Anth said:
You are completely avoiding the text and my point for posting it (raisiing up straw men that I never referenced). I am amazed at how slithery you are - admittedly I have met some RC how could avoid the color of the sky but I never met anyone who could avoid the sky itself....
I think you need to re-read this entire thread and reassess your accusations. I have addressed
all of your concerns and have done so from multiple directions, even bringing the Bible into play to help explain what Tertullian was doing and the "accusations" from the "simple-minded". I have not "completely avoided" a thing, despite the drama you desire to dredge up. I have addressed and disagreed with your interpretation of Tertullian.
Anyone reading this thread will soon see that it is YOU who are avoiding the
totality of the context. You focus on one sentence and blot out all attempts to place it within a proper context.
Again, I say, "
which person thinks Tertullian, on the one hand, would say "I teach a new theology, one rejected by Christians of the faith" while CONDEMNING Praxeas of the very same thing in the same work???!!! Do you really think Tertullian is telling Praxeas that the tract he is about to embark upon is rejected by the Church?
Is Tertullian that stupid that he admits that he teaches another Gospel and then accuses Praxeas of teaching another Gospel??? Quite obviously, you read Tertullian's sentence out of context.
Please. Try to read beyond one sentence...
Furthermore, I gave you a very clear example to consider (if you could swallow the pride). If we had your attitude, we'd have to condemn Paul for the very same thing you accuse Tertullian of. He teaches "meat" and those who are yet carnal have problems with that, still feeding on "milk". But all you can do is make crazy faces and utterly refuse to hear what I have to say to help explain the context. Good for you. I can see how intent you are in reaching the truth of the matter.
Who (unless they only read one sentence of Tertullian) can think I have tried to provide the context for Tertullian's words, but you will not have it.
The issue is not how slithery I am, (which again shows your debating techniques) but why you refuse to consider what I am saying in response to you.
I hadn't realized that your definition of "responding to me" = "total abject admitting of defeat..." Apparently, I will no longer be "completely avoiding the text" UNTIL I bow in complete adject humiliation. Any attempt to show the wider scope of the context is deemed as "slithery".
How ironic...
Anth said:
I now understand why the "bullseye is on your back" - not because you are RC but because you refuse to be honest - in this case, refusing to acknowledge the point I have raised and the specific statement of the text.
I have answered the question. The issue is that the answer is not to your liking. Thus, your whining...
Anth said:
I look forward to an honest open discussion with a member of the RC - I long for such a discussion in fact
You look forward to no such thing.
I have participated in a number of such discussions with non-Catholics here. Many times, we part company with a mutual respect for each other, not requiring that the other admit "adject defeat", as you so desire in conversations. I enjoy open discussion with someone who is respectful of me and don't expect me to toss aside my beliefs during discussion, but I don't think YOU are capable of open and honest discussion, honestly. You may PM Rick, one of the moderators who has responded here recently, if you don't believe what I have done here before.
If I was so combative, as MEC suggests, I would have been banned long ago and people wouldn't bother writing to me who have been here awhile. It would be quite easy for the Protestant administrators to eliminate this Catholic from the forum if they felt I was being combative or disrespectful to their fellow Protestant brothers. The fact of the matter is that the two of you
choose not to see my point of view and that carnal Christians do not necessarily understand the deeper teachings of Christianity. Their blindness or immaturity does not mean these sublime teachings were not part of Christianity. Sublime teachings do not require common acceptance by the simple-minded. My point is that the essentials of Trinitarian teaching existed long before Tertullian. He was the first to FORMULATE it into a coherent writing that we still have many years later. Is this so difficult to understand?
Re-read this thread. I have responded to you, but you have not responded to my issues to defend my point. This is certainly not my fault, but yours.