CatholicXian said:No, it's because you are apparently having problems disguishing between "office" and "person". They are not synonyms--they don't mean the same thing.Heidi said:CatholicXian said:Catholics do not think that "all popes are Peter".Heidi said:CatholicXian said:I'm not Thessalonian, but the point he was getting at (I'm pretty sure) is that future popes receive the OFFICE that Peter held (as described in Sacred Scripture).
i.e., Pres. Bush holds the same OFFICE that George Washington held. They were both president, but being president doesn't make them the same person.
And where is that in the bible? :o Jesus only told Peter that upon Peter he would build his church, not anyone else.So again, why do the catholics think all popes are Peter? :o
You've already said that, catholic, but have given no justification for apostolic succession. And that's because there isn't any and you know it.![]()
So if many different presidents take the office of the presidency, how does that make the presidents all like George Washington? :o What does George washington have to do with President Bush in the same manner as what did the popes in the Middle Ages have to do with Peter? :o
So it is you are confused, my friend. ;-)