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Shouldn’t we embrace Arminianism?

Satan does not have free will. He cannot do moral good.
Angels mean that they HAD free will....OK.

I don't read in any bias.
We could continue tomorrow if you wish.
I really have to go now.

Do you agree with this?

By predestination we mean the eternal decree of God, by which he determined with himself whatever he wished to happen with regard to every man. All are not created on equal terms, but some are preordained to eternal life, others to eternal damnation; and, accordingly, as each has been created for one or other of these ends, we say that he has been predestinated to life or to death.

source: The Institutes 3.21.5
Satan choose to rebel.

Did God make the angels to be evil,?
Just like my brother you can't see past Mr Calvin.

You could ,though I have but not in,any recent time ,attend a Catholic church.I can't because of the pope,the problems going on with that mother church to this day .

Yet look back at my posts with st.francisdesales, you will find attempts at unity
Now then. My pastor has asked me to mention genesis and something I said about its original audience to be a he said a man was removed from,Knox theological seminary over being a theistic evolutionist.

Yet pastor is a yec,and while he,leans that way as do I ,we recognize that genesis is a narrative to the house of is real first and not meant to be a scientific in,nature .

He isn't afraid to ask the controversial questions
preaching and teaching is like eating fried chicken eat the meat throw the bones away .if like the reformed church you attend and they dont try to make you conform to there way of belief . accept you as a bro in Christ your in the right Church jason .. could i attend a reformed possibly as long as i didnt hear there right and i am wrong .the spirit quicken the flesh profits nothing
If the pastor or elder and I have already been there with one ,states a controversial position I won't openly debate him .I might state a difference if asked ,or talk about it afterwards .

One elder ,irony is not for the the modern view of two gifts as Pentecostals see it .yet the church rents out to a Hispanic charismatic church who regularly communicates and listens to the reformed one . they have rented that place for years .

I told the pastor where I stood .I have a charismatic background .
preaching and teaching is like eating fried chicken eat the meat throw the bones away .if like the reformed church you attend and they dont try to make you conform to there way of belief . accept you as a bro in Christ your in the right Church jason .. could i attend a reformed possibly as long as i didnt hear there right and i am wrong .the spirit quicken the flesh profits nothing
There are tolerance for teaching different views in my church ,we have a Spanish charismatic church renting the place along with an elder or more who aren't that way
then stand
If I was wanting to be chArismatic in worship ,literally down the road is an older historic black churches that are .I told the pastor the history of the area in person,and photos,a member lives across the street whose house goes back to ww2 and his family goes back to the helseth employment.helseth ,probably o.o helseth ,with waldo sexton had a grove packing,house where they worked at or the groves on the county line . finding a pentacostal church is easy here .I pass three on the way to morning star
Isn’t anything opposed to this a false doctrine. What I’m seeing is that people against Arminianism are saying that some are destined to hell. Hahahaha! What a joke right? Can you imagine that we believed in what Jesus did for us and then we get casted into hell because God hated us before we were born lol.
Some joker on YouTube is trying to say that I misinterpret John 3:16 and that I’m of the tares. I told them I can laugh at them blindfolded and that I’m so upity and confident that I am saved.


There are generally 2 types of Arminians:
(1) Reformed Arminians which follow the Scripture Alone of the Reformation. This was promoted by Jacob Arminius. To his dying day at age 49 he was a Dutch Reformed minister.

This is sometimes called Classical Arminianism. I'm a 'leaky' Reformed Arminian because I do not believe in infant baptism. The key points of Reformed Arminianism are represented by the Remonstrants' articles discussed at the kangaroo court of The Synod of Dordt. Remonstrance is a statement of complaint or opposition.

Remonstrants' theology countered that of TULIP Calvinism:
  • Conditional election,
  • Unlimited atonement,
  • Total depravity/inability,
  • Prevenient grace,
  • Conditional preservation of the saints (source).
I recommend the article by Roger Olson, ‘What’s wrong with Calvinism?‘ (Society of Evangelical Arminians).

For some clarity on Arminianism, see the book: Roger Olson (2006). Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities. Downers Grove: IVP Academic.

(2) The second type of Arminianism, semi-Pelagianism, has muddied the waters because of an an introduction of human beings able to initiate salvation, in agreement with the heretic Pelagius.

Semi-Pelagians 'taught that the innate corruption of humankind was not so great that the initiative toward Christian commitment was beyond the powers of a person’s native will.... The result of semi-Pelagianism, however, was the denial of the necessity of God’s unmerited, supernatural, gracious empowering of human will for saving action. It contradicted St. Paul and St. Augustine' (source).

I suggest you go to an average evangelical church in your community and ask 2 questions:
  1. Do you consider you can seek Christ by yourself to be saved by Him?
  2. Is God's grace needed for you to become a believer or is it up to you to respond to the Gospel when it is preached?
See my article: Sproul damns Arminianism by association with semi-Pelagianism.

Happy semi-Pelagian questioning.:pepsi2

I would say both. God is in control because He creates the condition of how to be saved and people have the free will to decide to accept or reject that condition.

And man is glorified in his godlike ability to decide.

God is only glorified if he is in control.
You don't attend church ,no church ,not even this forum,has unison in doctrine .

So because you post here.does that make you

These are not divisive points as either because of Work ,I don't go at all.or I quit and before covif attend the church I know well that is very Pentecostal and Arminism and also led by a female pastor .

By finding a church that agrees with your views on everything ,that becomes a cult ,you,lead ,and force it or its a demonation of that nature .these exist ,we call them sda,rcc,orthodox ,

I refuse that type of rigidity .my pastor is Anil.his right hand man is premium,pre trib,and I'm amil,and classic church teaching on that as mentioned by the a.n.e.

In that video ,Melissa is also pre trib .I asked these things . my pastor has his leanings ,yet wants us to know the bible and to research it.we have an elder who is reformed and has much to say about church history .he was saved in the Methodist view of Wesley who taught you can be sinless ,today .yes Methodism then was that .Adam Clarke mentioned it,
This is too complicated and I'm not sure this is the place for this discussion.
I guess we could continue until Michelina decides we are derailing.

That I do not attend any church is not true. How do you get that idea?
I live in a Catholic area and go to the Catholic church...when I go.
The priest is a friend of ours and he knows I lean toward Protestantism in doctrine...
He doesn't care. He says God loves everyone. I also know another priest that we're friendly with (and by this I mean that they come to my home for visits) who taught Hebrew and Greek and reads the O.T. in Hebrew and the N.T. in Greek and he also taught theology. He's retired now.
Should I keep on bragging? I'm very well accepted in the Catholic church and they know my belief system. There are no protestant churches around here and I've always said it's good for Christians to gather and fellowship.

I don't care for female pastors...I have my reasons.
I don't care for this pre-trib, mid-trib, whatever.
There may or may not be a rapture....the N.T. does not speak of a rapture and is a modern idea.

I would never go to a reformed church.
Listening to how God chooses who will be saved would make me want to turn and run.
This is not the God I know. The God I know gives us a chance to become saved.
The reformed faith has to twist and turn many verses to exegete them,,,,I'd call it more eisegesis.

As to Methodism....Wesley believed we could become sinless in this life...
that church, and every denomination that grew out of it,,,has since abandoned that idea because it is not true.

This is why it's wrong to follow MEN and not JESUS.

OSAS is divisive because it's an important topic.
Many are under the illusion of false security because of it.
Determinism and Free Will are also divisive because the very nature of God is changed if He is deterministic.

Now...this is all I'll have to say about this.
I love all who love Jesus,,,whatever they are.
It's good to exchange ideas...sometimes it gets one thinking...including me.
This is too complicated and I'm not sure this is the place for this discussion.
I guess we could continue until Michelina decides we are derailing.

That I do not attend any church is not true. How do you get that idea?
I live in a Catholic area and go to the Catholic church...when I go.
The priest is a friend of ours and he knows I lean toward Protestantism in doctrine...
He doesn't care. He says God loves everyone. I also know another priest that we're friendly with (and by this I mean that they come to my home for visits) who taught Hebrew and Greek and reads the O.T. in Hebrew and the N.T. in Greek and he also taught theology. He's retired now.
Should I keep on bragging? I'm very well accepted in the Catholic church and they know my belief system. There are no protestant churches around here and I've always said it's good for Christians to gather and fellowship.

I don't care for female pastors...I have my reasons.
I don't care for this pre-trib, mid-trib, whatever.
There may or may not be a rapture....the N.T. does not speak of a rapture and is a modern idea.

I would never go to a reformed church.
Listening to how God chooses who will be saved would make me want to turn and run.
This is not the God I know. The God I know gives us a chance to become saved.
The reformed faith has to twist and turn many verses to exegete them,,,,I'd call it more eisegesis.

As to Methodism....Wesley believed we could become sinless in this life...
that church, and every denomination that grew out of it,,,has since abandoned that idea because it is not true.

This is why it's wrong to follow MEN and not JESUS.

OSAS is divisive because it's an important topic.
Many are under the illusion of false security because of it.
Determinism and Free Will are also divisive because the very nature of God is changed if He is deterministic.

Now...this is all I'll have to say about this.
I love all who love Jesus,,,whatever they are.
It's good to exchange ideas...sometimes it gets one thinking...including me.
So because you attend that church despite not agreing with the typical Catholic position on things ,its ok but wouldn't attend a reformed one where eternal security is taught ,seldom in church is tulip even mentioned.

Funny they mention long suffering ,desiring men to repent ,living holy ,things I heard at the other churches.

Might want to stop just listening to a video or sermon meant for a theologic school.
And follow my pastor
Satan choose to rebel.

Did God make the angels to be evil,?
We don't know about evil too much and where it began.
We've had this discussion before and there's no solution to
the problem.

I'll say this: God DID NOT create evil.
In the reformed theology,,,God IS the creator of evil since it is HE that determines
all that will happen...this cannot be correct if the bible is correct. It would be
a very big conflict within scripture. It would mean that Jesus was wrong about
what He taught about the Father.
So because you attend that church despite not agreing with the typical Catholic position on things ,its ok but wouldn't attend a reformed one where eternal security is taught ,seldom in church is tulip even mentioned.

Funny they mention long suffering ,desiring men to repent ,living holy ,things I heard at the other churches.

Might want to stop just listening to a video or sermon meant for a theologic school.
And follow my pastor
The fundamentals I believe in are believed by the Catholic Church.
I'd rather come to believe in purgatory than come to believe that God chooses who is saved and who is not.

BTW,,,you didn't reply to my post no. 59.
We don't know about evil too much and where it began.
We've had this discussion before and there's no solution to
the problem.

I'll say this: God DID NOT create evil.
In the reformed theology,,,God IS the creator of evil since it is HE that determines
all that will happen...this cannot be correct if the bible is correct. It would be
a very big conflict within scripture. It would mean that Jesus was wrong about
what He taught about the Father.
Then Satan choose to be evil
The fundamentals I believe in are believed by the Catholic Church.
I'd rather come to believe in purgatory than come to believe that God chooses who is saved and who is not.

BTW,,,you didn't reply to my post no. 59.
Which you would have to since God just left the gentle nations that didn't get mentioned in,the prophets ,ie early,Greece,assyrria,before the time its mentioned and chaldea.Ashkenazi,sephardic and any,nations around .
Yet Romans one .

The problem with purgatory is that blood isn't good enough .

I don't have to answer 59,stop pinning,me on,it .knowing and hearing it doesn't,mean I believe it anymore then taking the 1200 bucks means I'm a Democrat
Look it all the dissenters.
Those who actually study beyond reading a commentary will likely not agree theologically with the church they attend. It's a natural and normal progression.

Doesn't mean that the people I sit next to are not my friends/family. We are all so wrapped up in each other's lives it's ridiculous. But often they have no clue as to what they believe or why they believe what little they do know.

That's normal theologies around the world. Found this attitude in every country I've visited. The hard core learned person is rare...they really don't make a church for people like us in every city in the world.

But just because I don't agree with the pastor on all theological positions doesn't mean that we don't agree on things like Love, altruistic endeavors, and encouragement of each other. Because we do agree with each other on these things. And we work diligently together on these things on a regular basis.

And that's what jasonc , wondering , and I have stumbled upon. We don't have to focus on the ways we are different and destroy each other...we can instead focus on the ways we are the same and do the difficult thing of building a community. It's easy to destroy, it's a lot more difficult to build.