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The covid injections don't work


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Thanks Norman for posting that picture. It reminds me that there remains the possibility of the next cleansing courtesy of people who have convinced themselves of their self-righteous goodness.

When you call attention to the similarity/comparability with previous atrocities you can expect some 'hissing' to begin reverberating through the thread. You have to wonder whether they are concerned for the sacrosanctness or if it is really intended for the erasing of it by not allowing it to be referenced.
Comparing the worldwide pandemic and the need to get the coronavirus under control for everyone's sake to what the Nazis did to the Jews based on who they were as a people is hateful, antisemitic, and trivializes the Holocaust. No true Christian should support this. It just further shows the lack of ability or willingness to think critically on the part of anti-vaxxers.
... hateful, antisemitic, and trivializes the Holocaust. No true Christian...
I was just relaying to another member how they use language like that to cancel speech. I wonder how successful they will be. What do you think?

Are you really free in Christ?
Actually, the FDA and CDC are encouraging people to take the vaccines.

Different COVID-19 Vaccines

COVID-19 vaccines are now widely available for people ages 5 years and older. In most cases, you do not need an appointment. Learn how to find a COVID-19 vaccine so you can get vaccinated as soon as possible.
All currently approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective and reduce your risk of severe illness. CDC does not recommend one vaccine over another.

What safety and effectiveness data are required to be submitted to FDA for an EUA request for a vaccine intended to prevent COVID-19?

COVID-19 vaccines are undergoing a rigorous development process that includes tens of thousands of study participants to generate the needed non-clinical, clinical, and manufacturing data. FDA will undertake a comprehensive evaluation of this information submitted by a vaccine manufacturer.

For an EUA to be issued for a vaccine, for which there is adequate manufacturing information to ensure quality and consistency, FDA must determine that the known and potential benefits outweigh the known and potential risks of the vaccine. An EUA request for a COVID-19 vaccine can be submitted to FDA based on a final analysis of a phase 3 clinical efficacy trial or an interim analysis of such trial, i.e., an analysis performed before the planned end of the trial once the data have met the pre-specified success criteria for the study’s primary efficacy endpoint.

From a safety perspective, FDA expects an EUA submission will include all safety data accumulated from phase 1 and 2 studies conducted with the vaccine, with an expectation that phase 3 data will include a median follow-up of at least 2-months (meaning that at least half of vaccine recipients in phase 3 clinical trials have at least 2 months of follow-up) after completion of the full vaccination regimen. In addition, FDA expects that an EUA request will include a phase 3 safety database of well over 3,000 vaccine recipients, representing a high proportion of participants enrolled in the phase 3 study, who have been followed for serious adverse events and adverse events of special interest for at least one month after completion of the full vaccination regimen.

Part of FDA’s evaluation of an EUA request for a COVID-19 vaccine includes evaluation of the chemistry, manufacturing, and controls information for the vaccine. Sufficient data should be submitted to ensure the quality and consistency of the vaccine product. FDA will use all available tools and information, including records reviews, site visits, and previous compliance history, to assess compliance with current good manufacturing practices.

Not the Johnson and Johnson vaccine.

THE CDC and FDA are warning people not to take it.

hateful, antisemitic, and trivializes the Holocaust. No true Christian
These days, it seems to be a somewhat effective anti-speech/cancel-speech method used by people when ever they are offended by rational reasoning to label others as being 'ungodly', 'unChristian', 'hateful', 'anti-semetic' ... etc.

They hiss these buzz words and point to the 'offenders', possibly hoping that the moderators/admins will dutifully respond by admonishing/reprimanding their targets. Is that your intention? I didn't read/interpret any disrespect by anyone here against Jews. I think you are just trying to draw a reaction.
About a month ago the Ontario government backed off on it's hard-sell of the Moderna vaccine.
Maybe something, maybe nothing.

Turns out the Johnson and Johnson vaccine is not fit for humans after all.

It's not wise to promote unnaproved vaccine.

If a person believes the vaccine is right for them, then at least get the one that is approved.

The Comirnaty Vaccine.
These days, it seems to be a somewhat effective anti-speech/cancel-speech method used by people when ever they are offended by rational reasoning to label others as being 'ungodly', 'unChristian', 'hateful', 'anti-semetic' ... etc.
Trivializing the Holocaust is beyond the pale as far as I'm concerned. Shame on those people.
Turns out the Johnson and Johnson vaccine is not fit for humans after all.
It is of course, not an mRNA vaccine, which means it's likely not as effective and safe. However, it's record so far is better than the Sabin vaccine early on.

As of May there were 28 serious reactions out of 8.7 million doses given. Or less than one serious reaction per 310,000 jabs. Compare to one death for every 420 Americans from COVID-19. People who don't get vaccinated are over 720 times more likely to die than people vaccinated with Johnson and Johnson vaccine are to get serious blood clots.

But as the CDC says, the mRNA vaccines have even better safety records than that. Still, if it was between COVID-19 and the J&J vaccine, I'd take the safest choice.
It's not about winning and losing the argument. It's about sharing points of view. From there, we draw our own conclusions.

OK then I can simply reword it if you like...

I conclude that JLBs points have been true and correct while his opponents has not...
Meanwhile my boss is now in hospital because of the vax...
That's 6 people I know that have been hurt by the shot...
0 people have been hurt from covid...
Then there's Reggie's poor Grandmother and mother. I'm aware of 4 deaths from the jab. One from the virus.
I'm a senior who is double-immune compromised. Since the pandemic started, I've had 2 serious viruses. My doctor said the first one had 4 symptoms of Covid. I was sick for a month.
The last one was for 2 weeks. I'm still here. No graphene or who-knows-what and antibodies. I'm here until the Lord says otherwise.
And there's no way I will willingly take the jab!
I am sure everyone here remembers the much touted " 99% of the in-hospital covid deaths were among the unvaccinated " .

CDC Director Admits Claim That Over 99% of In-Hospital Covid Deaths Were Among Unvaccinated People Was Junk
Interesting! The report states that the overwhelming number of covid19 deaths were among the unvaccinated but fails to remind us that the data included went all the way back to January when only about 10% of the population was vaccinated!

With data that skewed why would anyone rely on anything that they report?
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