B said:
My computer does not have consciousness.
Not now, but given enough time they will. After all, our brains are basically supercomputers, performing millions of calculations every second.
[quote:d8334]Life has never and I
mean never been observed springing from non life
God has never and I mean never been observed. But a book tells you how he bought life from non life, so hey! it must be true.
Processing data is not the same as having awareness.
It takes intelligence to produce a computer. God created man. Man's intelligence did not come by a series of accidental mergings of chemicals.
God created man. That is the only truly logical conclusion.
The evidence that life begets life and that non life cannot produce life points to a Creator. Life and order cannot arise by chance.
The laws of physics were obviously the result of a law giver.
Really. Only a fool could miss it.
http://www.thebereancall.org/Newsletter ... /5218.aspx
Dave Hunt
Evolution or God's Word
"In his book, The Blind Watchmaker, Oxford University zoologist Richard Dawkins, a leading evolutionist, calls biology "the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose."13 Indeed! One cell, the smallest living unit, could have 100,000 molecules and 10,000 intricately interrelated chemical reactions going on at one time. Cells couldn't arise by chance! Dawkins admits that every cell contains in its nucleus "a digitally coded database larger...than all 30 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica put together."14 You can't even imagine the odds against chance creating a 30-volume encyclopedia! That's for one celland there are trillions in the human body, thousands of different kinds, working in unbelievably complex and delicately balanced relationships!
The astronomical odds make evolution mathematically impossible. Hoyle calculated that the odds of producing just the basic enzymes of life by chance are 1 over 1 with 40,000 zeros after it. By comparison, the odds of plucking a particular atom out of the universe is 1 over 1 with 80 zeros. Even if each atom became another universe, the odds of plucking a particular atom out of all those universes by chance are 1 over 1 with 160 zeros. One chance in 1 with 40,000 zeros after it just to produce the basic enzymes! But enzymes perform incredible feats, which fact further compounds the already impossible odds.
Why does blood clot only at the point of bleeding and not within the veins and arteriesand stop clotting when the bleeding stops? Imagine the billions of animals that would have bled to death or been killed by improper blood clotting before this incredible process was perfected by chance! The immune system is even more astonishing, says Behe: "The complexity of the system dooms all Darwinian explanations...."15 And so it is with hundreds of other life systems. Remember, these complex systems must be operational to be of value; they couldn't evolve in stages.
In his excellent 1996 book, Darwin's Black Box, Behe documents the incomprehensible complexity of life at its most basic chemical/cellular levela complexity unimagined by Darwin. Behe, who says evolution "should be banished,"16 demolishes Darwin's theory by offering multiple examples at the biochemical level of intricately designed "irreducibly complex" elements which could not have evolved:
[Evolution] cannot explain the origin of the complex biochemical structures that undergird life. It doesn't even try....The conclusion of intelligent design flows naturally from the data itselfnot from sacred books or sectarian beliefs. 17 "