Shilohsfoal i gave you a clear Verse. given in context that shows the harlot being supported by the Beast with the 7 heads and 10 horns, You are in denial holding onto your interpritation to the end. Why are you so loyal to your interpretation? Where the thoughts you have taught to you from a person you respect? Or did they originate from you.
Also i never said anything like that the 10 horns give the control of their kingdoms to themselves. So please do not put words into my mouth. The 10 Kings rule with the Beast as His deputies if you like and 3 of them in the end will be removed from their deputy positions.
Once again the Arab nation definitly did not give palistine over to the Jews and they definitly do not support Israel today. I believe the Beast will in fact defend Israel from the arabs by destroying thoes nations in a visious genocidal war where most of these Arab nations will be aniliated. The Beast needs to decieve and whiping out the violent jihadistic arab muslims will be greatly appreciated by the Jews as well as a lot of people around the world.
Look for nations that actually supported the state of Israel, Starting with the one who's act of parlament brought modern Israel into existance. Great Britian.
All Praise The Ancient of Days
My interpretation comes from the prophecies being forfilled.When I say the ten king gave thier kingdom unto the beast as the book of Revelation says they do ,I understand who gave what to whom because it already happened.
Its history adstar.Why cant you understand what takes place before your own face?
Take the modern state of Israel coming out of Great Brittian as it did.Israel declared independace from Great Brittian.
On May 14, 1948, the day before the expiration of the British Mandate, the Jewish Agency proclaimed independence, naming the country Israel.
Again.This prophecy has been forfilled.
The little horn came out of the forth king of the west.That king representing Great Brittian.
Daniel 8;9
And out of one of them came forth a little horn,which waxed exeedingly great,toward the south,and toward the east,and toward the pleasant land.
And even though this little nation dwells in the pleasant land today alonside those ten nations,you still can not comprehend what is written after you have seen it.
As for the beast and those ten nations that it dwells with .The scripture says they dont get along.
Not only does the scripture say they dont get along .It says they are not alike.The little horn is diverse from the others.The reason why is those others are muslim.The little horn that dwells i the pleasant land is not.
Daniel 7;24
And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise;and another shall rise after them;and he shall be diverse from the first,and he shall subdue three kings.
Again.This little nation that dwells in the pleasant land defeated three of the ten.This prophecy has been forfilled.It was forfilled in 1967 and was called the 6 day war.The little horn subdued Egypt,Syria and Jordan in 6 days.
Since that time Jordan which was the last of those horns to dwell on the seven heads was plucked up and removed.None of those ten dwell on the seven heads anymore.Just one little nation which voted to call itself by the name of Israel.My interpretation is forfilled prophecy.
Even more proof that this little horn dwells in the land of Israel is the fact that after his kingdom has been consumed,It is given to the saints of the most High .
Daniel 7;27
And the kingdom and dominion,and the greatness of the kingdoim under the whole heaven,shall be given to the saints of the most High,whose kingdom ias an everlasting kingdom,and all dominions shall serve and obey him.
Do you understand what you are reading here?
The land of Israel will be given to the saints in Daniel 7;27.
These saints you are reading of are the same saints who dwell there 1000 years later when Gog comes upon the mountains of Israel.
And they went up on the breadth of the earth,and compassed the camp of the saints about,and the beloved city;and fire came down from God out of heaven,and devoured them.