- May 2, 2012
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- #21
When the blood atonement is applied to a believer, this creates in them a "born again" spirit, and it completely cleanses them from sin...(washed in the blood of the Lamb).
Paul says..."Jesus who loved me and GAVE HIMSELF for me".... is the same situation for all believers.
In that very instant of "conversion" we are converted from "sinner" to Saith.
WE are converted from Lost to Saved.
WE are converted from unsaved human to spiritually born again Son of God.
WE are converted ("translated from") darkness to the Kingdom of light.
WE are converted from sinner to Sinless.
All this and more is what happens to all believers the very instant you hear the Gospel, trust Christ, and are born again.
Here is the beauty of being cleansed in the Blood of Christ and forgiven all your sins.
This means, that because Jesus has been judged and killed for your sins on a Cross, the bible says "he became sin who knew no sin".....then, you will never be held accountable for what Jesus has died for, and paid......which is your Lifetime sin debt.
Jesus already paid = you dont pay after you are dead.
So, in a twinkling of an eye, a person by faith trusts Christ after they hear the Gospel, and God sees their heart faith and instantly releases the blood atonement unto them and suddenly all there sins are gone, pardoned, and forgotten.....forever.
They are become SINLESS, exactly as Christ, as its Christ's sinlessness that IS "the Gift of Righteousness" that God has given them.
We give God our faith, and God gives us Christ's righteousness.
We trust Christ, and God saves us.
We are now SINLESS SINLESS SINLESS, as this is what Salvation once applied to us, does. And this is what Jesus was purchasing on the cross for us with His blood and death.
When He says..."it is finished-accomplished".. His is testifying to the eternal fact of what He has just created by His sacrifice... He has created the means and the way for us to become a Sinless Son of God, just like Him.
Now, there are 2 wonders about Jesus's accomplishment on the Cross.
From the moment of conversion, 2 things happen and continue happening for you, that last for as long as God lives.
The 1st is that the blood of Christ completely cleanses all your sins away and then continues to cover and cleans you of your continues to keep you just sinless as it created you "in Christ" anew when it was first applied to you when you first believed... (redemption)(born again).
This mean when you were saved and until God stop living, the blood of Christ each and every second continues to keep you cleansed from sin., as that is the power of the blood and the power in the blood. = Hallelujah !!
You, if you are saved, ... you sins were laid on Jesus who died for them all, and His Sinless perfection (righteousness) became yours eternally, and THIS covering and cleansing of all your sins IS your current and eternal state of existence.= Hallelujah !
Here is #2.
When you do something that would be a transgression of the commandments and the law after you are saved....God does not hold you accountable because you "have been redeemed from the curse of the law". Galatians 3:13,... you are "under Grace" Romans 6:14.
This is the other reason that you remain sinless as the day you were saved right through eternity.
Look at this verse:.. Romans 4:8 :
"Blessed is the person whose sin God will never count against them"
So, WHO is that person, who sins, but God does not hold them accountable?
That is ALL BORN AGAIN BELIEVERS. = Hallelujah !
And Who DOES God hold accountable for a believer's lifetime of sins?........?
JESUS.... NOT YOU = Hallelujah !!
So these two aspects of "born again"= keep you saved, sinless, and eternally secure.
When the blood atonement is applied to a believer, this creates in them a "born again" spirit, and it completely cleanses them from sin...(washed in the blood of the Lamb).
Paul says..."Jesus who loved me and GAVE HIMSELF for me".... is the same situation for all believers.
In that very instant of "conversion" we are converted from "sinner" to Saith.
WE are converted from Lost to Saved.
WE are converted from unsaved human to spiritually born again Son of God.
WE are converted ("translated from") darkness to the Kingdom of light.
WE are converted from sinner to Sinless.
All this and more is what happens to all believers the very instant you hear the Gospel, trust Christ, and are born again.
Here is the beauty of being cleansed in the Blood of Christ and forgiven all your sins.
This means, that because Jesus has been judged and killed for your sins on a Cross, the bible says "he became sin who knew no sin".....then, you will never be held accountable for what Jesus has died for, and paid......which is your Lifetime sin debt.
Jesus already paid = you dont pay after you are dead.
So, in a twinkling of an eye, a person by faith trusts Christ after they hear the Gospel, and God sees their heart faith and instantly releases the blood atonement unto them and suddenly all there sins are gone, pardoned, and forgotten.....forever.
They are become SINLESS, exactly as Christ, as its Christ's sinlessness that IS "the Gift of Righteousness" that God has given them.
We give God our faith, and God gives us Christ's righteousness.
We trust Christ, and God saves us.
We are now SINLESS SINLESS SINLESS, as this is what Salvation once applied to us, does. And this is what Jesus was purchasing on the cross for us with His blood and death.
When He says..."it is finished-accomplished".. His is testifying to the eternal fact of what He has just created by His sacrifice... He has created the means and the way for us to become a Sinless Son of God, just like Him.
Now, there are 2 wonders about Jesus's accomplishment on the Cross.
From the moment of conversion, 2 things happen and continue happening for you, that last for as long as God lives.
The 1st is that the blood of Christ completely cleanses all your sins away and then continues to cover and cleans you of your continues to keep you just sinless as it created you "in Christ" anew when it was first applied to you when you first believed... (redemption)(born again).
This mean when you were saved and until God stop living, the blood of Christ each and every second continues to keep you cleansed from sin., as that is the power of the blood and the power in the blood. = Hallelujah !!
You, if you are saved, ... you sins were laid on Jesus who died for them all, and His Sinless perfection (righteousness) became yours eternally, and THIS covering and cleansing of all your sins IS your current and eternal state of existence.= Hallelujah !
Here is #2.
When you do something that would be a transgression of the commandments and the law after you are saved....God does not hold you accountable because you "have been redeemed from the curse of the law". Galatians 3:13,... you are "under Grace" Romans 6:14.
This is the other reason that you remain sinless as the day you were saved right through eternity.
Look at this verse:.. Romans 4:8 :
"Blessed is the person whose sin God will never count against them"
So, WHO is that person, who sins, but God does not hold them accountable?
That is ALL BORN AGAIN BELIEVERS. = Hallelujah !
And Who DOES God hold accountable for a believer's lifetime of sins?........?
JESUS.... NOT YOU = Hallelujah !!
So these two aspects of "born again"= keep you saved, sinless, and eternally secure.
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