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Shouldn’t we embrace Arminianism?

Not sure how to make correlation between the story of the man born blind and Armenianism and Calvinism.

The person is not from this site, but from YouTube and is basically condemning me. I know that this site is built on the basis of the true gospel and doesn’t preach that God created some for the purpose of His hate.

This person believes that before some people were born that God already decided that they will perish because they were created for destruction and that they have no choice and can’t change that by receiving the free gift of salvation.

I’m still not clear what Armenianism is though. I’ve done searches on it and I can’t get passed the first three paragraphs lol because it seems to be a bunch of repetitiveness that never gets to the point.

So I’m wondering what is it exactly?
Try explains the difference between Calvinism and Arminianism:

Perhaps the clear definition of Armenianism should be described here. I don’t know lol. All I know is that some looney toon on YouTube is calling me a heretic lol and preaching a false gospel saying that I preach this Armenianism which basically tells me that he’s a looney toon lol. I told him that God is not the author of confusion but he continued to accuse me and preach confusion. I know that I don’t preach a false doctrine so I guess I’m neither embracing Armenianism or Calvinism I don’t know lol?
perhaps one should just stick with the Bible minus the denomination doctrine..
perhaps one should just stick with the Bible minus the denomination doctrine..
One should know as much of their faith as possible.
We are instructed to always be ready to explain why we believe.
This comes from understanding scripture.

We also need to know what we believe so we know when we hear
something that is not within our belief system.
Yes,,, you're right.
jasonc is of the reformed faith.
The faith that is being spoken of in the YouTube you're listening to.

The reformed have their reasons for believing what they do....
One could agree with them or not.

If you read the N.T. and come away with the beliefs you have...
then those are the ones you should stick to...I believe you've correctly
understood the bible.

As to loss of salvation...this is an important topic but for some reason this
forum does not allow discussion of it.

It's not so easy to lose salvation.
If you feel the need to discuss this,,,you should to to the sub-forum called
You need permission to gain access....
Tell JLB that I sent you and then we could discuss it there.
I am,NOT,reformed .I,merely attend one because its close,I feel the calling to be involved .the scheduling of the bible study is do able .pastor asked why I came .I,told him,becAuse I literally pass by it daily ,I used to read the meter,voted in it .

We also need to know what we believe so we know when we hear
something that is not within our belief system.
study to show yourself approved

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. the denom is a general group who hold to certain beliefs 2 the most talked about baptist pentecostal both have good doctrines .some emphasis heavily on certain teachings .pentecost focus on baptism of the spirit evidence speaking in tongues .the baptist one group eternal security one group you can walk away. when it boils down to is 1 Lord 1 Faith
5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

i see many subjects/terms used in here and other places i am not familiar with .i do a search on it most of the time i acknowledge it .most of the time i let it be its not for me . people are so quick to make a god out of a denom . the Body is to divided
The person you're listening to on YouTube is of the reformed faith.
How do you get to talk to him anyway??

The reformed believe that God predestined everything that was to happen for all time.
They are also called Calvinists after John Calvin who popularized this idea.
The man Arminius, with whom I'm not familiar, had a lot of the same ideas as John Calvin.
Why we are referred to as Arminians I do not understand.

However, what Calvinists believe is called the T.U.L.I.P. for short:

T TOTAL DEPRAVITY. Man is so depraved he cannot come to God. God must make him do so.

U UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION. God chooses who will be lost and who will be saved....based on no condition..IOW,,,based on nothing at all.

L LIMITED ATONEMENT. Jesus did not die for the whole world, but only for those that God chooses to save.

I IRRESISTIBLE GRACE. God's grace cannot be resisted...If God wants you, He'll get you..IOW, you have no free will.

P PERSEVERANCE OF THE SAINTS. The saints are those that God has chosen and they cannot lose their salvation.

I agree with you. I believe the reformed faith does not make logical sense.
What I learn from the bible is that God loves His creation.
God wishes that all could be saved.
Those that believe in God and the sacrifice of Jesus WILL be saved.

This is a big topic and cannot be handled in a few posts...but you're on the right track.
The person on YouTube is in the comment section under a YouTube video. Their comment was very aggressive and accusatory. They attacked the pastor that did the video under one of my comments which agreed with the pastor that the end is near, but it’s not the end just yet. I got called a tare, a heretic, an Arminian and I child of Satan for my one comment.
You said you were worried about not being saved.
I was referring to that....
whoever you said it to.
Right. If I go according to the logic that I can’t choose or refuse God’s gift of salvation, it would cause extreme doubt, rather than knowing I have eternal security.

So, not that I’m worried, but I believe that we shouldn’t have to have nagging thoughts in our head in regards to whether our belief is all in vain.

I’m willing to have this discussion in private/inbox if that’s better.
The person on YouTube is in the comment section under a YouTube video. Their comment was very aggressive and accusatory. They attacked the pastor that did the video under one of my comments which agreed with the pastor that the end is near, but it’s not the end just yet. I got called a tare, a heretic, an Arminian and I child of Satan for my one comment.
Actually,,,,I think that's pretty funny!
I mean,,,they think the end is near and this is how they act??
It's too funny.
I don't care to speak to persons like that...they make no sense.
Right. If I go according to the logic that I can’t choose or refuse God’s gift of salvation, it would cause extreme doubt, rather than knowing I have eternal security.

So, not that I’m worried, but I believe that we shouldn’t have to have nagging thoughts in our head in regards to whether our belief is all in vain.

I’m willing to have this discussion in private/inbox if that’s better.
I agree 100%.
You could use the PM...private messaging
or you could discuss this at the theological discussion group site.
Different input might or might not interest you.
You make the call....
But you pretty much cleared it up. Th

So I’m probably not saved then lol and I can kiss eternal security goodbye lol. Might as well just go back to living in sin because my final destination is going to be eternal damnation anyway lol.
For me saying that " I believe Christ " falls way short of describing what now exists between Jesus and me .
For me it is in every way a love relationship .
So to say you love someone on Tuesday , then say you don't love them on Thursday , and follow that by saying you love them again on Sunday does not hold water with me .
There is no person that I have ever said I love that I do not love to this day .
through good times and bad, kindness & cruelty .
Anything less is not love .
Yes, I believe Jesus & trust Jesus for redemption from sin , but love is the greatest enduring component of the relationship I have with Him , and always will be .
If you can say you love Him then your eternity is secure , no worries .
Actually,,,,I think that's pretty funny!
I mean,,,they think the end is near and this is how they act??
It's too funny.
I don't care to speak to persons like that...they make no sense.
Well they weren’t specific as to whether they believed that the end is near, but they were bashing the pastor who did the video. They started saying that this pastor knows nothing about Daniel’s abomination. So I asked what does that have to do with the end times? That’s when I started getting accused of being a heretic and a false teacher. Very strange.
I am,NOT,reformed .I,merely attend one because its close,I feel the calling to be involved .the scheduling of the bible study is do able .pastor asked why I came .I,told him,becAuse I literally pass by it daily ,I used to read the meter,voted in it .

Jason,,,I like what you said about your church...
but it's a reformed do know what that means, right?
But must go.