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The covid injections don't work


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Life is full of injustices. And it ain't over yet.
I don't have a problem with others getting the jab as it's their life to run.
What I do see coming is us, the unvaccinated, being seen by the vaccinated as threats to their lives.
View attachment 13601
So be it!
Not long ago we tried to save people from alcohol and drugs, because of the harm they might incur. If the vaccine is causing some serious side effects, should a pre test be available to distinguish who might have an adverse reaction? Are there such tests available now? Where is research being done to save lives?

What I do see coming is us, the unvaccinated, being seen by the vaccinated as threats to their lives.
Funny how people more likely to be carrying an infectious and often-fatal disease can be viewed that way.


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If the vaccine is causing some serious side effects, should a pre test be available to distinguish who might have an adverse reaction? Are there such tests available now? Where is research being done to save lives?
The difficulty is, adverse reactions have been so uncommon that no one has confirmed any adverse effects from the shot itself. Some things, like Guillian-Barre syndrome are associated with immunizations generally. It's potentially serious disorder that usually goes away in months to a year, but causes tingling and partial paralysis, and sometimes ends in death. It's quite rare, but if you have had it once, you should be cleared by a physician to get any other vaccination. It basically causes your immune system to attack the myelin sheath of your nerves.

So the problem is, we don't yet know if any of the reported adverse effects are even the result of the vaccines.
Yet Joe Biden and his administration is continuing to persuade people to take the vaccine, any vaccine, even though the CDC AND FDA are warning otherwise.
Actually, the FDA and CDC are encouraging people to take the vaccines.

Different COVID-19 Vaccines

COVID-19 vaccines are now widely available for people ages 5 years and older. In most cases, you do not need an appointment. Learn how to find a COVID-19 vaccine so you can get vaccinated as soon as possible.
All currently approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective and reduce your risk of severe illness. CDC does not recommend one vaccine over another.

What safety and effectiveness data are required to be submitted to FDA for an EUA request for a vaccine intended to prevent COVID-19?

COVID-19 vaccines are undergoing a rigorous development process that includes tens of thousands of study participants to generate the needed non-clinical, clinical, and manufacturing data. FDA will undertake a comprehensive evaluation of this information submitted by a vaccine manufacturer.

For an EUA to be issued for a vaccine, for which there is adequate manufacturing information to ensure quality and consistency, FDA must determine that the known and potential benefits outweigh the known and potential risks of the vaccine. An EUA request for a COVID-19 vaccine can be submitted to FDA based on a final analysis of a phase 3 clinical efficacy trial or an interim analysis of such trial, i.e., an analysis performed before the planned end of the trial once the data have met the pre-specified success criteria for the study’s primary efficacy endpoint.

From a safety perspective, FDA expects an EUA submission will include all safety data accumulated from phase 1 and 2 studies conducted with the vaccine, with an expectation that phase 3 data will include a median follow-up of at least 2-months (meaning that at least half of vaccine recipients in phase 3 clinical trials have at least 2 months of follow-up) after completion of the full vaccination regimen. In addition, FDA expects that an EUA request will include a phase 3 safety database of well over 3,000 vaccine recipients, representing a high proportion of participants enrolled in the phase 3 study, who have been followed for serious adverse events and adverse events of special interest for at least one month after completion of the full vaccination regimen.

Part of FDA’s evaluation of an EUA request for a COVID-19 vaccine includes evaluation of the chemistry, manufacturing, and controls information for the vaccine. Sufficient data should be submitted to ensure the quality and consistency of the vaccine product. FDA will use all available tools and information, including records reviews, site visits, and previous compliance history, to assess compliance with current good manufacturing practices.
You guys do this day after must enjoy it.
You hardly ever seem to get mad at each must be friends.
Why would I get angry about it? It's not like he calls me names or treats me rudely. He disagrees with me on some things.

If I got angry every time someone disagreed with me, I'd be hurting myself.
It is impressive, isn't it...
My fuse is still very short towards people still promoting these lethal injections despite all that we can see happening around.

As you know, the vaccine has been saving lives; looking at COVID-19 deaths, the unvaccinated are the vast majority of those dying. For reasons we all understand.
For the record, JLB is winning the argument

Apparently not...

A large majority has already voted with their arms. This is true of every health issue, though. People drink to excess, smoke cigarettes, and do other reckless things in spite of the data. Just not most of them.
If you have some info then post it.

I have noticed that anyone who disagrees with this administration promoted through the MSM then they get blasted.

Kyle Rittenhause for example.

He was crucified by Biden and CNN, MSNBC ...

They will most likely have to pay him an astronomical amount of money in the defamation suit.

I sincerely doubt that they will have to pay him an astronomical amount of money in the defamation suit. President Biden, CNN, and MSNBC are all well-respected. By many of us anyway! 8^)
For the record, JLB is winning the argument
He hasn't really been having one. What he has been doing is talking to someone notorious for saying "Let's take a look" only to find that person doesn't really ever do that.

Even in my neck of the woods, the "health authority" has already declared that the number of vaccinated people in hospital for the certain issue exceeds the non-vaccinated, and that information is an echo of everywhere else that is further along the path. British authorities admit it, Israeli authorities admit it, now Canadian authorities admit it. Most of this is psychological now, as in people are very much emotionally invested. They simply have to do the mental gymnastics on behalf of who they actually place their faith in. You would think that would be evidence enough for them, but no.
As you know, the vaccine has been saving lives; looking at COVID-19 deaths, the unvaccinated are the vast majority of those dying. For reasons we all understand.

Apparently not...
View attachment 13605

A large majority has already voted with their arms. This is true of every health issue, though. People drink to excess, smoke cigarettes, and do other reckless things in spite of the data. Just not most of them.
The "vote count " as you put it is off .

"CDC data show 240 million people with at least one shot, or about 72.5% of the population. But the agency says only 203 million are fully vaccinated, or 61.3%, an 11-percentage-point difference that is far larger than in other developed countries.

State and local officials say it’s improbable that 37 million Americans got one shot without completing their inoculations. Instead, they say, the government has regularly and incorrectly counted booster shots and second doses as first doses, a dynamic the CDC acknowledged in a statement. "
I sincerely doubt that they will have to pay him an astronomical amount of money in the defamation suit. President Biden, CNN, and MSNBC are all well-respected. By many of us anyway! 8^)
For those among us that still respect CNN I have a project for you .

Plug "CNN producer " in your search engine and see if your respect might start to erode .
Life is full of injustices. And it ain't over yet.
I don't have a problem with others getting the jab as it's their life to run.
What I do see coming is us, the unvaccinated, being seen by the vaccinated as threats to their lives.
View attachment 13601
So be it!
No Christian should ever think it is okay to post this picture. Ever. Yes, life is full of injustice, and you just completely triviallized what was done to the Jews before and during the Holocaust. That is awful.
God only knows what else will be discovered in the coming months and years.
Maybe something, maybe nothing. This is a fallacious argument to the future, which is made all the worse by what we know about COVID--that some people are having ongoing issues more than a year since having had hit. Again, employing a double standard.
He hasn't really been having one. What he has been doing is talking to someone notorious for saying "Let's take a look" only to find that person doesn't really ever do that.
Of course, everyone anti-vaxx ignores when that is done by the other.

Even in my neck of the woods, the "health authority" has already declared that the number of vaccinated people in hospital for the certain issue exceeds the non-vaccinated, and that information is an echo of everywhere else that is further along the path. British authorities admit it, Israeli authorities admit it, now Canadian authorities admit it. Most of this is psychological now, as in people are very much emotionally invested. They simply have to do the mental gymnastics on behalf of who they actually place their faith in. You would think that would be evidence enough for them, but no.
Where I am, the unvaxxed still outnumber the vaxxed in hospital. A little thinking goes a long way in these issues. I have yet to see the anti-vaxxers--here and on social media--apply some simple critical thinking to see why such statements are misleading and show a lack of understanding in how science, viruses, and human behaviour work.
It is impressive, isn't it...
My fuse is still very short towards people still promoting these lethal injections despite all that we can see happening around.

For the record, JLB is winning the argument
It's not about winning and losing the argument. It's about sharing points of view. From there, we draw our own conclusions.
Life is full of injustices. And it ain't over yet.
I don't have a problem with others getting the jab as it's their life to run.
What I do see coming is us, the unvaccinated, being seen by the vaccinated as threats to their lives.
View attachment 13601
So be it!
Thanks Norman for posting that picture. It reminds me that there remains the possibility of the next cleansing courtesy of people who have convinced themselves of their self-righteous goodness.

When you call attention to the similarity/comparability with previous atrocities you can expect some 'hissing' to begin reverberating through the thread. You have to wonder whether they are concerned for the sacrosanctness or if it is really intended for the erasing of it by not allowing it to be referenced.
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