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some thing is going down.About to happen?


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The New York Times has a must-read report on a situation at a reactor hundreds of miles from Fukushima which hasn't turned into a catastrophe yet, but could become a large-scale disaster:Three hundred miles southwest of Fukushima, at a nuclear reactor perched on the slopes of this rustic peninsula, engineers are engaged in another precarious struggle.

The Monju prototype fast-breeder reactor — a long-troubled national project — has been in a precarious state of shutdown since a 3.3-ton device crashed into the reactor’s inner vessel, cutting off access to the plutonium and uranium fuel rods at its core.

Engineers have tried repeatedly since the accident last August to recover the device, which appears to have gotten stuck. They will make another attempt as early as next week.
But critics warn that the recovery process is fraught with dangers because the plant uses large quantities of liquid sodium, a highly flammable substance, to cool the nuclear fuel.

On a similar note, does everyone else here notice that this nation was under a dark cloud since 911? Even a decade before that I noticed the thinking starting to change in this country, but especially since 911.

One realization that hit me just recently is that these radical changes can not all be attributed to apocalyptic times, but perhaps the generation that took over that is now in power: the baby-boomers, left over hippies that are either running the government, or are presently on entitlements. I have to give it to this generation; they are definitely movers and changers, but unfortunately not for the better IMO but are worse and more authoritarian than the establishment they protested against when they were younger. This is why, for example you have gestapo type TSA agents fondling everyone's wife and girlfriend and woe betide if you say anything. They'll just detain you without warrant and other severely demented anti-constitutional ideas. Such people that work for the TSA and uphold these Luciferian doctrines are one the road to the lake of fire anyway and are not saved, but I digress.
Agreed on all counts, Tim. Have you noticed that "freedom" takes a back seat to... well, everything?

And generation x I think will follow along in their footsteps; just my feeling.
I'm afraid I agree.
insulting i am a gen xer.

i have no love for the beatnicks or the hippies in their philosophies. naive lot.
Just a thought. The word for religeon today takes in all professions. And the thought of 'Some thing is going to happen?' is told of God what He is going to do.:study

Earth has been Blessed with Increased Knowledge as documented in Dan. 12:4 + Hosea 4:6. But all of this BLESSING has done very little good. And God has stated that HE WOULD REMOVE THE HEDGE OF HIS PROTECTION FROM EARTH. (fact) Isa. 5:1-5.

This is the CLOSING EVENT of ones opportunity for Salvation. God NEVER FORCES one to accept Him, but He will, did, and will do this again to FORCE ALL THIS LAST TIME, to make a CLOSING OUT 'FREE' CHOICE, to choose Him, or satan. (got that?)

OK: The earth ones will need to come up quickly with a sceme ('c'hristian one) to stop what they call their 'g'ods judgements! that are going from worse to far worse!:thumbsup OK!

Great, but what will it be? Hey, 'look!' Rom. 13's Caesar!!! But FORCED WORSHIP? And what do WE MOSTLY ALL AGREE ON EXCEPT romes sun. stuff? And we will need the USA Supreme court to rule in our 'constitution favor'! (and she is all set up just waiting for these Rev. 17:1-5 ex/protestants ones to do their thing)

OK: Because we are IN Matt. 24:21-22 time of satan's hell, this will all become a today's reality for the forced 666 last testing, are we the Lords own, or are we satan's? and to appease a angry 'g'od as these carnal lost ones [BELIEVE], we see the motive to get out of this last calamity!

So, what will your last final choice be before the Matt. 25:10 door is forever closed? Acts 5:27-29 + Dan. 3:14-8 & verse 8 are all against Rom. 13's misunderstood teaching of man's Kingship being above the Godhead! as well as was the Acts 5 verses!

insulting i am a gen xer.

i have no love for the beatnicks or the hippies in their philosophies. naive lot.

No, I did not mean that generation x are like the hippies, I'm just skeptical that they will resolve anything as that generation overall tends to be in their own world. They don't strike me as a generation that socially initiated much, except some things on the Internet and related to technology (for example I believe the likes of Google is a gen x thing). They sat back to themselves and did, well, whatever they felt like.

I have the most hopes for gen Y. The baby boomers, specifically the later ones, seem to get along marvelously with gen Y with similar values. I kid with my "kid's" friends (all in their 20's) that they have to undo everything we boomers screwed up! :lol But this 52-year-old gets along better with 20-somethings than with 30 or 40-somethings. I apologize to gen x that we boomers will probably drain the SS security. :lol
No, I did not mean that generation x are like the hippies, I'm just skeptical that they will resolve anything as that generation overall tends to be in their own world. They don't strike me as a generation that socially initiated much, except some things on the Internet and related to technology (for example I believe the likes of Google is a gen x thing). They sat back to themselves and did, well, whatever they felt like.

I have the most hopes for gen Y. The baby boomers, specifically the later ones, seem to get along marvelously with gen Y with similar values. I kid with my "kid's" friends (all in their 20's) that they have to undo everything we boomers screwed up! :lol But this 52-year-old gets along better with 20-somethings than with 30 or 40-somethings. I apologize to gen x that we boomers will probably drain the SS security. :lol

well i get along with more of your genaration then gen y. which btw was from 1980 to 2000. i grow up on your genarations influences as a kid and with the whacky 80's stuff. as you can see with my avatar.

i dont fit in with alot of groups from the get go.
well i get along with more of your genaration then gen y. which btw was from 1980 to 2000. i grow up on your genarations influences as a kid and with the whacky 80's stuff. as you can see with my avatar.

i dont fit in with alot of groups from the get go.

And therein is the reason I said what I said. The boomers are really a messed up generation, and x-s were following, not the same, but influenced with the boomers in the lead. Y seems to be a breath of fresh air. My kids were born '87 and '90. I think maybe their reason was that some of the previous generations were starting to see their folly and decided to invest more time in family. Generation Y is humorously referred to as the trophy generation as everyone got one in team sports. This made some question their endurance and strength if everything is "given" to them, but from what I see around me they appear to be rather hardy and in touch with everyday life along with goals in mind. They are a more social generation than the previous two IMO. I think they will all work together.

I think you can compare the generations to three kids in the family. The older one taking the lead, the middle not bad, but following along, and the younger being more off the cuff and spontaneous, but oftentimes successful as well. They are often the ones with the charisma and charm but ironically may mirror the older one in leadership and even improve on it.
And therein is the reason I said what I said. The boomers are really a messed up generation, and x-s were following, not the same, but influenced with the boomers in the lead. Y seems to be a breath of fresh air. My kids were born '87 and '90. I think maybe their reason was that some of the previous generations were starting to see their folly and decided to invest more time in family. Generation Y is humorously referred to as the trophy generation as everyone got one in team sports. This made some question their endurance and strength if everything is "given" to them, but from what I see around me they appear to be rather hardy and in touch with everyday life along with goals in mind. They are a more social generation than the previous two IMO. I think they will all work together.

I think you can compare the generations to three kids in the family. The older one taking the lead, the middle not bad, but following along, and the younger being more off the cuff and spontaneous, but oftentimes successful as well. They are often the ones with the charisma and charm but ironically may mirror the older one in leadership and even improve on it.
So what do you call the 19 year olds? My son and his friends are right wing Christian conservatives. What do they call his group? Hope for the future maybe?
Johhny, it is not healthy for you to see every news item as the end of the world. The body's response to stress causes a flood of chemicals that surpresses your immune system and creates increased risk of cancer and other disease. THAT would be the end of your world.

Seriously, friend. You gotta live for happiness, not tragedy.

Oslo? How about Vesuvius? How about the black plague? How about the inquisition? The Mongol invasion? How about the SF earthquake in 1912? How about the Civil War with 100-thousands dead? How about the war of the roses and the 1930s dust bowl? How about the school in Chechnya? How about Rwanda, the congo war, the Holocaust? How about Nagasaki and Hiroshima, or the invasion of Korea by the Japanese. How about the German barbarians invading Rome?

There's just nothing particularly alarming about today's world except the fear-mongers shouting every bus accident on the news in far-away towns. There are no particular signs of impending doom or catastrophe, you just hear about MUCH more worldwide news than any generation before you.

But that doesn't equal more danger, it equals more news. Your job is to have a realistic filter to comprehend what that means. And 100 people dead in Oslo is NOTHING on a single Viking raid of the English coast 1200 years ago. It's nothing on the destruction by Jews on other tribes in the book of Judges, if you believe the book actually happened. Killing men and babies and raping women by hundreds. It's nothing on Genghis Khan's pillaging of the same sort, if you believe Khan existed.

You're slowly killing yourself and harming your loved ones by trying to find evil in every moment of your life.

Why do you seek evil? Why do you wait by your TV hoping to see evil?

What's wrong with embracing love and keeping your health intact? Turn off the news, Johnny. It's going to kill you. God is Love. Seek love, not evil. Seek God, not Satan. Look for God's impact on the world, not Satan's. Is there anything in scripture that punishes you for ignoring Satan and looking only for god? Nope. And there is much in secular medicine that confirms this approach. You can't go wrong with it.
third reply to thread

Diffrent things mean difrent things to diffrent people, personaly i believe in a higher intellegence at work in this world, you may see , hear some thing that fits right in to a personel situation, like wise a larger event, picture, that for one reason or another, catches your attension.

today and even the last few days, from car alarms , to emergency vechicles at full speed heading to an emergency, urgent situation, to collisions, when forces collide with devestating consequences.

so its been blue lights, sirens, alarms almost at every turn of my way, that caught my attension, like a warning, like wise if you have ever faced an urgent situation, a race agaisnt time, it kind of stays with you .

Let me ask the question what implications do you think this attack in Oslo has on people, living in any major city,

no shortage of threats from gaddaffi, terorist groups, at present. do you think it brings home the reality.

do you think if terrorist had dirty bombs they would use them.

experts claim not a question of IF but when?
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Let me ask the question what implications do you think this attack in Oslo has on people, living in any major city,

I don't have an opinion yet, I have heard no news except that there was a blast. That's the only information that I have heard. Haven't been near a radio or computer since last Thursday.

But I don't assume it's a cog in a calculated worldwide holocaust. No reason to suppose that.

no shortage of threats from gaddaffi, terorist groups, at present. do you think it brings home the reality.

Compared to, say, the cold war? No. Compared to, say, WWII? Not really. Brings home the reality of what?

do you think if terrorist had dirty bombs they would use them.

Yes. Probably not in the US, though. Possibly they would be able to, but there are softer targets. They probably won't do as much damage as Genghis Khan did, though. Certainly less than Pol Pot. I'm sure it's likely to be less than the Inquisition caused. And certainly less damage than the Christian Eurpean settlers did to the people who inhabited the Americas before being slaughtered en masse.

So is the terrorism bad? Oh, yes. Is it apocalyptic? Not even close.
Should I start digging a bomb shelter in the back yard and burying heavy equipment? Uh, no.

How big is Big. sorry carnt remember posting the world was going to end, i think it was, is some thing going down , about to happen?

you seem like youre going of the deep end, also in your other post, swim back to the middle of the pool,

eleborate people are very good at putting other people in boxes. johnny
How big is Big. sorry carnt remember posting the world was going to end, i think it was, is some thing going down , about to happen?

I must have misunderstood when you posted THIS on the first page:
Like Eygpt in the old testement, when Eygpts power and might was brought down, could be Europe is about to crash and burn.?

it seemed like you were talking "crash and burn" kind of apocalyptic for our society. In the context of your other posts, it seems as though major and huge disasters are often on your mind, so I thought...

I see that you are now saying something else. Apologies for misinterpreting your post.
Ive seen a few things today, which left me with the impression something ,could be big is about to happen, dont ask me what or where.
but some thing is about to go down.


Did anything major go down on the day you thought?:chin

Are you believing you have the gift of prophecy? Any of your prophecies come true?:chin
As stated for the reasons ive stated above, also the third reply to the thread on page one.

didnt know when, where, what hence some thing is going down , about to happen.

i mentioned europe as one of the last things i saw, was a man standing next to a volvo, which are made in sweeden, looking out to sea, towards europe from the uk, norfolk where i live,
he was standing at a scene where they had been a bad accident, i had passed earlier in the day.

As for europe crashing and burning, roits, financial collapse ? or unstopable judgements on the west ? some may say this is the case, looking at any number of events recently and present.

what did i see today, heard of an volcano , canary islands that last time it erupted sent a tsunarmi to the east cost of the US going active, could also be likened to a financial tsunarmi from the euro zone hitting the states.

then i heard of a helecopter CRASH in Cornwall, Cornwall recently had a small tsunarmi, but enough to make people hair stand up, strange happening that happened at st micheals mount.

financial crash, stock market crash.

The present financial crisis in the US could send a financial Tsunarmi back to europe.

The Lord did take me once to see Genocide, and tolled me the storm was coming and the sword was out.

As also stated if you have ever been involved in a possable life or death situation , a race agaisnt time , it stays with you, awake alert, watching.

we are watch men, share the good news by all means warn also less their blood is on our hands. johnny
usual tribble, johnny
That was uncalled for Johnny. I give Rhea credit. That was a good post. It's not healthy for you and it's not healthy for some of the readers either. If God was speaking to you, He'd be telling you to teach about His word and His plan of salvation trough His Son Jesus. Being under the Lord's umbrella and keeping our eyes on Him is the ONLY way to get through ANY calamity this world can unleash on His children. :thumbsup

Let me ask the question what implications do you think this attack in Oslo has on people, living in any major city,
Really now? I live and work just miles from downtown NYC. I know full well about implications. Yet through the dust and ashes we still find God, His word and His praises and people spreading the Good News despite these implications and their losses on 9-11.

You can spread the doom and gloom of the ruler of this world, but as for me, I will continue to serve the Lord and share His Good News about the great plans He has for those who put their faith and trust in Him. :clap


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