francisdesales said:
St Francis said:
One thing to remember about images:
What was the reason God gave for not making images of him? It was because He had not appeared to man. In Deteronomy 4:15-16 God says:
"You saw no form of any kind the day the LORD spoke to you at Horeb out of the fire. Therefore watch yourselves very carefully, so that you do not become corrupt and make for yourselves an idol, an image of any shape, whether formed like a man or a woman"
Well, that is no longer true, because God took on flesh became man. We could now see God, touch God, share bread with God. And we can make an image of that which was put before our eyes without it being an idol.
Excellent point. St. John Damascene makes the same connection to defend the use of icons and such.
Rediculous point. For, even IF Jesus WERE God in the flesh, He did NOT appear as ANYTHING other than the Son of God. Not ONCE did Christ state that He was God in the image of a man. You sure take a few 'words', interpret them, and then 'stretch them beyond recognition'. ('Talk about 'personal' interpretation'............)
You would make a 'mockery' of the Word. For the Word states without ANY confusion that NO MAN has EVER seen God in HIs Glory. The TRUE God. Only Moses, of ALL men, has seen ANY PART of God.
Hey, to each his own when it comes to belief. But we are here on a CHRISTIAN web forum, NOT a CATHOLIC forum. It seems as though certain beiefs should be a 'given'. One would expect this to be without conflict. The Word IS The Word. So REGARDLESS of 'belief', when discussing such issues, the LEAST we should do is abide by the FACT that the Word IS The Word.
So, you guys are certainly able to 'rub each others backs' when making statemensts and points such as the 'one above', but please, in order to KEEP this from becoming a debate between Catholics and NON-Catholics, those things that do NOT have ANY Biblical backing and based ENTIRELY upon YOUR 'beliefs' should be kept in discussion among yourselves.
We have been TOLD by God through His many prophets and such that He is NOT physical. That He IS Spirit. If this is to be accepted AS truth, then NO ONE is able to accurate portray Him as ANYTHING likening to MAN. Us being created in 'His image' may have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with PHYSICAL APPEARANCE. This is pretty cut and dry when we consider the words that I OPENED this paragraph with.
And it's REALLY NO DIFFERENT with Christ. To paint a picture or carve a statue that is 'suppose' to 'represent' an individual, of what ACTUAL significance could it POSSIBLY serve if the person carving or painting has NO IDEA what Christ ACTUALLY looked like. You could certainly SAY that Christ COULD inspire someone and include His own image in their minds. But the TRUTH is, that you have NO PROOF to even indicate that such has EVER HAPPENED. It would be mere speculation to say that something of this sort were even feasable.
If Christ had WANTED others to worship His 'image', I am quite sure that He wouldn't have WAITED hundreds or even thousands of years to reveal that image. We find NO images of Christ until HUNDREDS of years AFTER His DEATH. And the one's that were first introduced were CERTAINLY not introduced by His 'Jewish followers', (apostles etc...).