Why would want to counter scripture?
Isnt that another way of saying you can twist the scripture to say whatever you want it to mean?
I just don’t believe you mean you are wanting to counter the scripture.
I think you mean something else.
Tell me what you believe this scripture means —
And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him, Hebrews 5:9
Here’s what I believe this scripture means...
Jesus is the source of eternal salvation for all who obey Him.
Ain’t no doubting that, for sure.....The Question is what do you mean by “ obey” ......Jesus said in 1John 3 :23 that all that is left for us to do, post Resurrection is to do TWO THINGS . #1Believe. #2Love. NOTHING ELSE ! If you have a Thinking Cap , please put it on....Jesus knows that if we accomplish these Two things, everything else that He cares about will take care of itself....John, the Disciple That Jesus Loved , figured this out ( by the Revelation Of The Holy Spirit, Of course ) —- why can’t Some of “ you” Stiff-Necked , weak Believers and Legalists out there figure it out.
Perhaps the Guy I heard the other day had it right—— He maintained that some things , like Eternal Security , can be Only be “Spiritually Ascertained”. Religionists “ Ape” True Christians , But they lack what Drives a Real Christian —- God’s Holy Spirit. If that is True, it would explain a lot ,wouldn’t it?
They just refuse to take Jesus at His Word.....I hope those New to the Faith try to concentrate on the only two things that Jesus zeroed- in on—- “ Believe and Love” and see what happens.....some people are always stressing “ Obedience” . Only a Fool would argue against THAT! They just don’t know how to go about getting it. TRUE Obedience! Even My kids obey when “Daddy is around”—- it ain’t from the Heart.....God demands it come from the Heart......Here is how it works—- BELIEVE Paul’s Gospel Of 1Cor15:1-4....... I am talking about “ Believing “ in it enough to REST in it as God COMMANDS in Heb4......If you REST in the Gospel , That will Spur the Total ASSURANCE of your Salvation —-You Will Be Given the Wisdom to see that the Finished Work Of The Cross , accomplished by JESUS ALONE , is the ONLY Reason you ever Got Saved and it is the only reason you STAY Saved.....You will see that the Song “ Nothing But The Blood” called it correctly a long time ago.....
This New-Found Assurance spurs the RELIEF of knowing “ Your” Performance does not count for anything in regard to your Salvation....it is a gift, given to those who don’t try to earn it.....an impossibility, btw.....Christianity involves-many Paradoxes( I.e. , you go up by going down , you become first by becoming last, etc ), and here is another Paradox that God Knew about a long time ago......when you realize that you do not have to “ perform” to please God, and finally realize that it was “ HIS” Performance that we Esteem and NOT ours, our Obedience and Performance actually improves incredibly—- NOT that it matters for our Salvation—- Never Forget That Salvation is a “ Gift” ......Getting That Horrible Weight Of Performance - Based Salvation Weight off of your shoulders Spurs Love for God......It is the ONLY THING IN THIS UNIVERSE that will lead you to LOVE HIM.....THAT is what GOD is Looking For! If you don’t have that Love NOW—- what makes you think you are Magically going to get it the Day you you die?
Satan had no Love for God and found a third of Heaven that were just like him and declared War on God.....we all know how that turned out, don’t we?
Do those that have declared God a Liar — saying we must ADD to His Gospel Of Pure Grace Plus Nothing and hence, can never Rest In It ...... Are these Unbelievers ( as God calls those that do not Fully Trust enough to Rest In His Gospel Heb. 4 and 5) , are they the Modern-Day Equivalents Of Those That “ declare war on God” By their deficits of Trust and Love?
Some teach that the whole purpose of our Existence is so that God can fill the void in Heaven that was left when Satan and his evil cohorts Lost their War and were ejected from Heaven.All Souls That are included in filling that Void will be Believers in the Gospel Of Grace. ( Paul’s Gospel that declares Jesus died for sins and rose from the grave ) If you really BELIEVE it , You will REST in it as Commanded by God . If you Have Rested in it , you automatically became one that Loved God. Hallelujah! Everybody gets what they want......except For Satan, the demons that trusted him instead of God , and Unbelievers—- unbelievers in the Gospel.....God bless