The Derailing Thread Part Two

I was driving slow and had the music going and was singing in my vehicle just chilling and then randomly I looked in my rear view and there was the police right up my tail with all sirens blazing and sounding, right up my tail dangerous distance like nearly touching my back bumber, so I go to pull over and they speed past smashing the speed limit.

Who knows how long they were waiting behind me to pull over, I didn't notice, I was just having a good time driving slow and responsible and I was in no rush.

If they were late turning up to some issue because I held them up, and people cannot take justice into their own hands and sort there own issues out, then im sorry it's my fault. I mean, it's always someone else's fault.
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Is Bernie Sander's plan for free health care for all such a bad idea?
Yes it costs money but so do other things. surely its a priority to address fundamental inequalities.
Anyone missing a dog?. The cops shot one last night because it was attacking someone's sheep. I'm guessing the farmer handed in his pest control semi auto so had no gun.
Is Bernie Sander's plan for free health care for all such a bad idea?
Yes it costs money but so do other things. surely its a priority to address fundamental inequalities.

I know uh. How will we pay it, meanwhile most of the budget is spent on weapons of war.
Anyone missing a dog?. The cops shot one last night because it was attacking someone's sheep. I'm guessing the farmer handed in his pest control semi auto so had no gun.

U must take this very seriously being a Kiwi.
If sheep are Christs people than New Zealand is Jesus himself
U must take this very seriously being a Kiwi.
If sheep are Christs people than New Zealand is Jesus himself

If a farmer's stock gets attacked on there private property the pest gets shot.

Someone is missing there pet dog. Just to let them know it's now dead for being a pest.
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Biggest joke ever. The government telling people what they can and cannot do with there private property. If you own private property the government should stay out of it. If you rent it and who rents it and the agreement is no one else business.

I thought that I would start up a chat for people who are sick of hearing about the Coronavirus. (Like me and humble soul.) Let's talk about cute little animals like kittens and puppies instead. :)
One night last week, or it could have been the week before, Freddie, the ginger cat jumped onto the table and sat on my brothers sandwich. He had to go and make himself another one :lol
I thought that I would start up a chat for people who are sick of hearing about the Coronavirus. (Like me and humble soul.) Let's talk about cute little animals like kittens and puppies instead. :)
what aqbout kangaroos?
frilled neck lizards
lyre birds
One night last week, or it could have been the week before, Freddie, the ginger cat jumped onto the table and sat on my brothers sandwich. He had to go and make himself another one :lol

Lol, that is pretty funny, but I still feel pretty bad for your brother. :lol

what aqbout kangaroos?
frilled neck lizards
lyre birds

Sure, lol whatever you want. It's just that I love kittens and puppies the most. :)
Like all animals except for snakes and rats.
Old question that provably everyone knows the answer.
What do you get if you cross a sleep with a kangaroo?