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Bible Study The devil incarnate?

cybershark5886 said:
But when you say God gave the earth to man I still visualise you meaning "God gave mankind to man". And you said earlier that you agree that God came to redeem man.

This is where I'm confused, and would like you to elaborate. I'm not trying to be difficult, I just want to understand you. So please bear with me. :)

When man fell, God cursed the man, God cursed the woman, God cursed the serpent, and God cursed the earth.

Gen 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou [art] cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Gen 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire [shall be] to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Gen 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed [is] the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat [of] it all the days of thy life;
Gen 3:18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
Gen 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou [art], and unto dust shalt thou return.

God gave the earth to man in Gen 2:15. Maybe in the sense of stewardship, rather than in the sense of "Here, it's all yours." Man was in charge. Either way, the Lord came to claim back what belongs to Him, and became incarnate in order to do so.

Gen 2:15 ¶ And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

This is what the Concordance has for the word "keep":
1) to keep, guard, observe, give heed

a) (Qal)

1) to keep, have charge of

2) to keep, guard, keep watch and ward, protect, save life

a) watch, watchman (participle)

3) to watch for, wait for

4) to watch, observe

5) to keep, retain, treasure up (in memory)

6) to keep (within bounds), restrain

7) to observe, celebrate, keep (sabbath or covenant or commands), perform (vow)

8) to keep, preserve, protect

9) to keep, reserve

b) (Niphal)

1) to be on one's guard, take heed, take care, beware

2) to keep oneself, refrain, abstain

3) to be kept, be guarded

c) (Piel) to keep, pay heed

d) (Hithpael) to keep oneself from

I apologize for not having documents, or links to any of the Bible studies that I referred to earlier. It has been a common teaching for quite a while. I will see if I can find something for you on that.
Georges said:
If that is the case....why didn't Jane come instead of Jesus....seems to me Eve was the one who sinned first....not Adam...

If by one woman sin came into the world.....wouldn't one woman need to make it righteous....?

Rom 5:12 ¶ Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

Rom 5:17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)

Oh, wait! Paul wrote that.
George. I guess you will have to search your own versions of your personal beliefs and make up your own answers.
When man fell, God cursed the man, God cursed the woman, God cursed the serpent, and God cursed the earth.

God gave the earth to man in Gen 2:15. Maybe in the sense of stewardship, rather than in the sense of "Here, it's all yours." Man was in charge. Either way, the Lord came to claim back what belongs to Him, and became incarnate in order to do so.

So what you are saying is that though Jesus came to redeem man he also had to come as a human to redeem the earth from the curse given to the earth?

Only one problem though, that is insuficient motivation, because the earth and heavens will be completely destroyed after the Millenial Reign. Whereas we will be the only eternal harvest of God.
cybershark5886 said:
When man fell, God cursed the man, God cursed the woman, God cursed the serpent, and God cursed the earth.

God gave the earth to man in Gen 2:15. Maybe in the sense of stewardship, rather than in the sense of "Here, it's all yours." Man was in charge. Either way, the Lord came to claim back what belongs to Him, and became incarnate in order to do so.

So what you are saying is that though Jesus came to redeem man he also had to come as a human to redeem the earth from the curse given to the earth?

Only one problem though, that is insuficient motivation, because the earth and heavens will be completely destroyed after the Millenial Reign. Whereas we will be the only eternal harvest of God.

It looks like you still missed the point of the thread.

I read this entire thread over and over. It takes no genious to figure out what this thread is about. There is much twisted turns here by some. Either these people are just ignorant or they do not understand the Bible.. Either way: When we talk about title deeds, keys, etc etc they are thinking about houses and real estate. This is like trying to shoot a bird out of the sky 400 yards away with a sling shot...
cybershark5886 said:
If that is the case....why didn't Jane come instead of Jesus....seems to me Eve was the one who sinned first....not Adam...

Oh go choke on a NRSV Bible which is as picky about gender as you are. :D

:-D :-D :-D

And who is Jane? In what ways is she qualified to die for my sins? Does she have a phD? :D

Ha ha....It just struck me when I was reading the thread...when I saw the verse you posted...I realized that Eve sinned first....I just used Jane be because J...Jane....J....Jesus....OK, it was getting late...

Actually now that I think about it, who said Jane's a girl....? :D

"Man" for centuries has been a generic designation for humankind. No doubt you've heard of "mankind" as a blanket statement for all humans.

P.S. I couldn't help but mess w/ you. :)

Makes the forum, fun....No? At least you have a good sense of humor....Unlike many on the forums.....
Cyber, I'm sure you know that in the Greek, the word for "world" is "kosmos"
meaning "order, arrangement, ornament, adornment" from Vines Complete Dictionary.

While it's true that in our daily vernacular "world" often means the "Earth"; in the Scriptures this is not true.

The Greek word used for "land" or the "earth" is "ge";

The Greek word used for "habitable earth or land" is "oikoumene".

So, when we read "God so loved the world..." it is the world of mankind He loves.

Yea I agree Satan is not a Fallen Angel.... he is a Tool of God
As with a perfect created Lucifer, so with a perfect created Adam. Freedom of choice! It required 'testing over time'. God shortened it by creating man. God needed to prove that neither were a flawed creation by the Godhead. They are on a trial so to speak, before the universe.

Christ God was creator of [All], everything, OTHER WORLDS, with Their Living inhabited creation only seen as PERFECT by their Word alone. Colossians 1:14-19, Hebrews 1:2 & chapter 11:3. When others had seen the results of sin, and then total rebellion, they also needed to see the result of Gods Eternal Love of Eternal Mercy by one who would be fully & conditionally MATURED! So we see a second chance, Born Again if one will?? They created the Universe with this two party Freedom of Choice! And now the Eternal plan of the Everlasting Gospel would be brought forth as needed, to vindicate the Godhead. Revelation 14:6.

Check these all in the K.J. And start again with man at the Gen. fact? (compare heavens Ezekiel 28:15) God created Adam lifeless [until] He breathed into his [nostrils] the [Breath of life]. Then he 'became' a living soul. Immortal? Naw, he just started his perfectly created life not needing to be Born Again yet, at that time!

True Immortality means that one had always been! (As God) All of the Godheads creation is conditional Eternal life as was also previously, and as given in Revelation 22:1-2. All of lost mankind from Adam's sin on were created with this Covenant condition, as explained by God (Notice Two of the Godhead) in Genesis 3:22

And even animals have the breath of life as other verses have stated. Ecclesiastes 3:19 Or the 'spirit' as is seen interchangeable in this inspired writer's 'penned' term in verse 21. (even the fallen angel are dying, & would die in time!)

Then man [became a living soul]. No where is it given in the Word of God that any of the Godhead's created life in heaven + other worlddid, or has a 'soul' that is immortal! Conditional eternal life? Surely! But only the Godhead has ETERNALLY been and is IMMORTAL. They are, and that is what true Immortally is!! 1 Timothy 6:15-16.

Surely we do not believe the 'devils' first lie to Eve do we? 'Ye shall not truly die' Genesis 3:4
One best make sure that they are teaching the truth. And which way it is? See the last verses of Revelation 22:18-19! (compare Ecclesiastes 3:14) And take note that these ones had their names written in the Book of Life at one time!! In other words, they had at one time [been Born Again!!]

Some even teach that these are Only for the Jew?? That is foolishness! Both Adam & Eve were covered with the Garment of Christ's required Righteousness that they lost after sin! Genesis 3:10-11, Matthew 23:11-12.

Compare the Obadiah 1:16's verse for eternities complete time with a starting point, as some use it? compare it to the opposite of the saved ones with eternal life from when on? Only from the time that they were Born, rather.. Born Again or not Born Again! And even then, there is seen from these Born Again ones a CONDITIONAL ETERNAL COVENANT AGREEMENT! Hebrews 13:20

And NO, All sin & sinners will be 'Blotted out of the Universe' after the 1000 years of judgement are over, this is the SECOND DEATH. Obadiah 1:16 & Nahum 1:9
Hi Gabby, I haven't seen any comments from you about the subject of this thread. Do you believe the devil became flesh and blood, or did you just throw that out for effect?

As to the earth being given to Adam, and Christ having to become a man to redeem it back, that just isn't scriptural. Is it something you came up with by yourself?

Let's look at Gen.1:28 in the RSV, "God blessed them, and God said to them 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.' God said, 'See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food.'"

It says they will have dominion over fish, birds and animals of all types; and all edible plants and trees were given to them, obviously for food.
Nothing says they owned all the planet and could do with it what they wanted.

Also, consider these scriptures: Psa.24:1 "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof." 47:7 "For God is the King of all the earth.." 89:1 "The heavens are thine, the earth also.." Isa. 54:5 "God of all the earth shall he be called.." 66:1 "..heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool."

I believe that God planned to show His creation the extent of His love, by being it's Saviour. God knew that Adam would sin and that sin and death would pass on to the rest of mankind. God sent his Son, and His Son was fully willing to humble himself, as we read in Phil.2:5-8, NIV,

"who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death--even death on a cross."

That is why God the Son, became Jesus, the man, to save mankind and to reconcile the whole universe.
