Thanks brother. I was hoping that I didn't come off too directly and stir up strife, but this is a fairly serious subject, and we are all adults so a little bit of directness should be able to be taken well in discussion so I wrote it.
You know you have this spirit heart because things that are wrong trouble your spirit even if it is logical that these things should not effect you at all.
Bingo. This goes to the crux of it in any of these type discussions. Believer, non-believer,'s pretty obvious that something is going on here that is more than meets the eye on planet earth. Everybody has a different name for it and some will ignore it, but it's there. Things that make you go huh? To sit up and think about it. When our spirit gets troubled, God is usually trying to speak to us at that time...but the thing is...we have to be willing to accept a connection.
It wont be what the world says, they lie about everything. It wont be what we think it is, for we are merely feeble minded fleshy creatures who are slow to learn and fast on denial. (Praise the Lord for His longsuffering and patience with us!)
The truth is twilight zone, and Gods ways and thoughts are so far above ours that we couldn't begin to grasp it. He will let us, but not for free. He wants to see humility in us, a willingness to set aside the old man and everything he knows, and to step forth in faith, like a little child holding daddy's hand at the carnival so he don't get lost. A willingness to accept these truths and realities without hardness of heart. Then it will flow.
That's interesting what was said about the heart. I think that's on the right track. We "think" with our mind. But before men did he, as a spiritual being "think"? Not with the flesh mind, I'll tell ya that right now. So "thinking" was centered somewhere else. Perhaps in this "heart" that he spoke of. We are unable to think like this anymore and is likely the source of our confusion.
After eating the fruit, the first thing that Adam & Eve did, was to make aprons for themselves. They became self conscious! If they lost the ability to think spiritually at that time, then they lost this spiritual connection with God. The Lord wants us back in that same relationship and spiritual state that we were in before the fall. It is available to us even today. But we have to be ready, willing, and able to accept it. If we can't (or wont) set aside our preconceived notions about intelligence and spirituality, we will never receive it. We must accept it. Then it goes whoosh, down into our heart and affects us, our spirit, and we grow. We are told countless times in the Bible, to, live for the spirit, be led of the spirit...what's that mean to you?
We have to learn about these things. They're salvific. To pursue these truths and seek God is our only reasonable response to questions of this nature. To pursue the winning of debates is hard hearted and will never lead to the truth about anything. It's a distraction which plays on peoples pride to win, is worldly, and leads to death and destruction ultimately.
Be humble brothers and sisters and admit to yourself that you are a mere man and do not know these things. There is your starting point. Not, well you Christians think, yada yada yada. You're clearly not searching for the truth, but for something else. Sorry to hear that.