- Oct 23, 2003
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I really liked this post smaller. We do really need to test the spirits, and it is not always easy to figure out what is happening. I liked what you wrote "YES, Jesus IS REAL. The question is HOW'. And I appreciate the problems that arise from seeking to hear from the Lord.
I tried to convey this to you in simple terms earlier. We know for example, from my last post, that GOD IS LOVE. IF we are "following" the Spirit, the Spirit will LEAD us. How? In LOVE. Does this mean I need to hear a voice? Nope. Gods Language for this is unspoken. Love does not need "Words" in our head either.
I know when my "heart burns" that Jesus is working, actively in me, to move me to do or say something or both, and I will be 'led.' Not by voice, but by Spirit. And yes, I do have to "feel" my ways through these things. I have no "need" for voices when I have The Spirit, and I do have His Spirit in me to guide and direct my ways and path.
I gave this example in a "Christmas" thread here recently. I was "led," not by voices in my head, but by my heart, burning, not to lie to my 5 children about Santa Claus. Will others be so led? I don't really care what their hearts lead them to do. Not my problem. I was forced by my own "internal" convictions to NOT LIE to them in that collective fantasy that many engage in. I don't condemn others who do. It's just that my heart said NO and there, I listen, without voices telling me.
It was this same conviction that led me out of a certain orthodox sect where everyone was lining up on Ash Weds. to kiss the feet of a little brass statue of Jesus. My heart didn't just say NO, it almost jumped out of my chest to NOT do that. I refused to buckle the knee and kiss the feet of that little brass 4 foot tall phony Jesus in "loving adoration." I know where Jesus is already. IN ME. Not in that little brass statue. Others may not have the "same convictions" but that is the conviction that my HEART gave me to follow.
I even got the scriptures from the O.T. immediately flashed, internally, to NOT do that. Call it what you will. There are no voices required to "follow the HEART of Jesus."
I'm NOT saying everyone's convictions will be the same or equal. That is never the case.
There are two ways to handle those problems. One is to keep it in mind and work at our discernment of spirits.
I accept the reality of this "as it is written" matter. Mark 4:15. For YEARS, even decades, I openly rejected that scripture as "applicable" to ME, because, I, I, I you see, am a believer. But, one day, Jesus, in CONVICTION, reminded me that I will LIVE by Every Word of God. Matt. 4:4, Luke 4:4. And "His Convictions" in me led me to understand that scripture DOES happen to me and DOES apply. And I no longer FEARED or REJECTED that Word as personally applicable to ME, at least to "my flesh." And it went a LONG way to "discerning" of spirits, after that.
Example: I walked into a setting of 100 or more people at an evening picnic. We were meeting friends there. It was dark. I hadn't been 10 feet into the setting and my focus was upon a certain man, sitting in the back of the group, at a picnic table. Don't ask me why. And the hair on my arms and neck bristled. I KNEW there was something up with that guy, from what? Yeah, my heart was telling me something. I found out a few days later that the guy was a murderer. I had a chance to witness to the man at a later date. That is called a "leading" of the Spirit. After telling the guy about Jesus, I told him my account of the "spirit of murder." Needless to say, my witnessing floored him and his life changed quite dramatically to the good, after our engagements.
Did I hear a single word in my head? Nope. I could have ALMOST told you exactly what it was, but I did not want to "guess" at it, knowing the 'facts' would come my way soon enough. And they did.
The other is to turn back to leaning on our understanding of the Scriptures. We do need to have an understanding, but if we turn from the Lord what happened?
The Scriptures go over this issue.
To the Galatians Paul wrote "I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel" and also "You foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified? This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by works of the Law or by hearing with faith?
There are some very interesting principles and precepts laid out by Paul, quite entirely REAL, today. One of those precepts IS that our 'flesh' is quite entirely and factually AGAINST and CONTRARY to the Spirit, and vice versa. Gal. 5:17. I accept this principle, personally, and I KNOW WHY, from not only what is in "writing" but from internal reality. It's one of the reasons I would NEVER trust any voice in my head claiming to be Jesus. Paul examples this 'quite entirely factual internal construct' in Romans 7:7-13. I accept this "as it is written" principle as HARD LINE FACT, unchanging and unchangeable for now, for not only "my flesh" but the flesh of all mankind. Understanding this "as it is written" and "personally applying it", because I KNOW it to be TRUE and ACCURATE from internal reality, it has given me insight beyond any comparative values.
These are the simple examples. There are much deeper waters to probe in "as it is written" that translate to "present active reality."
The reality is that there is a spiritual realm around us. God is spirit, but He is not the only spirit. Because of that we have to discern what spirit we are hearing from. So the problem is that we hear from spirits whether we close out spiritual ears or not. We can act like the proverbial Ostrich with it's head in the earth, or we can practice listening and carefully considering what we are hearing.
It is quite easy to sort through the matters, IF we are observant to "follow Paul" as he followed Christ, which Paul advises us to do. I have. Still do. 1 Cor. 11:1. I wouldn't trade Paul's 'as it is written' INSIGHTs for all the material goods on earth or any voice in my head claiming to be Jesus. The treasures there are far more valuable. IF Jesus is going to speak to me, I'll recognize it by HIS COMPLIANCE measures, already given, and I'd expect Him/His Voice to "comply" to HIS OWN RULES, "as it is written." So, yeah, I'd be listening for the 'CADENCE' of Word Reality, which IS present in ALL His Prior Speakings, 'as it is written.' His Voice would be just as clear as a BELL, if in compliance, and completely recognizable, as LEGIT. And I have had such Word, internally, AUDIBLE in the extreme. What did I do? The very first thing I did the first time it happened, was ran for my Strongs to 'discipher' it. Which is HOW His Word should come. It will come with a requirement of DISCIPHERing. He Will Speak According to His Ways, "as it is written." I've shared this particular account a few times here.
Which ways I have studied, for decades now. And have "experienced" in the NOW.
I can assure you these are not conversations over coffee and donuts or cereal.
They are DEADLY serious. And if they are serious enough, we will, (and I have) will fall to the ground, as if we are dead. And it will be quite beyond our "control." Rev. 1:14.
When God Speaks, SERIOUSLY, there WILL be an "immobilization" of the FLESH.
I might liken these to a serious Word, which I heard the first time, to simply get my attentions to something, and move on that direction, which I did. It was not in the "deadly serious" category of falling to the ground.
But I have also had times of deep and sobbing tears, that tore me apart, when being so moved as well. This may be considered a 'second' level type of event.
If such Words are accompanied by a "vision" such as John encountered in Rev. there is going to be a 'drop dead' experience as one of (many) signs of legitimacy.
I could write long on this subject. But Isaiah gives, as does Daniel, and others, very certain PATTERNS to recognize and test the legitimacy of such matters, to know what is legit, and what is not.
The Galatians were bewitched! That is to say demonic spirits had turn them back from hearing the Spirit of God by faith!
Yes! Spot on INsight there.
I'm sure you also recognize that the pulpits themselves are filled with such, to this day. There are "as it is written" principles behind these matters, given to us to understand and sort through these things.
Paul recognized this problem and tried to explain this to them. Paul also wrote to them, "But the Scriptures has shut up everyone under sin so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe." (Gal 3:22)
Also true for ourselves my friend. We have to "submit" to the "it is written" conclusions IF we think we "hear." There will be no strays let in the Door of understandings.
IF a man thinks he hears from Jesus, I like to walk them right down the lines that Paul gave us, in writing, to see if they are legit. Which we have attempted in this thread. But you have so far, been reluctant. And that tells me all I need to know about the 'voice in your head' claiming to be Jesus.
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