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The covid injections don't work


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PFIZER and the FDA stalling the FOIA request which calls for the revealing of the process by which the vaccine was approved.

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Spoke too soon! Lol

My boss was taken to hospital with cellulitis some weeks after taking his 2nd shot... His in bed for 8 weeks now...

Cellulitis is a known side effect from the jab. Our federal health minister also got Cellulitis after the jab...

But the medics will not dare suggest that it was from the jab. Instead they've scrambled to come up with this conclusion, that my boss got Cellulitis from walking on the beach...

What a joke... Walking on the beach is bad for you now apparently... Ye sure it is

Tmrw is my last day working here and I'm going to call him up to thank him and wish him all the best...

He knows my stance on vaccines, we had a little debate, he was good saying that we agree to disagree. His one of the best bosses iv had, we get along well

So I'm going to tell him straight out...
Your sick from the jab... He won't accept it probs but it's worth planting the seed. It could help him eventually see the truth and with almost 100 employees he has a lot of power and influence over people.

Maybe one day he will start telling his workers not to get vaxed instead of getting vaxed
But the medics will not dare suggest that it was from the jab. Instead they've scrambled to come up with this conclusion, that my boss got Cellulitis from walking on the beach...

Yes, of course, Cellulitis is a commonly known side effect from walking on the beach.

It was very irresponsible of your boss to take such a risk.


Part 2 goes into more side effects that we are not hearing about.
Yes the safest choice is of course natural immunity.
How does one get natural immunity? I have been vaccinated for COVID-19 three times: two "regular" Moderna vaccines and one Moderna booster. I have been vaccinated for many infectious diseases throughout my 78 years and will continue to trust modern medicine. The Lord will take me when my time comes, but I hope that's still a number of years in the future.
How does one get natural immunity? I have been vaccinated for COVID-19 three times: two "regular" Moderna vaccines and one Moderna booster. I have been vaccinated for many infectious diseases throughout my 78 years and will continue to trust modern medicine. The Lord will take me when my time comes, but I hope that's still a number of years in the future.

Your immune system defends your body against infections and illnesses. It makes proteins called antibodies that counteract or kill germs, like viruses and bacteria. You get protection, or “immunity,” from a specific disease when your immune system makes an antibody for it.
Your immune system defends your body against infections and illnesses. It makes proteins called antibodies that counteract or kill germs, like viruses and bacteria. You get protection, or “immunity,” from a specific disease when your immune system makes an antibody for it.
All the more reason to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Create a situation where your body creates its own protection against an alien substance, in this case the COVID-19 virus.
All the more reason to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

Which vaccine ?

The Comirnaty is the only approved one, and it's under investigation.

Johnson and Johnson is being warned against by the CDC and FDA.

How does one get natural immunity? I have been vaccinated for COVID-19 three times: two "regular" Moderna vaccines and one Moderna booster. I have been vaccinated for many infectious diseases throughout my 78 years and will continue to trust modern medicine. The Lord will take me when my time comes, but I hope that's still a number of years in the future.
Redneck description:
The body examines the disease and cooks up the protein antibodies JLB mentioned. Then the body stores the recipe in its cook book. Same disease comes along it has the recipe on file to counteract the disease very quickly.

Which vaccine ?

The Comirnaty is the only approved one, and it's under investigation.

Johnson and Johnson is being warned against by the CDC and FDA.


You are wrong to say that the Comirnaty is the only approved one.

I got three shots of the Moderna vaccine.

The Moderna COVID‑19 Vaccine has not been approved or licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but has been authorized for emergency use by the FDA, under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‑19) for use in individuals 18 years of age and older.

The Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is sold under the brand name Comirnaty. The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is authorized for emergency use and is available under the EUA as a two-dose primary series.
Moderna said Monday that a booster dose of its COVID-19 vaccine should offer protection against the rapidly spreading omicron variant.
Moderna said lab tests showed the half-dose booster shot increased by 37 times the level of so-called neutralizing antibodies able to fight omicron.
You are wrong to say that the Comirnaty is the only approved one.

I got three shots of the Moderna vaccine.

The Moderna COVID‑19 Vaccine has not been approved or licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but has been authorized for emergency use by the FDA, under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‑19) for use in individuals 18 years of age and older.

The Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is sold under the brand name Comirnaty. The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is authorized for emergency use and is available under the EUA as a two-dose primary series.
The Moderna vaccine has not yet been fully approved by the FDA. It is only being administered under the EUA. EUA allows the distribution and administering of the vaccines before they are done testing and validating for safety and efficacy.

Would you trust a parachute that was not fully tested and approved per the standards of the day?

The Pfizer-BioNTech has been fully approved by the FDA but its approval is a bit suspect because the process outlined by the FDA was not strictly adhered to.

For those willing to take a chance with the vaccine, more power to them, but it is wrong to force the rest to submit to getting the vaccines that have not been fully tested and approved.
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For those willing to take a chance with the vaccine, more power to them, but it is wrong to force the rest to submit to getting the vaccines that have not been fully tested and approved.

Amen, sir.


It would be nice to see us all agree on this point... as Christians.

the skepticism needs be weighed out . we just dnt know enough one way or the other .i can tell you covid is real and can be deadly . a good pastor friend of mind died from it.. his immune system was not good due to R.A he kept pneumonia off and on. others was healthy got it died .
a young lady was weaned off the vent walked around some.. her o2 level dropped .back ON THE vent . the pastor wife also contracted it is in a rehab center missed her husbands funeral missed thanksgiving . Christmas at home is touch go after all this time. she is just now able to sit in a chair .
i have took both shots during the first round .i prayed about did it no side effects will i do the booster ? i dunno i dont feel compelled to do so. the more news you read the more fauchi talks. the more i shake my head and wonder .
we have escaped it. went to a church service at night. the next few days many come down with covid one was in the icu . we had direct contact with them.

one lady went to her sis house who had covid. come into church gave me a hug visited . was i sweating it? yes i was the wife and i both took the vitamins and all is well,

do i recommend visiting a sick person ? no . WE JUST HAD NO IDEA of those who was sick . God kept us
I have Lupus and Hep. C. I can't be treated for either...with one exception. Hydroxychloroquine. It puts my Lupus into remission and turns my nightmare of a life into a difficult one, but much better. Since the pandemic started, guess what I can no longer get? In my experience, it may be the safest drug that I've ever taken.
I'm in my 60s. Last April I had what my doctor says was most likely Covid. I was ill with it for a month. It was not fun. Last month I had a virus for 2 weeks. It was not fun. I go out once a month.
Years ago I had a hesitancy to take a prescription drug. 2 times my doctor convinced me that the adverse reaction I was concerned about was so rare that the odds were I'd get hit by lightning first. Sigh.
I was in a coma for 4 days. I.C.U. for 2 weeks. After my heart stopped for the third time and they were unable to restart it again, the E.R. nurse was filling out my time of death when it started beating again.
It took me several painful months to recover. I have a real hesitancy with the vaccine. I will die when the Lord says it's time for me to die.
The truth of the matter is there are times when I wish He had just let me die, due to my chronic pain. But as He is Lord of my life...and my death, I will endure to the end.
I'll take the jab...if they hold it down and give it to me!
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