Hey Gabriel,
I guess I need to be more specific. I'm not attacking the cross, I have nothing against crosses in actuality, even if I am coming off that way (on purpose), but in a debating manner, I'm isolating the minset of this thing (wearing symbols). Any cross-wearing person, (or any other symbol for that matter) is automatically going to defend themself in this situation. Why? I'm not attacking THEM am I? So why would they feel a strong urge to defend themself? It's because they've never thought "oustide of the box" on that issue, and because of that, it seems foolish to them, and people tend to "insult what they don't understand" as the Bible says. So, what I'm doing is trying to get this symbol defending person to engage their mind, question why it REALLY is they do what they do, and get them to actually consider that maybe what they are doing is totally the opposite of what they've convinced themself of.
It's the mindset. It's not good for people to live in a fairy tale land. It's self-destructive. If you can convince yourself that wearing a symbol will do something it won't, then what else might you convince yourself of? For instance, holidays again. Sure, most people would argue that holidays are fine, and if you just do it so you can see your family, because that's what they do, or something like that, then you're right. But most people celebrate a holiday, because that's what they were taught to do, so they join the crowd of sheeple and follow the shepherd. They never even consider for a moment why they do what they do, and a shepherd can lead you into a destructive trap with ease, once he gets you to trust him and disengage your critical thinking processes.
This is a form of mind control, and this is how public relations works. Manipulation of the minds processes and memory. Once you have gotten someone to accept something as normal, they won't question it anymore. For instance, terrorism (as most understand it) though it hardly exists and nearly 100% of terrorism is carried out by governments and people in high positions of power, because they have repeated and repeated and repeated to you that there are these "shadowy enemies" lurking in caves and now in your own country, you believe it, even without seeing it, you have faith in it. If you were to think critically of it, you would see the farce and catch the lies. Yet, what most people do is hear it enough times that they believe it is true and it establishes itself as truth in the mind, whether it is true or not.
Holidays are the same way, if you see it repeated and repeated and repeated, over and over enough times, it begins to become commonplace. Even if noone ever did celebrate the given holiday, and you just heard about it all the time, you would automatically assume that it exists. Then, as others begin to celebrate this holiday for various reasons, and you remember that you know about this holiday, automatically you will follow suit, especially when people ask why you aren't celebrating with them! You are instantly manipulated into something that has no point whatsoever, and you don't question it or care anymore. It's normal. Then, you'll run into someone else who doesn't celebrate the holiday, and you'll question why THEY don't also! And the cycle continues, until you meet someone like me.
This is the point where I question you, why do you celebrate that holiday anyways? And at this point, you would respond, "Well, because I like the meaning of it", (not true, or you would have done it when nobody else did) when in reality, you are doing it because it has become commonplace and that's what everyone else you know does and you don't see anything wrong with it. But what is wrong with that? It's illogical and pointless. And that's not even the problem.
The problem is that you have effectively shut down your critical thinking, thus opening yourself up for further manipulation. Over a period of time, the holiday can change course, and you'll never even know it, it'll just continue to be commonplace. This is where it will get a little more difficult for the shepherd of the operation, as he has to ensure that he doesn't speed up the change too quickly and alert the sheeple. Things need to change incrementally so that you don't notice and engage your critical thinking yet once again. As long as a steady pace in change is maintained, you will probably never question why there is change at all. And that change can effect your entire worldview.
You will begin to accept Santa Clause (who is a replacement for Christ) as being okay, because you're so used to it. And you've rationalized (so you think) or convinced yourself that it is fine because, just as the holiday itself is harmless, so is Santa Clause. No doubt the shepherd will give reasons why Santa Clause represents something good or has a good purpose, when in fact, he has an ulterior motive. You none-the-wiser follow along, helping your shepherd to advance his agenda, and never realizing that the problem for you specifically isn't the holiday or the Santa Clause, but it's the kool-aid drink
at the end of his plan that is the problem.
Or not even going that far, it's the issue that once your trust has been gained and you've gotten so used to using faulty logic that you begin to double-think, you open yourself up to deception in other areas of your life.
Notice, when Christ gave the warning to his disciples to "beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Saducees" (which we know to be their teaching), he also mentioned "beware of the leaven of Herod" in another account. Notice how he makes a broad statement, he is saying, watch out for leaven in all of it's forms, because it is trickery. And if you open yourself up to one, and are slowly overtaken, you will fall to the other. This is why it is dangerous to believe the lies of the ruling elite and their public relations (propoganda/mind control). Once you have closed your mind off to critical thinking, questioning, logic, and even CARING and have learned to trust someones word, they will even teach you not to trust OTHERS.
Then Mr. Christian comes along, sharing some truth, after you've fallen for the lies of Herod, and you are closed because your logic is so flawed now and your critical thinking is washed away to the point of double-think (opposing thoughts within your own train of thought), that you aren't even able to understand it now, you are fallow ground my friend. The seed gets cast onto hard ground and birds go and eat it right up and it gets trampled underfoot. The Word is a waste for that man. That's why Jesus warned us of this.
So, let me recap. This isn't about crosses, this isn't about symbols, this is about the PURPOSE and the MINDSET of following what others do and not considering that your neglect today, could cost you your life tomorrow. No matter WHAT the situation is.
This is not about crosses. This is about YOUR MIND.
So, this goes for anyone. Those that wear a symbol of anything, they are trying to identify with something. But if the symbol doesn't ACTUALLY identify you with it, then what is the point really? It's a fairy tale land in the mind. You're actually being sucked in by this totally unnecessary thing, making excuses for doing this unnecessary thing, though you ACT as if it is necessary!
Can you see where the problem lies?
Not with the symbol, but with you.
Did that make more sense.
See, small things in the physical world, are big things in the spiritual world.
Hatred is as murder.
Lust is as fornication.
Lies are just as bad as anything else.
Theft is just as bad.
Lack of faith is sin.
Fearfulness is evil. (rev.21:8)
If you start to train your mind to dismiss the things you consider small or non-issues, your mind will disengage and lead you to destruction.
Laugh if you will.
Read Revelation 21:8
See if you think it's a joke
"But for the
fearful, and
unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and drug-users, and idolaters, and all
liars, their part shall be in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone; which is the second death."
Small things will kill you too, if you're not careful.