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Singled out in Bible study for disability?


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I have been singled out in a Bible study for my disability? Told directly and indirectly that I am "less" because I home-school two of my three children and also care take my disabled wife and daughter. This is while dealing with my own seizures which just caused me to break some bones in my right foot for the second time in two weeks from loss of balance.

I volunteer when my wife or daughter's disabilities allow and when my own are in check. When I could work part time the government constantly told me that my daughter would lose her access to all medication and all specialists, she has multiple disabilities. I use to feel like less because of birth defects now am I less? I think I am God's creation.

Am I a slacker because I qualify for workers disability? That is the latest Bible lesson.


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You've got "Job" friends. Are you familiar with the book of Job?

This is something random I pulled from the internet, but I hope you recognize the heart of what I am trying to convey.

Q. My question is, why was God so angry at Job’s friends?I find helpful and good what they said about God. What wasn’t correct in their speeches about Him that angered the Lord? And why He complimented Job in the end contrary to His friends?

A. What upset God about Job’s two friends is that they misrepresented Him completely. They argued with Job from the humanist position based on human experience, human tradition and human merit. They were false in their logic and wrong in their conclusions. They believed that man must do things to earn God’s favor and therefore suffering is a sign of God’s displeasure.

While they both correctly asserted that sin had to be at the root of Job’s problem, Eliphaz believed that God was punishing Job for not doing enough good, and Bildad thought Job was just whining because he wanted His wealth back. On the other hand, by justifying himself, Job was condemning God as being unjust.

It’s important to remember that all three men were wrong in their arguments. It wasn’t until Elihu came along that we begin to learn of God’s true nature. In chapter 34 he confirmed the Lord’s inability to do wrong or pervert justice, and in 35 Elihu said that our good works don’t help God at all and our sins don’t cause Him loss. They only affect us and those around us.

Then in chapter 38 when God Himself joined the conversation, we see that Job is neither given a bill of indictment nor a verdict of innocence, but his understanding of God was certainly brought into question.

Finally in chapter 42 Job repented, confessed, and was restored. His knowledge of God had gone from his head to his heart and he understood, and he was now in a position to intercede for his friends.
Start your own Bible study! I'll join you online.

There is nothing good that could be passed on from people who don't understand that looking after their immediate family is not just a good suggestion but is in fact a God given command with serious connotations for those who fail to do so.

If you are eligible under the law for disability then you are eligible, there is no sin and those that claim there is had better check themselves for hypocritical double standards.

The only basis for people resenting workers disability is jealousy and a hard heart toward those less fortunate, its a terrible sin! and what do they propose that society should do with the fleeting wealth of this world? spend it on roads for their fast cars? maybe some more guns or soldiers to kill other people?....

Just let me at these people and I will let rip, this story you have told here has made my blood boil!
Pride is a powerful thing. Often people get a sense of pride because they make it through without help, whether they need it or not, and if they see someone take that aid; they get the feeling those are "less"

THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH WHAT YOU'RE DOING. They offer aid for a reason and accepting help is nothing to be ashamed all...especially given your family and health situation. I wish you all the best, and like many people on here have already said...I would find a new church/group..these people are not worth your time.
I have been singled out in a Bible study for my disability? Told directly and indirectly that I am "less" because I home-school two of my three children and also care take my disabled wife and daughter. This is while dealing with my own seizures which just caused me to break some bones in my right foot for the second time in two weeks from loss of balance.

I volunteer when my wife or daughter's disabilities allow and when my own are in check. When I could work part time the government constantly told me that my daughter would lose her access to all medication and all specialists, she has multiple disabilities. I use to feel like less because of birth defects now am I less? I think I am God's creation.

Am I a slacker because I qualify for workers disability? That is the latest Bible lesson.



God engineered time and space to ensure that your family got enough food to live on, and an education good enough that they could learn about Him.

Like an earlier post said, they are like Job's so-called friends. I wouls go one further, they are ravenous wolves, consumed by jealousy, twisting scripture in order to make you look bad. They are legalists, and even sound like social darwinists (calling the weak 'less').
If you can, talk to your Pastor, he should be setting an example. If these people are not dealt with, leave. Or stop attending that particular bible study. It isnt doctrinally sound anyway. There really is nothing wrong with accepting welfare, it shows humility, its also a gift from God. Whilst it is being used to create a dependent society, its also saving lives, just because something CAN be used for nefarious purposes does not mean it CAN NOT be used to serve God.

You are not a slacker, you are ill and needed by your family. You are not a cog in a socialist work machine!, your first responsibility is to your family! These guys could learn a thing or two from you!
Shake the dust from your shoes as you leave ....

thethinkingrebel said:
God engineered time and space to ensure that your family got enough food to live on, and an education good enough that they could learn about Him.

Like an earlier post said, they are like Job's so-called friends. I wouls go one further, they are ravenous wolves, consumed by jealousy, twisting scripture in order to make you look bad. They are legalists, and even sound like social darwinists (calling the weak 'less').
If you can, talk to your Pastor, he should be setting an example. If these people are not dealt with, leave. Or stop attending that particular bible study. It isnt doctrinally sound anyway. There really is nothing wrong with accepting welfare, it shows humility, its also a gift from God. Whilst it is being used to create a dependent society, its also saving lives, just because something CAN be used for nefarious purposes does not mean it CAN NOT be used to serve God.

You are not a slacker, you are ill and needed by your family. You are not a cog in a socialist work machine!, your first responsibility is to your family! These guys could learn a thing or two from you!
And agreed.

Find a Bible study where they actually study the Bible, as this group clearly doesn't know what it says.
I think sometimes Christians (down here in the South, it seems to happen more with conservative Protestants) confuse "conventional/respectable" with "righteous."

I have crazy. Bipolar I, schizoaffective..I'm somewhere in there. I get where you're coming from. You have problems, you lead a different sort of life, some Christians look down on that. I don't think there's anything wrong with a great job, great spouse, 2 kids, and a dog in the backyard, but that's not Jesus' mission. Jesus' mission is to give us life and that "more abundantly," which isn't always expressed by having the "right" things or the "proper" lifestyle. The kingdom of God is within you...see where I'm going with this?

I don't know what to advise you to do. This is one reason I'm avoiding church. I can't imagine explaining my life, my sudden (relative) normal functioning, and perpetual joblessness. Its rough, being different; its sometimes even harder in a church, because people confuse the rules/norms/standards of their society with the Laws of God. This is unfortunate.

I would advise you to find a better place to fellowship, or even go online for a while as another poster suggested. But, remember, people are people, and "wherever you go, there you are." There may come a point where you find a church that's just inviting enough for you to stay put, stand your ground, and let your light shine.
Hi, J,

You need to find a new church family, no doubt about that. The current group is toxic if they try to promote that sinning/slacking/laziness is the cause of your disability. Whatever you do: do not subscribe to their point of view.

I give you great credit for doing all you do as you're able. Keep up the positive spirit and faith in our loving Father, and thank you for reminding me of the diverse challenges we all face.
I attended a congregation that was picture perfect, It needed salt of the earth families with real problems openly dealing with them but it seemed as those people arrived they then started living this pretense that everything was wonderful and light..The sad thing with not having people with differing backgrounds is that there is a heavier gravitational pull to one line of thought and this then attracts others with a similar bent. We all need challenging spiritually it's what makes life in Christ exciting and scary and encourages growth but these congregational bullies do more than challenge. For your own spiritual safety and mental well being and after considered prayer you may find that it's best to not appease them but to walk away
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I have been singled out in a Bible study for my disability? Told directly and indirectly that I am "less" because I home-school two of my three children and also care take my disabled wife and daughter. This is while dealing with my own seizures which just caused me to break some bones in my right foot for the second time in two weeks from loss of balance.

I volunteer when my wife or daughter's disabilities allow and when my own are in check. When I could work part time the government constantly told me that my daughter would lose her access to all medication and all specialists, she has multiple disabilities. I use to feel like less because of birth defects now am I less? I think I am God's creation.

Am I a slacker because I qualify for workers disability? That is the latest Bible lesson.



I have mentioned during sermons before about people mooching off of the government and how "if a man shall not work he shall not eat".

However, I would always preface that with the disclaimer that if a person is unable to work or was looking for work and not finding it, it was a different story.

You are doing the best you can, ignore those who want to tell you differently. :thumbsup
Thank you for your prayerful replies and encouragement. Living in a very small town it is really easy to be "judged" without people knowing your situation. I know that I am not to judge myself or others however.

This seems ironic to me as it took a federal judge to approve my social security disability award, as most of my medical evidence records had been intentionally destroyed by now terminated workers, luckily I kept all of my own copies date stamped as advised by an advocate.

I thank God for appointing that very fair and honest judge.

The dust will be off of my shoes soon!

Some of us in our little town with disabilities or who are retired take turns helping each other out, but we sure get told we are taking advantage of entitlements if we have a good day and help with the food bank that we are also being blessed by.

People make me laugh.

May God Bless You All!
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Thank you for your prayerful replies and encouragement. Living in a very small town it is really easy to be "judged" without people knowing your situation. I know that I am not to judge myself or others however.

This seems ironic to me as it took a federal judge to approve my social security disability award, as most of my medical evidence records had been intentionally destroyed by now terminated workers, luckily I kept all of my own copies date stamped as advised by an advocate.

I thank God for appointing that very fair and honest judge.

The dust will be off of my shoes soon!

Some of us in our little town with disabilities or who are retired take turns helping each other out, but we sure get told we are taking advantage of entitlements if we have a good day and help with the food bank that we are also being blessed by.

People make me laugh.

May God Bless You All!

I think you've got a Bible study group right here!
hey man. I may soon be getting disability for madness. I'm not exactly excited--its kind of like admitting defeat--but I am realizing that at least it means I'm acknowledging my situation.

Anyway, maybe you could set up your own little Bible study in your house? I went to one, and it was great. I couldn't handle "real" church, so this Bible Study was perfect for me. I learned a lot, there were only a few of us, and we ended up getting to know each other.
First I would leave that Bible study for they are putting condemnation on you and that is not of God. Secondly, you have paid into disability so it is your own money that is working for you now. You have a full plate with you and your family and I know God sees everything you are doing to provide for your family and has favor on you. Some people condemn me because I am on disability and can no longer work and I just ignore them for ignorance has no place in my life and I do not answer to anyone except for God himself.
Just wondering whether these people are treating you that way because you are receiving disability support or because of you having some disabilities?

Being deaf, I've been exposed to a, luckily very small, degree of christian who seems to think that disabilities should be healed and if the person is not healed, it is due to the lack of faith. My understanding is that kind of thinking is based on a few verses about Jesus healing the blind and deaf being taken grossly out of context.
I am not sure, I think it is a little bit of both bible verses and doctrine of man intermingled. I have moved on and feel at peace. They recently approached me and still think there are things wrong with me not wanting to continually hear the same thing over and over. Of course there are things wrong (I am an imperfect human); I am off because I have seizures and that takes a toll, spiritually that seams to be more level when God is first in my life and I am not in the flesh but we are all sinners aren't we?

I pray my faith is growing in Christ daily and that I don't trust in myself, as I am fool!

I Thank God for sending Jesus to save all who ask!

Thanks for your support as a fellow Christian.
Hi, J -

There are many in and of the world who believe that any disability in a true Christian is a direct result of sin and can be healed/heeled. They believe they know better than the disabled person as to the source of disability. They hold neither remorse nor repentence for declaring their decision and then try to heal.

The second part of the equation concerns Social Security Disability. So many in the national discussion right now about entitlements point the finger at SSD, and claim that only leeches draw SSD. Untrue by far.

In my humble opinion, the people with the negative/incorrect assumptions are the ones who need serious prayer & healing through the glorious grace of God.

- AirDancer

I have been singled out in a Bible study for my disability? Told directly and indirectly that I am "less" because I home-school two of my three children and also care take my disabled wife and daughter. This is while dealing with my own seizures which just caused me to break some bones in my right foot for the second time in two weeks from loss of balance.

I volunteer when my wife or daughter's disabilities allow and when my own are in check. When I could work part time the government constantly told me that my daughter would lose her access to all medication and all specialists, she has multiple disabilities. I use to feel like less because of birth defects now am I less? I think I am God's creation.

Am I a slacker because I qualify for workers disability? That is the latest Bible lesson.



Of course you are not - I think some Christians like to point fingers and call names which makes them hypocrites and very Judgmental.
You are God's child.

I deal with my own disability and don't work also.

People with disabilities have just as equal standing with other Christians.

What gives Christians right to say that they are better than others?


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