The blasphemous views of Calvinism and Hyper-predestination
savedbygrace57 said:
Re: The blasphemous view of Gods Foreknowledge !
I think my next thread will be titled..."The blasphemous views of Calvinism and Hyper-predestination"....or something to that effect
God made me do it
By Wm Tipton
You've heard the old line that 'the devil made me do it', I’m sure, but we all know that is just silliness, the devil cant 'make' us do anything.
This group, hyper calvinists, has been around for a while, but is merely a sub-sect of the faith, thankfully.
Don’t mistake them for regular Calvinists who simply take predestination a bit too far. This particular group has removed all responsibility for their own sin from themselves, and instead of placing it where it might belong, on our sin nature, they put the guilt for OUR sin and disobedience right at Gods feet.
Simply put, this doctrine focuses on Gods sovereignty so greatly as to remove mans responsibility completely for his own sin..."GOD made me do it", so to speak.
What they do is use the fact that God is 'sovereign', a fact that we all acknowledge, to say that God has 'ordained' every act you and I will ever commit. They believe that it was not only Gods 'choice' that Adam sinned and man fell, but that God was in control of the whole thing, meaning that He 'forced' Adam to fall, for all intents and purposes. Now, they wont word it quite as directly as I do.
This group believes, from my understanding, that their spirits 'cannot' sin, thus thier spirits are not accountable for the sins that their flesh commits. If you ask them they will get into long-winded explainations trying to smokescreen what they believe in all of this, but the bottom line is that they believe that 'God made them do it' in regard to sin and disobedience.
What it breaks down to with these is that man has no real 'free will' and is only acting on what God has ordained. Man can do nothing that he isn't being made to by Gods sovereignty, and thus man is not actually guilty of the sin, but God must be as HE would be the one forcing man to commit it. They believe that every act you ever commit, whether good or evil, was set into motion by God Himself, and they will distort whatever scriptures they need to to make this lie seem palatable.
Here are some warning signs to look for, dear brethren.
- God, not man, is the 'source' of sin and evil (because God has supposedly 'ordained' our sin, even our fall) and man has no actual choice or will in the matter. God not only chose for man to fall, but literally is causing YOU to commit every sin you ever have and will. It isn’t our fault that we sin, but God’s.
Only Calvinists are supposedly the 'elect' and only they are 'christian'.
Here is a quote from a forum poster...
“...I am proposing that God purposed and decreed sin and Adams fall ...â€
This is the nonsense that these folks push. Instead of God foreknowing that Adam would sin, and therefore working out a plan of salvation for Adam, these folks say GOD is the origin of sin and disobedience. Of course, getting them to say it like that would probably be close to impossible, but it is factual.
And here another:
“God ordained every sin you and I will ever committ. The level of sin you would fall into, if you would be a rapest, a homosexual, a child molestor, or a mureder, God ordained everything, and then blames you for the sin in your life. God is Sovereign over and controls everything and everybody and every place, anything that has the least existence, God created and controls....â€
Here is our response to the quote above:
For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
(Rom 8:29 KJV)
From G4253 and G1097; to know beforehand, that is, foresee: - foreknow (ordain), know (before).
Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.
(1Pe 1:1-2 KJV)
From G4267; forethought: - foreknowledge.
Those people He FOREKNEW, He PREDESTINATED to be conformed to the image of His Son.
It is a two step proceedure, not one.
God ‘foreknows’ from the foundation of the world, He then predestinates those whom He foreknows to be conformed to the image of His Son. If it were as these folks assert, there is no need in there being the foreknowing step...only predestinating would be mentioned or necessary.
So instead of God foreknowing Adams sin, and then putting a method of salvation into place for those whom He foreknows, hypercalvinists say that GOD is the one who made Adam sin and fall.
One problem with this nonsense, and there are many, is that this means that fully and finally GOD has sinned against Himself thru man. Preposterous.
Heres yet another, more obscene statement by another person of this horrid fallacy;
"God ordains everything, including sin, anyone blaspheming the Holy Ghost, God ordained it, thats simple.. anyone doing anything, God ordained it.."
God’s word also says this;
Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted by his own lusts, being drawn away and being seduced by them. Then lust, when it conceives, gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.
(Jas 1:13-15 EMTV)
It seems pretty clear from God’s word that He will not cause anyone to sin or ‘tempt’ with evil. This scripture is very clear that it is WE who sin...who choose to sin...and it is not God who causes us to do so. But of course, expect the hypercalvinist to simply explain this passage away.
This group is quite dangerous in that their views must remove YOUR responsibility for YOUR sin. God would be the one making you sin from eternity past and as such you cannot be held accountable in that as the ‘elect’ you cannot ever go to hell, even if you were to blaspheme His Holy Spirit.
Again, they probably wont admit most of this, but it is only logical based on what they believe.
Currently this writing is just to warn against this heresy so that the brethren might be aware of the danger of this “christian†cult who blames God sovereigness for their own failings and sin.
This is a comment from a group of 'hyper' predestination types that believe that God ordains and controls EVERY act, thought, breath, etc that every man and woman will ever take part of in their lives.
“God ordained every sin you and I will ever committ. The level of sin you would fall into, if you would be a rapest, a homosexual, a child molestor, or a mureder, God ordained everything, and then blames you for the sin in your life. God is Sovereign over and controls everything and everybody and every place, anything that has the least existence, God created and controls....â€
What this also means is that that unforgivable sin we all know about, whether we believe it can be committed by Christians or not isnt the issue, blasphemy of His precious Holy Spirit....would ACTUALLY be GOD doing so THRU man.
God supposedly 'controls' man, meaning his mouth as well as his body and mind, so that we must conclude that, even if they dismiss it somehow, that these heretics are actually claiming that GOD not only rapes children thru man since man doesnt control his own actions and sins, but also BLASPHEMES His own Holy Spirit by ordaining and controlling man to do so.
I actually got one to admit he believes just this..
"God ordains everything, including sin, anyone blaspheming the Holy Ghost, God ordained it, thats simple.. anyone doing anything, God ordained it.."
That particular person lays out very clearly what this error believes
"You dont have a freewill, in fact your a robot, a human robot, your whole life has been scripted for you by God.. "
Supposedly man has no will at all to even commit sin. Apparently we can ONLY do what has been 'scripted' for us, therefore GOD is ultimately the one who causes us to sin....'God made me do it"