The Derailing Thread Part Two

Goodness no. I would never suggest that. Piercing his epidermal layer with an iron/carbon alloy may lead to invasion by xenobiotic substance producing entities. I merely wanted him to do a nice safe organoleptic scan of the area by deploying his panchromatic sensor array in propinquity to the affected digits. 400 to 700 nanometer bosons are safe to use for this type of scan. Just stay away from their more energetic cousins.

BTW, exactly how many angels can dance on the head of a pin anyway?
sounds like radiation
not angels, demons
Im done people. Im not in a good place at the moment, so i need to move on, not from here but in general, im not happy with work, im not happy where I live, im not happy with anything, and its effecting my health. Its time for me to move. I have go back over seas. I miss my close good friends and I miss my fishing spots, where I am now I have no friends and don't do anything.
Perhaps the Lord needs you somewhere else Dan. Where are you wanting to move to? You sure sound unhappy where you are. Once you have definitely made your mind up what to do you will have something to look forward to.
Im done people. Im not in a good place at the moment, so i need to move on, not from here but in general, im not happy with work, im not happy where I live, im not happy with anything, and its effecting my health. Its time for me to move. I have go back over seas. I miss my close good friends and I miss my fishing spots, where I am now I have no friends and don't do anything.

I hope you find a good place for you.
Perhaps the Lord needs you somewhere else Dan. Where are you wanting to move to? You sure sound unhappy where you are. Once you have definitely made your mind up what to do you will have something to look forward to.
show us the picture of that big fish you caught
I have to start from srcatch and get my brain sorted first. I cannot do anything until my head is in the right place, I have tried and struggled for a long time with phobic anxieties trying to beat it myself but it doesnt work. I need time off and to see a doctor. Then I will work on the next step that will be getting back into work.
Hope things work out for you Dan. Have a break. Allen likes fishing.
I have to start from srcatch and get my brain sorted first. I cannot do anything until my head is in the right place, I have tried and struggled for a long time with phobic anxieties trying to beat it myself but it doesnt work. I need time off and to see a doctor. Then I will work on the next step that will be getting back into work.
part of your life is that big fish
show it to us
you have a new audience
I thought you had a bigger one than that
although that is one humdinger
tell us what you went through to catch it

Well, my fishing buddy wanted to show me his spot X, but on the way I said lets try here it looks good, so we parked up and first and second bait I landed two big reds over 20lb, the first snapped the reel off the rod as it old gear I was using, well the reel was new and good but the rod was old, so i had to land both fish with no reel attached to the rod using my fingers to try keep them together. Lol.

Then me and my fishing buddy had a big argument over whos spot X is it, he claimed it as his spot X because he took me to the area, where I claimed it as my spot X because he wanted to keep walking somewhere else to his spot.

The fish were caught off the rocks in shallow.
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Well, my fishing buddy wanted to show me his spot X, but on the way I said lets try here it looks good, so we parked up and first and second bait I landed two big reds over 20lb, the first snapped the reel off the rod as it old gear I was using, well the reel was new and good but the rod was old, so i had to land both fish with no reel attached to the rod using my fingers to try keep them together. Lol.

Then me and my fishing buddy had a big argument over whos spot X is it, he claimed it as his spot X because he took me to the area, where I claimed it as my spot X because he wanted to keep walking somewhere else to his spot.

The fish were caught off the rocks in shallow.
Its time for a positive outlook on life. Everyone should be positive.
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This may be caused by quantum fluctuations in the space time continuum. Please deploy a panchromatic sensor array in propinquity to the afore mentioned digits, so as to intercept a representative sample of the 400 to 700 nanometer bosons deflecting off of them. This will provide additional organoleptic data for analysis.
I think it was the funny mushrooms I was eating...
Im done people. Im not in a good place at the moment, so i need to move on, not from here but in general, im not happy with work, im not happy where I live, im not happy with anything, and its effecting my health. Its time for me to move. I have go back over seas. I miss my close good friends and I miss my fishing spots, where I am now I have no friends and don't do anything.
Glad you are not moving on from here, I enjoy your posts.

The big change (that is, the company moving my job from Georgia to Texas, over 900 miles, threw me for a loop. BUT, I'm getting the idea that this may be the Lord's plan after all - I was restless where I was and felt like a change was due - I just didn't know WHAT change.

If things don't feel right, then you are probably correct to make some changes. My best wishes to you.
A new study suggests that the elderly allocate about 5 grand per year per person for health care expenses at 65, ramping as the people age (Medigap policies can reach $500 per month all by themselves in the 80 and 90s). This is in addition to any allocation for nursing care expenses.

Part D premiums are subsidized just like part B premiums are. $898 is the average part D subsidy. $3535 is the average part B subsidy. Without the subsidy, benefits would be provided nearer cost. Still quite a bit cheaper than private insurance at age 80 would be, but obviously not as good a deal as the subsidy group gets. Part A is 100% subsidized for everyone ($422 per month buy in for those without any quarters logged). Total subsidy compared to buy in is $9497 per year, or $791.41 per month, with a bit of additional hidden subsidy implied by treasury's actual cost. The average Social Security check is about $1,400 a month. Total average benefit per retiree is in the $2000 per month range.

$1400 per month minus the $500 needed for part B, D, and Medigap premiums plus their deductibles leaves $900 per month for rent, food, etc...

Individual private insurance at 65 is estimated in the $2000 per month range, becoming astronomical by 90. Those not in the Medicare system have these expenses. Unless they move anywhere else in the world, where medicine is not as expensive.
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