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The covid injections don't work


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i need to do my booster. did the 2 part Pfizer shot. some places say I should request Moderna for the booster? mix n match? -sigh- I dunno.

things have changed -so much- since...the Polio vaccine. I'm 37, so I'm just...relating what my barely boomer (read: tale end of Boomer years, not really "hippies" or anything) told me...

people rejoiced over the vaccines being made readily available. the developer of the initial vaccine declined payment; it was for the -common good- . ahhh, yes. the common good. its not just for commies...

meanwhile, the us (understandably) pumped all kindsa $$$ into all levels of research and development of these vaccines...

and Big Pharma is raking in the profits. no one seems to mind, except the poor(er) countries who, for obvious reasons, aren't really high on Pfizer, etc.'s radar. whaaa?

I dunno. I appreciate the jabs, I do. I just don't see why society has disintegrated to the extent that its "freedom" to refuse vaccinations and then put others at risk and also, over the long(er) haul, put self and others at risk because of seemingly never ending mutations that occur more frequently in the un-vaccinated (but also in the immuno-compromised...I think even with vaccination?). and....

ok, as individual people, we seem to be at each others' throats over this. seriously. somewhat, semi-locally...a number of store clerks got beat up, police called in, probably criminal charges...

because of the "freedom" to refuse to wear a mask and (apparently) punch people who tell customers to please, please, please wear a -free- mask...for the common good. or not. by all means, beat up a worker making barely above minimum wage. "freedom," etc. :-(

but...common good extends to the corporations, social institutions, political class, etc. why is the political class allowing massive corporations to rake in massive profit when the polio vaccine inventor (salk, initially, I think) declined compensation and just urged everybody (and their mama! and their kids!) to please, please get his (apparently, somewhat painful...both parents have injection site -scars- !) vaccine...

for self, for others...for the --common good-- . :)
Over 800,000 American chose "natural immunity." Now, they are dead. The ICUs are full of unvaccinated people, and very few vaccinated people.
Would you trust a parachute that was not fully tested and approved per the standards of the day?
If the parachute had been tested millions of times and shown to be safe, and the airplane was on fire, but several of the passengers disagreed with the pilot that he wouldn't be able to land it before it fell apart, yeah, I'd go with the parachute.

That's the situation with the COVID vaccines.
Over 800,000 Americans "trusted in natural immunity." And now they are dead. ICUs ad

That's nothing but political rhetoric. It's also divisive and reckless

That fact is we don't know for sure how many people died from Covid, nor do we know how many have died from the vaccine.

I have two family members that work in hospitals.

One works directly in admitting and the ER.

I know first hand that hospitals labeled massive amounts of people as dying from Covid that didn't have it, because if Covid was listed on their records the hospital gets $30,000 from the Government.

The phony hospital reporting together with the MSM has driven the pandemic.

I remember when they were saying the Hospitals were overflowing with Covid patients here in Houston and people would go down there and the "overflow" tents were empty and the ER was had normal capacity.

People die from viruses such as corona and it is always a tragedy.
However, since I am in my room 23 1/2 hours out of 24, and besides playing guitar, have nothing else to do but watch the internet, and have been doing such since 2013, I know what is going on.
It is 10% pandemic and 90% propaganda. I'm staking my life on it. I will not take the jab!
Over 800,000 American chose "natural immunity." Now, they are dead. The ICUs are full of unvaccinated people, and very few vaccinated people.
"Natural immunity ." I would like to think about that in other terms .

If we did not have the immunity that God blessed us with we would not live for long on this planet .

Natural immunity is really a designed immunity .
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Over 800,000 Americans "trusted in natural immunity." And now they are dead. ICUs ad
This is not an accurate statement and is intentionally blowing the data way out of the park.

The first vaccine was made available on December 11, 2020 ( Dec. 11, 2020,,age on May 10, 2021.).

The 2nd dose is administered two weeks after the 1st and since it takes two weeks after the 2nd dose before a person is fully vaccinated, that first vaccination wasn't fully effective until January 8, 2021.

There were 360,047 deaths recorded before January 8, 2021 (

It took until June 19 to get 50% of the US population fully vaccinated ( and some of them also died from the virus.
I know first hand that hospitals labeled massive amounts of people as dying from Covid that didn't have it, because if Covid was listed on their records the hospital gets $30,000 from the Government.
Well, let's take a look...

The CARES Act created the 20% add-on to be paid for Medicare patients with COVID-19. The act further created a $100 billion fund that is being used to financially assist hospitals — a “portion” of which will be “used to reimburse healthcare providers, at Medicare rates, for COVID-related treatment of the uninsured,” according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

As the Kaiser analysis noted, though, “it is unclear whether the new fund will be able to cover the costs of the uninsured in addition to other needs, such as the purchase of medical supplies and the construction of temporary facilities.”

Either way, the fact that government programs are paying hospitals for treating patients who have COVID-19 isn’t on its own representative of anything nefarious.
“There’s an implication here that hospitals are over-reporting their COVID patients because they have an economic advantage of doing so, [which] is really an outrageous claim,” Gerald Kominski, senior fellow at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, told us. And, he said, any suggestion that patients may be put on ventilators out of financial gain, not medical need, “is basically saying physicians are violating their Hippocratic Oath … it would be like providing heart surgery on someone who doesn’t need it.”

Robert Berenson, an institute fellow at the Urban Institute, said the notion that hospitals are profiting off the pandemic — as some of the social media posts may imply — isn’t borne out by facts, either.

Berenson said revenues appear to be down for hospitals this quarter because many have suspended elective procedures, which are key to their revenue, forcing some hospitals to cut staff. He surmised that potential instances of patients being wrongly “upcoded” — or classified as COVID-19 when they’re not — are “trivial compared to these other forces that are affecting hospital finances.”

Berenson and others we spoke with also said that hospitals have profound disincentives for “upcoding,” which can result in criminal or civil liabilities, such as being susceptible to being kicked out of the Medicare program.

Turns out to be another antivaxxer fairy tale. Hospitals are losing money as a result of the pandemic.
Are you taking what I wrote out of context for a reason?

Here is what you said that I wrote: The Moderna COVID‑19 Vaccine has not been approved or licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration

Here it is again, in full, without editing: The Moderna COVID‑19 Vaccine has not been approved or licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but has been authorized for emergency use by the FDA, under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‑19) for use in individuals 18 years of age and older.
There are times when a new thread name might be started.

The Authorized Official Vaccine Protocol Does Not Always Work Well For Everyone

That would possibly expand comments. Might expand things too much. LOL

Are you taking what I wrote out of context for a reason?

Here is what you said that I wrote: The Moderna COVID‑19 Vaccine has not been approved or licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration

Here it is again, in full, without editing: The Moderna COVID‑19 Vaccine has not been approved or licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but has been authorized for emergency use by the FDA, under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‑19) for use in individuals 18 years of age and older.
JLB is only agreeing with the part you wrote about Moderna not being fully approved. Nothing more, nothing less. Just as WIP also mentioned in his post #496.
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The Authorized Official Vaccine Protocol Does Not Always Work Well For Everyone

This has been proven to be true, because many have died from the vaccine.

If someone decides to take the vaccine then they should pray and consult their personal physician.

Then they would be well advised to only take the one approved by the FDA.

Here it is again, in full, without editing: The Moderna COVID‑19 Vaccine has not been approved or licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration

Amen, I agree.

The J&J has since been disapproved by the CDC and FDA.

Well, let's take a look...

The CARES Act created the 20% add-on to be paid for Medicare patients with COVID-19. The act further created a $100 billion fund that is being used to financially assist hospitals — a “portion” of which will be “used to reimburse healthcare providers, at Medicare rates, for COVID-related treatment of the uninsured,” according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

As the Kaiser analysis noted, though, “it is unclear whether the new fund will be able to cover the costs of the uninsured in addition to other needs, such as the purchase of medical supplies and the construction of temporary facilities.”

Either way, the fact that government programs are paying hospitals for treating patients who have COVID-19 isn’t on its own representative of anything nefarious.
“There’s an implication here that hospitals are over-reporting their COVID patients because they have an economic advantage of doing so, [which] is really an outrageous claim,” Gerald Kominski, senior fellow at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, told us. And, he said, any suggestion that patients may be put on ventilators out of financial gain, not medical need, “is basically saying physicians are violating their Hippocratic Oath … it would be like providing heart surgery on someone who doesn’t need it.”

Robert Berenson, an institute fellow at the Urban Institute, said the notion that hospitals are profiting off the pandemic — as some of the social media posts may imply — isn’t borne out by facts, either.

Berenson said revenues appear to be down for hospitals this quarter because many have suspended elective procedures, which are key to their revenue, forcing some hospitals to cut staff. He surmised that potential instances of patients being wrongly “upcoded” — or classified as COVID-19 when they’re not — are “trivial compared to these other forces that are affecting hospital finances.”

Berenson and others we spoke with also said that hospitals have profound disincentives for “upcoding,” which can result in criminal or civil liabilities, such as being susceptible to being kicked out of the Medicare program.

Turns out to be another antivaxxer fairy tale. Hospitals are losing money as a result of the pandemic.

That's the difference between the political narrative you are presenting from the internet and first hand information.

Here in Ontario, the government at first pushed the Moderna vaccine. They eventually had to admit there were unforeseen problems with it and have since backed off on their support of it.
Then there are the graphene and hydra issues.
The more time that passes, the gladder I am that I've refused all of these unsafe jabs.
Amen, I agree.

The J&J has since been disapproved by the CDC and FDA.

Once again, and for the last time, I wrote this: The Moderna COVID‑19 Vaccine has not been approved or licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but has been authorized for emergency use by the FDA, under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‑19) for use in individuals 18 years of age and older.

Actually, since you wrote "I agree" then the subject no longer needs to be discussed.
This has been proven to be true, because many have died from the vaccine.

If someone decides to take the vaccine then they should pray and consult their personal physician.

Then they would be well advised to only take the one approved by the FDA.

I guess I was chicken to make a hard fast statement to that fact. But your tweak got it done.
You jest want do JLB

I tried to get an appointment for the booster shot yesterday, and after what seemed like an hour on line, was told I should expect a "text" with my reservation.
My phone doesn't do texts.😭
So I wasted all that time for nothing.
Today, I was at CVS and they were doing walk-ins !!!!
God is soooo good!:pray:sohappy
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