a fine line. On the one hand, Christ demanded openness and love towards others, and on the other hand, a lifestyle that required others be disciplined. It is not always easy to determine when one is "interfering too much" when someone is possibly scandalizing others. And for everyone who has left the Church, no doubt, the Church was "interfering too much". No one will accept blame for their own actions, apparently, it is easier to blame the big bad church...
Adullam said:
You never see public rebukes as per Jesus' instructions.
You are definitely ignorant on this matter, aren't you... It is certain you are not aware of what transpires at the Vatican when theologians preach wayward material or priests take strange stands...
Adullam said:
System churches follow their own etiquette. All are deemed as sinners and pew lurkers abound!
We all are sinners, whether you think you are perfect or not, so are you.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is a liar, according to Scriptures.
Adullam said:
Anyone can attend.
Yes, Christ broke down that wall, but some would like to re-construct a wall where only the perfect are allowed in. Sounds quite Pharisaic, don't you think?
Perhaps you should read some Scriptures on the parables of the Church. Christ has some interesting things to say, such as the parable of the wheat and the tares. Perfectionists don't like to read these Scriptures, because they do not like to perceive the Church as a hospital for the sinners, journeying until it is perfected and presented as the Bride of Christ at the end of time.
Adullam said:
It often says at the entrance to such places..."all are welcome." We do not practice this exactly. We discern the disorderly and shameless ones. These are not welcome unless they repent. Repentance is still a heart requirement before the Lord AND the fellowship. Are we just any meeting or the meeting of the church of God? Lurkers cannot abide in a place of intimacy with God and the brethren.
That sounds good on paper, but "lurkers" are not locked out of the Kingdom. In time, they must decide, that is true. However, shutting the door on a "lurker" is not an evangelizing church.