- Aug 10, 2016
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- 693
ANd your point is.........????
I didn't say anything about "inheriting the kingdom." I said: "They were created in the image and likeness of God. God doesn't die and they weren't created to die either."
In the midst of the garden was the tree of life which A&E were allowed to eat.
When they were cast out of the Garden, they no longer had access to the tree of life.
The fact is that Adam was placed in "that kingdom" to tend it. He was created to rule over paradise. (Gen 2:15)
That was BEFORE A&E sinned.
Once they sinned, they were subject to death and corruption and could not return to paradise.
hello Jim Parker, dirtfarmer here
Where does scripture state that "man" was created "all powerful"; "all knowing", and was Adam created with the ability to be every where at the same time?
Adam was created "in our image, and after our likeness:" according to Genesis 1:26. In verse 27 it is stated in the last phrase; " male and female created he them. "Man" was created as tripartite as God, but man wasn't created all powerful, or all knowing, nor with the ability to be omnipresent. Since man was created as flesh and blood, then man was created subject to physical death.
According to 1 Corinthians 15:45 the first Adam was made a living soul, but that was after God breathed into Adam the breath of life. The last Adam a quickening spirit.
V46 " that was not first which is spiritual, but natural."
v49 "As we have borne the image of the earthy,
we shall also bear the image of the heavenly"
v50" Now this I say. brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God,"
As I have stated before, there had to be a change in Adam before he could have had eternal life. He was not created with it. Therefore he was born dying physically.
Where does scripture state that