The Derailing Thread Part Two

I never been Atlanta. But I did learn something new. It's the capital of state of Georgia. Now I know .
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I was talking to people on the net about an article on epigenetic aging in the Journal of Aging. We were trying to make sense of its finding that exercise apparently doesn't significantly affect epigenetic aging. Exercise does have other benefits though.

Then I surfed over to this web site to catch up on the news.
What's epigenetic aging and how do I stop it from affecting me?
As you can see, I'm trying to keep that youthful look.
I never been Atlanta. But I did learn something new. It's the capital of state of Georgia. Now I know .
What's the capital of NZ?
Do you remember that young couple on here that wanted to move there?
Wonder what happened to them.
What's epigenetic aging and how do I stop it from affecting me?
As you can see, I'm trying to keep that youthful look.

The rate at which your DNA ages. Stay at peace, and eat good food.

Going by your picture, you seem to be doing a good job.
The rate at which your DNA ages. Stay at peace, and eat good food.

Going by your picture, you seem to be doing a good job.
Yes! I'm doing a most splendid job.

PEACE........ Ah.....

But God helps us.
Many people just continue on from the dawn of time. Always someone else fault.
Many people just continue on from the dawn of time and keep finding someone else to blame. Nothing has changed with man over the thousands of years. Always someone else fault.
What's someone else's fault?
That you didn't get any fish?
Just think how happy those fish are.
This is all I have to say to you and Michael74 ...
Buona Notte!