CC, turnorburn,
Sorry for not addressing the questions sooner, (busy you know). But here goes:
Bear with me for there IS an answer and it IS pertinent to the topic. A little foreknowledge first though.
Did Adam and Eve worship God? I'll leave the answer to that one up to YOU.
But we DO KNOW this:
[1] And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
[2] That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
[3] And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
[4] There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
[5] And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
[6] And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
[7] And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
Do you reacon that those refered to as 'wicked continually' were WORSHIPING God? Or is it a fair assuption to believe that they had veered AWAY from God and were worshiping 'false gods'?
We can 'jump ahead' and find that there existed CIVILIZATION in Egypt that was technologically LIGHT YEARS in advancement compared to that of the Hebrews. Do you reacon that the Egyptians were worshiping the TRUE God?
Now, back to the original question. We don't have ANY evidence from the Bible that Adam and Eve worshiped God. We have NO information that ANY of Cain's decendants worshiped God. We know if ANYTHING, from the ousting of Adam and Eve from the garden, that the HEART of man fell FURTHER and FURTHER from God till it was considered BY Him to BE 'evil continually'. ALL except ONE MAN.
So, God's RELATIONSHIP with Adam and Eve MAY VERY WELL HAVE preceeded the worshiping of 'false gods', but do we KNOW that there was WORSHIP offered by EVEN THEM? If you say YES, then what you offer is SPECULATION in the place of knowledge. For the indication of what we have been offered is that man almost IMMEDIATELY began to worship OTHER GODS instead of the ONE TRUE God.
Now, this is JUST knowledge that we are able to obtain from The Word. What about what we are able to discern from the study of history that we ARE able to consider KNOWLEDGE?
Do the Hebrews PREDATE the Egyptians? How about the Babylonians. Do the Hebrews PREDATE the Babylonians? Hmmmmm........ If ANYTHING, the story of the 'tower of babel' offers evidence that the BABYLONIANS predated PRACTICALLY everyone else so far as WORSHIP. Their 'building a tower to heaven' MUST have been a 'form' of worship from what we have been offered. And obviously the 'form' of worship that they offered was NOT proper or they would NOT have been thwarted in their efforts.
One more little piece of information that is NEEDED in order to discern the answer to the question posed. What do we KNOW of ancient man and his rituals that we have been able to discern that goes BEYOND what has been offered trough The Word?
We are STILL able to plainly SEE evidence of the worship of 'ancient man' in peoples that STILL exsit today. South American natives, African natives, North American Indians as well. Some of these are STILL practicing ritual that PRE-DATES the Hebrews.
So, do we KNOW that man WAS worshiping God BEFORE what we have been offered as evidence according to The Word? I have found LITTLE evidence of such contained within The Word. One may PRESUME differently, but that is NOT evidence OR proof of ANY sort.
Now, what does this have to do with the question posed? Here is the significance:
The cross as used in 'religious symbolism' PRE-DATES Christianity by THOUSANDS of years. We have MUCH evidence of the use of crosses in MANY different cultures and religions WELL BEFORE this 'symbol' was adopted by or introduced INTO 'Christianity'. I constantly hear the PRESUMPTIONS offered by those that inist upon 'their OWN understanding' that UTTERLY ignores ANY evidence EXCEPT their OWN FEELINGS. And often their 'feelings' COMPLETELY in contradiction to that which IS able to be discerned through the Word or what we have learned OUTSIDE of The Word, (for one MUST admit, that as far as HISTORY is concerned, The Word has offered a VERY limited account of MUCH of the history of 'ancient man').
An UPSIDE down cross may well have been adopted by those that USED it in reference to the crucifiction of Peter. But the 'truth' is that symbolism such as this was used LONG before Peter was EVER BORN.
Do you believe that 'symbols' are able to contain POWER? How about WORDS? If your answer is NO, then I guess that would go a pretty good distance in explanation of the LACK of understanding that surrounds the USE of 'symbols'. BUT, if you simply read what is offered in The Word, you WILL find that WORDS have MUCH power, (often refered to in the Word as 'lips' 'mouth', 'utterance', etc.....). If WORDS have POWER, then SO TOO do 'symbols'. If NOT, then WHY do you suppose that there is SO MUCH OF IT. Used in advertising, representing groups, and, what we discuss here RELIGION?
I can ASSURE you that the ancient Egyptians were WELL versed in the UNDERSTANDING Of significant symbols that they used in their religious practices. The advertising industry today preys upon us through the USE of 'symbols'. Musicians of ALL sorts are ENAMORED with the 'symbols' that they CHOOSE to 'represent' themselves, or offer in 'representation' to others.
How many people have you SEEN with symbols tattooed upon their FLESH? How many with their 'symbols' pasted across the backs of their vehicles? Even CLOTHING today is encrusted with symbolism. And you HONESTLY THINK that it has NOT significance other than as a 'pretty picture' or a 'neat shape'? folks sometimes make ME feel like some sort of a 'sage' or 'wizzard' when it comes to UNDERSTANDING. And I AM NOT. Just a 'simple man' ATTEMPTING to live a simple life in a 'simple world'.
Nothing NEW under the SUN. Get it? Yes, technology changes. Our understanding changes. But the principalities and powers that EXIST have NOT changed since their 'creation' except in their METHODS of 'delivery'.
Now, if there was 'symbolism' offered in religious context concerning FALSE gods, LONG BEFORE it was EVER offered INTO Judaism or Christianity; The PURE AND UTTER indication is that SUCH is OF THIS WORLD. Concerning that which is contained WITHIN the PHYSICAL, (although containing spiritual power). Now, WHAT god chooses to be acknowledged THOUGH this 'physical world'? What 'god' is it that would HAVE us live IN and FOR this 'world'?
I leave the answers to these UP TO YOU. Just attempting to offer sound understanding in a 'world' gone CRAZY through it's use of 'symbolism'. The WORD would DEFINITELY find my offers LUDICROUS, 'crazy', rediculous and such it IS so far as the WORLD is 'concerned'. But there is HIGHER understanding than that which is ABLE to be offered FROM this 'world'.