The Derailing Thread Part Two

Yeah i mean sheep l

A wooly jumper? *looks up at the ceiling and whistles nervously while slowly rocking back and forth* No, I didn't just look that up. *Blushes and crosses fingers behind back*
Two radical Islamists want to return to India provided there is no jail sentence. Lol.

What do they want, a welcome home party, free welfare and housing. They should go to Pakistan where they belong.

Hipster: a guy/girl who tries to be hip! With it. Cool. Shallow. The right clothing. And so on..
The Himalayan mountains are covered with snow, which reflects the sun's light back into space better than dry land. This helps cool the planet.
Did you know two people one from NZ and the other from Spain both put a slice of bread on the ground at exact points on the other side of the world so they could make a earth sandwich.
It's that time of year in the south ?.