the first commandment

Veneration isn't worship ? Ok
Praying to and deducating ones lips and life and purpose to any one but God isn't idolatry.

Says the Catholic.
Care to explain:
Sure...If you see stone and wood "images" as just stone and wood, you can spit on them just as if they are the ground they come from.
If spitting on "stone and wood" offends our conscience, it would be sacrilege...a sin.
And it would manifest that the image was something more than just stone or wood.
Matt 27:3-10 statuary?
Judas threw the coins on the floor of the temple.
Zechariah 11:13
And the Lord said to me: Cast it to the statuary, a handsome price, that I was prized at by them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and I cast them into the house of the Lord to the statuary.
KJV call it pottery
The word used in Zech 11:13 is "potter", not "pottery".
What statues? Graven images?
As you started with an erroneous translation, your POV is corrupted from its start.
Images are not forbidden, such as the cherubim on the ark of the covenant exod 25:18 and the bronze serpent num 21:9 and Jn 3:14 are not forbidden but even commanded, graven or worshiped as a god then these images are forbidden such as the golden calf!
Where were the cherubims over-shadowing the mercy seat EVER worshipped or even prayed to?
I don't think the old Israelites ever worshipped the furniture.
Num. 21:9's making of the serpent of brass was commanded by God after He sent fiery serpents among the rebellious Israelites. They were not worshipped or prayed to,
John 3:14?
Jesus was the manifestation of an OT presage.
He was indeed worthy of worship, but brass artifices made by men's hands are not.
Neither are plaster, stone, or wood images.
Spit away !
Bowing down or posture does not equal worship or adoration!
Bowing down to anything, is idolatry.
Worship requires intent!
You must have the intent to worship God properly!
Worship requires intent, offering of sacrifice, a ordained priesthood, adoration, reparation, thanksgiving, and petition!
You are adding men's pollution to worship.
Why does man need sacrifice, priests, or anything else to glorify God?
Bowing or posture does not equal worship! Kneeling next to your bed to pray is that worshiping your bed?
Can you spit on your bed without a guilty conscience?
That is the difference between idolatry and anything else.
Genesis 23:12
And Abraham bowed down himself before the people of the land.
Genesis 42:6
And Joseph was the governor over the land, and he it was that sold to all the people of the land: and Joseph's brethren came, and bowed down themselves before him with their faces to the earth.
Bowing a sign of obedience!
What are you "obeying" when you bow to a Mary or Peter statue?
Genesis 43:28
And they answered, Thy servant our father is in good health, he is yet alive. And they bowed down their heads, and made obeisance.
1 Kings 1:53
So king Solomon sent, and they brought him down from the altar. And he came and bowed himself to king Solomon: and Solomon said unto him, Go to thine house.
1 Kings 2:19
Bathsheba therefore went unto king Solomon, to speak unto him for Adonijah. And the king rose up to meet her, and bowed himself unto her
If you kneel next to your bed to say your prayers at night are you worshiping your bed? No!
I have been a catholic all my life and I’m 60 and I have never worshiped Mary or the saints or a statute!
Reverence, veneration, love and devotion yes! Worship no!
Imitation of the the life and virtues of the saints! Yes a husband and father should imitate Saint Joseph, his life of godliness and virtue, patience and obedience and faithfulness! The family should imitate the holy family of Nazareth!
the icon-o-clast heresy was condemned by the holy apostles in the authority of Christ in the seventh century at the second council of Nicea!
You are going to too great a lengths to defend idolatry.
When I became a real Christian, one of the first thing I did was throw my rosary in the dumpster.
Was that a sin?
Veneration isn't worship ? Ok
Praying to and deducating ones lips and life and purpose to any one but God isn't idolatry.

Says the Catholic.
We don’t pray to but God who can hear and answer our prayers

Why does Jesus say “whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, you do unto me”? Thanks
Sure...If you see stone and wood "images" as just stone and wood, you can spit on them just as if they are the ground they come from.
If spitting on "stone and wood" offends our conscience, it would be sacrilege...a sin.
And it would manifest that the image was something more than just stone or wood.

Judas threw the coins on the floor of the temple.

The word used in Zech 11:13 is "potter", not "pottery".

As you started with an erroneous translation, your POV is corrupted from its start.

Where were the cherubims over-shadowing the mercy seat EVER worshipped or even prayed to?
I don't think the old Israelites ever worshipped the furniture.
Num. 21:9's making of the serpent of brass was commanded by God after He sent fiery serpents among the rebellious Israelites. They were not worshipped or prayed to,
John 3:14?
Jesus was the manifestation of an OT presage.
He was indeed worthy of worship, but brass artifices made by men's hands are not.
Neither are plaster, stone, or wood images.
Spit away !

Bowing down to anything, is idolatry.


You are adding men's pollution to worship.
Why does man need sacrifice, priests, or anything else to glorify God?

Can you spit on your bed without a guilty conscience?
That is the difference between idolatry and anything else.

What are you "obeying" when you bow to a Mary or Peter statue?

You are going to too great a lengths to defend idolatry.
When I became a real Christian, one of the first thing I did was throw my rosary in the dumpster.
Was that a sin?
Yes and your disrespect for what the images represent, they themselves are just wood or stone and have no intrinsic value but they represent Christ, Mary, and the saints and you are disrespecting God who is the author of all good and Christ who is the source of all grace and virture, on the other hand to praise, love, venerate Mary and the saints to glorify Christ and God.
Why does Jesus say; “whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you do unto me”? Or Saul Saul why art thou persecuting me? Vos the new covenant church is the communion of saints, we are united with Christ. When was an image of Mary and the saints ever worshipped or prayed too? Only God may lawfully worshiped and we pray to God.
You can praise and glorify God but not worship, God must be worshipped in spirit and in truth see below. Why give up the rosary? You don’t think you need to meditate “mental prayer” on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Thanks
Yes and your disrespect for what the images represent, they themselves are just wood or stone and have no intrinsic value but they represent Christ, Mary, and the saints and you are disrespecting God who is the author of all good and Christ who is the source of all grace and virture, on the other hand to praise, love, venerate Mary and the saints to glorify Christ and God.
They are wood and stone, and represent nothing but wood and stone.
If it is sacrilege to spit on it, statue worship is idolatry.
Why does Jesus say; “whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you do unto me”?
Because He may be in the "brother".
Or Saul Saul why art thou persecuting me?
Because He is in the persecuted.
Vos the new covenant church is the communion of saints, we are united with Christ. When was an image of Mary and the saints ever worshipped or prayed to? Only God may lawfully worshiped and we pray to God.
Never, and correct.
You can praise and glorify God but not worship,
God must be worshipped in spirit and in truth see below.
Yes, but statues?
Why give up the rosary?
As an ex-catholic, I held it in an idolatrous fashion.
You don’t think you need to meditate “mental prayer” on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Thanks
Of course I do, but I don't need wood and stone in order to do so.
Visit St Peter Basilica in Rome and see the thousands that flow through and kiss the foot of the bronze statue of Peter.

One foot has been worn away over the centuries from being kissed. That is idolatory.
This is true.
But it's not the CC that tells them to do this.
I wanted to ask you and donadams if the cherubim on the Ark would be considered graven images.
This is true.
But it's not the CC that tells them to do this.
I wanted to ask you and donadams if the cherubim on the Ark would be considered graven images.
If God created the Ark or instructed men to create the Ark to a specific design then no they are not.

If someone then worshipped one of those cherubim then they have themselves created a graven image. It would always be man's response to any object/art/painting etc that is at the heart.

After all, isn't that what the ten commandments set out to do, guide and control our sinful heart?
No jew could enter the Holy of Holies unless a priest and even then no one would kneel at the mercy seat praying to it ask God for a petition to be heard .

God himself met the priest there and spoke only once a year there to him .
Yes and your disrespect for what the images represent, they themselves are just wood or stone and have no intrinsic value but they represent Christ, Mary, and the saints and you are disrespecting God who is the author of all good and Christ who is the source of all grace and virture, on the other hand to praise, love, venerate Mary and the saints to glorify Christ and God.
Why does Jesus say; “whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you do unto me”? Or Saul Saul why art thou persecuting me? Vos the new covenant church is the communion of saints, we are united with Christ. When was an image of Mary and the saints ever worshipped or prayed too? Only God may lawfully worshiped and we pray to God.
You can praise and glorify God but not worship, God must be worshipped in spirit and in truth see below. Why give up the rosary? You don’t think you need to meditate “mental prayer” on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Thanks
Who are the saints?

Where in the Bible does it support the glorification of individuals and then assigning them to watch over certain people e.g. St Christopher the Patron Saint of Travellers? Those people who are lionised to much by the Catholic Church I suspect would have been humble in their Christian service and would actually be appalled if they only knew.

The term saints in the NT refers to all Christians, not a select group of past individuals who have been canonised by the Catholic Church.

Does this mean that wondering jasonc and myself might get statues?? :lol wondering: as a CF Ambassador you could end up being the Patron Saint of Web Forums
Graven images must be the first commandment

Why is it extremely important for the first commandment to include ex 20:2-6?

Why should the ban on graven images be in the first commandment?

Because the first commandment deals with the true God and false gods, graven images are idols and worshipped as god, idolatry, so it must be included in the first commandments context.

Like the Cross?
Who are the saints?

Where in the Bible does it support the glorification of individuals and then assigning them to watch over certain people e.g. St Christopher the Patron Saint of Travellers? Those people who are lionised to much by the Catholic Church I suspect would have been humble in their Christian service and would actually be appalled if they only knew.

The term saints in the NT refers to all Christians, not a select group of past individuals who have been canonised by the Catholic Church.

Does this mean that wondering jasonc and myself might get statues?? :lol wondering: as a CF Ambassador you could end up being the Patron Saint of Web Forums
May it never be!
As a saint, I'd have to be set aside to read every single post!
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Like the Cross?
Why do the witnesses dislike the cross so much?

Protestants dislike the crucifix and prefer the plain cross with no Jesus on it.

Shouldn't we like anything and respect anything that is a representation of Jesus?
No matter what a denomination may believe Him to have been.
It is used as a idol- plain and simple!
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Graven images must be the first commandment

Why is it extremely important for the first commandment to include ex 20:2-6?

Why should the ban on graven images be in the first commandment?

Because the first commandment deals with the true God and false gods, graven images are idols and worshipped as god, idolatry, so it must be included in the first commandments context.

Idols were the downfall of the ancient peoples.
If God created the Ark or instructed men to create the Ark to a specific design then no they are not.

If someone then worshipped one of those cherubim then they have themselves created a graven image. It would always be man's response to any object/art/painting etc that is at the heart.

After all, isn't that what the ten commandments set out to do, guide and control our sinful heart?
I agree with your reply.
But it seems that those that are adverse to "graven images",,,I mean statues of Jesus, Mary or saints, always state the reason as being that these statues are actually being worshipped.
I just don't see this as bring true.