I have a cross on my wall. I don't place it above God. I don't bow down and worship it. But I do see it as a symbol of Jesus Christ risen from the cross, as the cross is empty. That's the place where his love poured out on us.
In fact I don't really pay mind to the cross on the wall that often. It's just there. On my wall. I put my eyes on the real cross and the risen Messiah.
when the Israelites destroyed their idols, to stop Yhvh's plague or to restore the nation to faithful service or under order from a prophet or king or judge,
they destroyed everything that "lookied" like an idol, no matter if they 'worshiped' it or not. an idol is an idol - and image is an image, and so forth.
and when the melted down any statue that looked like a person or an animal, they didn't retrieve the gold or silver - it was all disposed of .... they didn't try to 'profit' from it.
idols today are often unbeknownst to the owner of the idol. yes. when you start reading , if you start, about the freedom from curses people receive only after discarding idols in their lives/ homes/ person, there are account after account of hundreds and thousands of people who suffered in the last 100 years particularly(because of when and who the books are about; receiving freedom in Yeshua HaMashiach),
, people who suffered after a trip to a country or an island where foreign gods still have sway(power),
and the people got a 'souvenir' , any of a number of very popular and common souvenirs,
without ever even haven thought , without ever in their church ever haven been taught about, idolatry.
they get sick, and they stay sick, for several months and sometimes several years,
until, in Yhvh's Grace in Yeshua, they learn of the idolatry in their home, and get rid of it. (the people who are not Yhvh's ecclesia, not Yhvh's children, are not affected by the idols unless someone prays for them; only Yhvh's children are chastised by Yhvh - He does not chastise sons who are not His, any more than a parent chastises children who live next door even, children who aren't theirs)