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some thing is going down.About to happen?


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Ive seen a few things today, which left me with the impression something ,could be big is about to happen, dont ask me what or where.
but some thing is about to go down.

Like Eygpt in the old testement, when Eygpts power and might was brought down, could be Europe is about to crash and burn.?


If you mean economically, perhaps, but as an existing people, definitely not. For end times to take place, they have to exist, but I will admit that some sort of "crisis" will open people up more to the beast that is coming.
Diffrent things mean difrent things to diffrent people, personaly i believe in a higher intellegence at work in this world, you may see , hear some thing that fits right in to a personel situation, like wise a larger event, picture, that for one reason or another, catches your attension.

today and even the last few days, from car alarms , to emergency vechicles at full speed heading to an emergency, urgent situation, to collisions, when forces collide with devestating consequences.

so its been blue lights, sirens, alarms almost at every turn of my way, that caught my attension, like a warning, like wise if you have ever faced an urgent situation, a race agaisnt time, it kind of stays with you .

where i live a couple of nights ago, in the early hours 2.20 am some thing set a lot of the dogs of barking in the village. kinda strange unexplained.

maybe they had heard from dogs in Greece their pedegree chum has been cut, smile johnny
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Like the sun? :biggrin

hmmm, is that sarcasm? you best watch your step, for 'i' think that I saw reba on this thread someplace!;)

Any how Johnny, there are a couple places in God's Word that not only suggests this, but right out flate states that the 'sun' will go down, huh, Vic?

And in theses verses below we see that God stated that there was NOTHING more that He could do except.. use His second Loving principle! (see Jude 1:22-23) Most seem to come across as 'fearless' so far of God, huh!?

The Love that his people considered Love just did not work! Us'ins with Heavens Welfare. Increased knowledge! cars, homes, TV + computors, SOS, pensions, unemployment comp., telephones, bibles, churchs, schools, What else?? All of this last day knowledge given us to watch ball games, huh? Dan. 12:4 And SURE, we are ON FIRE & LOVE OUR MASTER, HUH?? Rev. 3:16

So what else [WILL HE DO] in LOVE?? (and who of us ever call this LOVE?:study)

[1] Now will I sing to my wellbeloved a song of my beloved touching his vineyard. My wellbeloved hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill:
[2] And he fenced it, and gathered out the stones thereof, and planted it with the choicest vine, and built a tower in the midst of it, and also made a winepress therein: and he looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes.

[3] And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem, and men of Judah, judge, I pray you, betwixt me and my vineyard.

[4] What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it? wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes?

[5] And now go to; [I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard:] I will take away the hedge thereof, and it shall be eaten up; and break down the wall thereof, and it shall be trodden down:

[6] And I will lay it waste: it shall not be pruned, nor digged; but there shall come up briers and thorns: I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain upon it. (spiritual RAIN!)

[7] For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant: and he looked for judgment, but behold oppression; for righteousness, but behold a cry.

(and John, it matters not what church, nation or whatever, when God removes His previous Hedge of Protection LOOK OUT for the sun will set! In fact 'spiritually' speaking, how much worse could the prophecy of Rev. 17:1-5 be??)

Matt. 24
[21] For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

[22] And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

(So we see the above time come where the Lord removes His past hedge of protection for the FINAL Mature Test of those who claim Love to Him on planet earth! and so that the Matt. 23:15 'converts' will have an opportunity to 'study for thereselves & really find Christ!)

[23] Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
[24] For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

To Op
Maybe The Tax man is coming to vist? eeek!!! That is a big thing
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"some thing is going down.About to happen?"

Mat 25:13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

I believe Christ will indeed return. I also believe it's the not knowing that leaves an anxious feeling in my bones.

I can relate to your question since I have that same feeling all the time. Maybe for a different reason, I don't know.
I don't have anything to be anxious about when considering the "reality" of my living. I'm not watching for the cops to knock on my door like I used to, my bills are paid, my job is as secure as I can expect it to be, all my obligations are up to date, the cats are spoiled and the hummingbirds are getting along. :shrug
But there's still that nagging feeling in my gut. I suppose if I consulted a doctor he'd put me on something but then I'd be trapped into letting someone else control my feelings and thoughts. Not going to happen. :grumpy
Heck, It might even be impatience to see it happen... wanting it to happen with no way to hurry it along. :biggrin
Like Eygpt in the old testement, when Eygpts power and might was brought down, could be Europe is about to crash and burn.?

"No-one knows the day nor the hour". Keep watching for when He returns, but I don't believe we're supposed to look for "signs". We're in the end times already, and Jesus will return when it's time. That's all we need to know.

I'm pretty sure that Europe has already crashed and burned pretty bad economically. In terms of the people, I'm not too sure. Definitely not overnight. It would take generations, although the population of Europe is shrinking.
I'm pretty sure that Europe has already crashed and burned pretty bad economically. In terms of the people, I'm not too sure. Definitely not overnight. It would take generations, although the population of Europe is shrinking.

Too much going toward entitlement programs, over-burdened retirement funds etc.
What happens there is the state runs out of someone else's money. The dems believe it's time to squeeze the taxpayer unit for more to pay for domestic entitlement programs and over-burdened retirement funds etc. Revenue isn't the problem, spending is.
If the US doesn't learn by seeing what's going on in Europe, Greece in particular, then we'll go under right along with them.
Spending our way to prosperity didn't work, never could. It's like pushing a dead car around the block... gives the feeling of "moving forward" but once the pushing stops so does the car. All the spending did was delay the inevitable. Thing is, now we're in debt even more due to that failed spending ploy and are now facing the inevitable... reducing spending... austerity is the word perhaps.

But even that is bearable. My personal economy has collapsed twice in my life and I'm still here none the worse for wear. It's a bit tough, oh yes, but I don't fear it, I'm not anxious about it since I've been there and got through it all. Besides, gaining Christ along the way is about all the prosperity I could hope for. And nobody, not even Obama or Pelosi, has any influence on that what-so-ever. ;)
lol nick you need a haircut
It's the latest fashion in Sydney. :biggrin

Too much going toward entitlement programs, over-burdened retirement funds etc.
What happens there is the state runs out of someone else's money. The dems believe it's time to squeeze the taxpayer unit for more to pay for domestic entitlement programs and over-burdened retirement funds etc. Revenue isn't the problem, spending is.
If the US doesn't learn by seeing what's going on in Europe, Greece in particular, then we'll go under right along with them.
Spending our way to prosperity didn't work, never could. It's like pushing a dead car around the block... gives the feeling of "moving forward" but once the pushing stops so does the car. All the spending did was delay the inevitable. Thing is, now we're in debt even more due to that failed spending ploy and are now facing the inevitable... reducing spending... austerity is the word perhaps.

But even that is bearable. My personal economy has collapsed twice in my life and I'm still here none the worse for wear. It's a bit tough, oh yes, but I don't fear it, I'm not anxious about it since I've been there and got through it all. Besides, gaining Christ along the way is about all the prosperity I could hope for. And nobody, not even Obama or Pelosi, has any influence on that what-so-ever. ;)
You know I don't agree with a small government, but those PIGS governments in particular have gone way too far.
Not sure if it is near. I don't consider things bad until people start boarding up their houses and Christians getting thrown into concentration camps in America.
Not sure if it is near. I don't consider things bad until people start boarding up their houses and Christians getting thrown into concentration camps in America.

Hi, but do you think that that would have any real effect on Baptists? If so, in what way do you think it would go? Many are called conservative today & use Rom. 13 to get their agenda into law, what is your take on that approach?
Does one need Caesar or Christ as their church power?

But, 'i' do agree with the thread starter that the Lord is taking away the hedge of protection from planet earth. Isa, 5:3-5 find the last resort in LOVE that God uses.
On a similar note, does everyone else here notice that this nation was under a dark cloud since 911? Even a decade before that I noticed the thinking starting to change in this country, but especially since 911.

One realization that hit me just recently is that these radical changes can not all be attributed to apocalyptic times, but perhaps the generation that took over that is now in power: the baby-boomers, left over hippies that are either running the government, or are presently on entitlements. I have to give it to this generation; they are definitely movers and changers, but unfortunately not for the better IMO but are worse and more authoritarian than the establishment they protested against when they were younger. This is why, for example you have gestapo type TSA agents fondling everyone's wife and girlfriend and woe betide if you say anything. They'll just detain you without warrant and other severely demented anti-constitutional ideas. Such people that work for the TSA and uphold these Luciferian doctrines are one the road to the lake of fire anyway and are not saved, but I digress.

And generation x I think will follow along in their footsteps; just my feeling.


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