“Those who are IN CHRIST” are Forever Saved and Secure.....The dilemma for the Christian is that he has Two Natures , whereas before he was “ Born-Again”, he had only ONE.....the “ Adamic” Nature that he inherited at birth ......The Saved Man now has the Holy Spirit in Him also .
According to Paul, these two Natures war against each other and we can’t always do the things that we know we should—- we are doing Battle with Three Foes—- the World , The Flesh and the Devil.....What a challenge we face as Believers! Thank God, we have a “ Helper”, which is the Holy Spirit
A friend of mine described the battle thusly.....Indwelling us is a “ Black Dog” and a “ White Dog”—— the One we choose to “ FEED” is the One that will dominate our lives.....Wise Believers strive to feed the White Dog and reap rewards and Foolish Believers will feed the Black Dog and be chastised for doing so....all part of God’s “ Program to transform us into the image of His Son
Given time, the Holy Spirit will do His part to see that we conform to the Will Of The Father....It can be a smooth Walk Of Faith, or it can be a painful one.God has given us Freedom.Save yourself from Chastisement — feed the good Dog and starve the Bad one.Even during the times of your most blatant failures, rejoice that you are even in this Battle—- the Unsaved man lacks the HolySpirit and never has to worry about Spiritual Warfare, and if one does not have that Holy Spirit Inside Of Him —— They are “ NONE OF HIS”
Get that Holy Spirit by asking for it......then Trust God to do what only He can do - Clean up the “ inside of the cup”.....That is how the White Dog gets the Victory.....God Bless...