The Derailing Thread Part Two

I think many things are not normal.
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All 5 of those places either have regimes hostile to the US, and/or terrorist groups within them that are hostile.
Why does the media say muslim majority countries but don't say North Korea Is Asian majority or Venezuela is Catholic and Christian majority.
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I am in favor of allowing all genuine Christians in legally, if they want to move here.
Im in favour of all genuine people.
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My club's third meet in Eureka SPrings, Arkansas was this week. Only 22 cars, but it was enough for the police to arrange a parade of us... Parade 1.jpg
On the Pig Trail (near Huntsville, Arkansas)...
(I have an idea the horizon is over 60 miles away.)

On the Pig TrailSMALL.jpg
And one last one, all the cars on the runway at a local members' home. :)On the RUnway line upSMALL.jpg
The weekend is not all about cars. Here is something on display at a local Hotel which was built in 1886.what is itSMALL.jpg