I’m not ridiculing you. I am simply pointing out the specific attributes the God of Islam and the God of Calvinism have in common. For example, both believe God can and does act with pure will; both believe in God's determinism; both believe in God's fatalism; both believe God can and does deceive; both believe God is an iconoclast; both beli there weeve in divine dictation; both believe in sola Scriptura.
I used the example of the annunciation to demonstrate but one of these similarities.
Well there we have it. You claiming to know what Calvinism teaches and YOU DO NOT. At least consider when I say that that I probably actually do know what I'm talking about regarding Reformation Theology (Calvinism You it) since I AM ONE, And since you aren't you may be incorrect in what you say about us.
So now I feel it necessary to set the record straight, not because I think it will change your mind, but in case someone actually believes what you said.
The God of Calvinism and the god of Islam have nothing in common. Islam does not believe that Jesus is diety. They believe that Isaac is not the true seed of Abraham but Ishmael is. They turn the Bible on its head and do not consider it God's word so no matter how much they borrow from it they are not worshiping the one true and living God.
Calvinist believe the Bible is the word of God, that Jesus is fully God and fully man, that He died, was raised from the dead, and ascended into Heaven and that He will return. They believe His death was a substitutionary death, a propitiation for the sins of those who believe. (Wow! Same thing free willers believe.)
Yes we believe God has pure will, I guess, whatever you mean by pure will. That's a new one to me. We believe that God is sovereign over all things, controls all things, determines all things because He wouldn't be God otherwise. Plus the Bible says these things about God. This does not mean that we believe man is God's puppet. It does not mean that we believe man doesn't make any actual choices. What it DOES mean is that we believe the will of man cannot thwart God's will, and before you say man disobeys God's will all the time, that IS NOT what I'm talking about. What I'm saying is God's will is absolutely free and man's is not. God can and will stop a person from following his own will if it is going to alter His short or long range purposes. He may ALLOW us to do as we please and bear the consequences or reap the benefits, but that does not mean our will is absolutely free.
And I have no idea what you mean by God's fatalism. Do you possibly mean the fatalism PEOPLE perceive belongs to this doctrine? I have heard that argument many times. I can only say my beliefs are anything but fatalistic. I don't feel fatalistic at all because I UNDERSTAND it. It is God's creation, including the people. We are creatures. He made us and He loves us and He cares for us. Who do you think your breakfast this morning came from? He cares for the saved and unsaved alike. He has a plan for redemption. That is the whole role and purpose of the Bible is. First to reveal Himself to us, His character and nature, and second to give us hope by showing us this plan of redemption. The plan, God's plan was laid out by Him long before we even fell. In detail and exactness. He does not change it or alter it according to what our wills or we in other words, May or may not do. It is set this plan. It is established. It will unfold according to His purpose and plan. I don't focus on whether or not I like it or whether or not God is being fair, I focus on Redemption and am GRATEFUL to Him. It's His world after all. It doesn't really matter if you believe God chose you or you chose Him. Either way you are in Christ. Why all the bitter fuss?
Next. You say Calvinists believe God deceives!!! I don't no where you came up with that and I don't really care but it is a bald faced LIE. There is not a Calvinist, past present or future that believes that!
As for God being an iconoclast, not sure in what way you mean that. If you mean He attacks cherished beliefs or institutions, He is the One true God after all. If you mean He destroys idols, why not. He says to have no other gods before us. God is all about TRUTH and His truth is the REAL truth. Divine dictation? Divine inspiration (what the Calvinists and most Christians believe) is not the same thing as divine dictation. And yes Calvinists believe in scripture alone but Islam does not. They accept the writings of Mohammed to be superior to our Bible.