I wouldn't worry about my knowledge if I were you.
Connotations mainly and making money. To avoid rabbit trails, just show us where theory means something other than what it means as defined by wordsmiths.
I wonder if you know what connotation means, this basically agrees with my overall point.
Where did I say that theory wasn't defined this way by wordsmiths? Here are a few examples for you.
[thee-uh-ree, theer-ee] Show IPA noun, plural the·o·ries.
a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity. Synonyms: principle, law, doctrine.
the·o·ry (th
, thîr
n. pl. the·o·ries
1. A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena.
theory - a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world; an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena; "theories can incorporate facts and laws and tested hypotheses"; "true in fact and theory"
Words have different connotations, based on HOW they are used, not definitions. Are you not a creationist?
A definition is a statement of the exact meaning of a word, and depending on the usage of that word, it can indeed carry a different connotation. Which means that there is a range of meaning for most words, and we then have to regard the word as how it is used.
I'm not a Creationist by how the UK defines it, but I do believe that God created the universe.
That may be for some, but this forum is full of people who either refuse to acknowledge such, even when they know it. What you seem to be advocating here is what's referred to as Semantic Range Fallacy, or illegitimate totality transfer, and that is not acceptable either. Regardless, Evolution has NOT been proven, despite your efforts to assert otherwise.
No, I'm not. Do you even know what that is?
I'm not picking a favorable definition out of the Semantic range, nor am I saying that it means it's entire semantic range all at the same time. I am saying that when scientists call something a theory, that they mean something very distinct, and it isn't conjecture. Please see the definitions above, and please validate that I have committed a fallacy when you make such a charge.
Being facetious and condescending won't help your credulity what-so-ever.
Was making a joke, but if you want to be so contentious then be my guest. I also am not sure you know what credulity means. Just thought I should point that out... or perhaps you meant credibility. *shrug
Actually I responded to you doing it, but again this condescending attitude of yours that comes through by saying "this isn't one of them", doesn't really help to have a productive discussion now does it?
You responded to me appealing to authority? Can you please cite this?
So then why bring up what scientists view "theory" to connote, as it doesn't matter. This statement is ONE opinion of one state, and IMO, wrong. Regardless, not the point of the OP.
This was actually a decision from a federal judge, so this applies across the board for all 50 states.
It's important to understand what people mean by what they say, so that we don't create a caricature of their arguments.
It is relevant to your post I responded to that stated; A scientific theory isn't religious dogma, it is acquired through the scientific method, observation and experimentation. I know exactly what he is all about, and he is religious in his fervor against creationism.
What does your opinion of the behavior of one man have anything to do with our discussion? Evolution isn't religious dogma, it is a scientific theory.
To what the properly exegeted Word of God is YES.
It seems you and I have a difference in regards to what we think proper exegesis is. That's fine with me.
I said what I meant. Please don't equivocate on my responses.
Hmm, to equivocate is to use unclear language in order to mislead someone. I was looking to clarify your ambiguous statement, that alluded to Jesus' statement made against money and it being an idol.
If one "serves" science simply by believing evolution, then by your position, it seems to be that they have an idol.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Nope, just those that are or defend what is. I wouldn't try to label those who you believe don't agree with your POV, with this type or any type of label, as that would be simple stereo typing which you have no reason to do.
Are you saying that literalism and fundamentalism aren't accurate descriptions?
I'm not sure what elicited this kind of response, as I was addressing your statement where you wrote; People who try to convince Christians that those who embrace evolution aren't actually believers will only drive more and more youth from our churches. Anyone with a basic scientific education can see through the tactics of Young Earth Creationists, and that alone I think would suffice for ruling out that doctrine. It assumed facts NOT in evidence and stereo typed those Christians who don't accept evolution as uninformed or uneducated. Just more condescension from where I sit.
As it has never been proved in God's eyes and as God Word says differently, I don't see the hesitation to disprove a world view.
It is my opinion that people who tend to disagree with evolution generally have been misinformed or simply lack information. Just my opinion, take it or leave it.
You and I also disagree about God's Word, and what is ultimately true here. And I was just making a statement that I have done my best to know the truth on this subject, but I place my faith in Christ alone, not creationism.