I call EVERYONE unrighteous as I believe God when He says: Romans 3:10-12,Psalm 14:1-3,Psalm 53:1-3
We see those verses from differing perspectives.
I am happy for you. You've said several times that you and God as a team saved you. Congrats, if it is true that you were in part responsible (the cause) for your salvation then you can brag of your glory to God.
He can't force me to be saved, so there must have had some kind of cooperation from me.
That's a big "IF". The bible says NO ONE SEEKS GOD, so I conclude God reveals Himself to no one because they sought Him. Also, there is no report I am aware of a missionary going to places where the gospel has never been before and finding God has reveal Christ to a person. Missionaries have gone to thousands of such people ... perhaps you can relate a story of God revealing himself to that person personally.
Men will be judged on their consciences, not on their knowledge of the Lord.
It is written..."For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)
In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel." (Rom 2:14-16)
Well, he repented for that occasion. But using your proposed conditions of salvation it is conceivable that Peter told another lie and had, let's say a sudden heart attack and died before repenting for that lie and is in hell. Like, your doctrine of salvation is the LUCK OF THE DRAW to some extent. Hmmmm, what happens if one tells an unintentional lie or tells a lie and forgets about it. He never repents and goes to hell. Really sucks to have a bad memory. LOL
Peter repented of the lie...and received the gift of the Holy Ghost.
A power he didn't have at the time of the lie.
Another sin thereafter would have shown that his repentance was also a lie.
Certainly on the road to destruction.
Fortunately for Peter, his rebirth from the seed of God would have prevented him from bringing forth the fruit of the devil.
Hmmm, God looks down knows Joe has told a lie that He has not repented but knows Joe will repent next week. Does God decide to have Joe die now or wait a week for Joe to repent. How can we leverage this trait of God if we know God always will wait for a person to repent if He see it in that person's future ... ah, one can have eternal life by telling a lie and waiting a week to confess followed by another lie to be repented of the next week, and on and on for eternity (endless loop). (aside: ridiculous, but and interesting doctrine)
Your suppositions are a waste of your time.
Stick to what is written.
Just curious. When you say you never sin do you mean that anytime you did sin it does count as sin because you repented. (Aside: I'm astounded to meet a person who claims he never sins.... so just curious)
This is a derail. (threadwise)
Those reborn of God's seed cannot bring forth the fruit of the devil's seed.
Aside: So many rules of how one must perform in order to be saved. I may need to hire a theological lawyer to ensure I don't miss a disqualifying salvific rule.
Or, just truly, permanently, repent of sin: and get baptized in the name of Jesus Chris for the remission of past sins.
Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, (Acts 2:38), that can keep you from NOT knowing what you are doing.