The quote
Deborah13 posted of Calvin's is the first writings of Calvin I've ever read. Really! I sure do hear people speak for him a lot, though. I doubt they are getting his beliefs correct though since many of these people, speaking for him, seem to be presenting contradictory positions of his views. Some people use the term HyperCalvinism (I think by that they mean DUPED, double predestination of the elected kind). But if it's not based on Calvinism, then why call it Hypercalvinism? Makes no sense to me why they use the term Hypercalvinism. I suspect I know why they do that though.
I doubt I'd agree with everything Mr. Calvin said though, even if I did read him. I don't even agree with my wife on several topics. And I'm in love with her. Plus, she looks a lot better.
The verse Calvin used to justify/defend what he said in the previously mentioned quotation/commentary on what Paul says in Rom 9:18 ("that not only the destruction of
the wicked is foreknown, but that
the wicked themselves have been created for this very end — that they may perish") is
Pr 16:4. [Which by the way, I think Justin's comments, that I posted, were also Justin's opinions consistent with this very same verse on both subjects too.]
i.e. theses two issues (foreknowledge and DUP) do go together in a fashion.
Proverbs 16:4 ((LEB) All Yahweh has made is for his purpose, and even the wicked for the day of trouble.
Which of course says what it says. None of us disagree with what it says (hopefully it's translated correctly). We just have differing views of whether God means it as a general Proverb that applies to His overall plan for the redemption of mankind (as I do, even foreshadowing Christ as that plan) or does He mean it on an individual by individual basis (Double Unconditional Predestination, DUP). i.e. does God 'make/force/command/order' some individual people for their 'day of trouble'.
Rather, I think God has foreknowledge that evil mankind (the un-saved, the un-forgiven) are decreed/ordained for their day of destruction.
I think Proverb 16:6 explains a lot.
Proverbs 16:6 (LEB) By loyalty and faithfulness, iniquity will be covered over, and by fear of Yahweh one turns from evil.
To make a long story short, I think "by loyalty and faithfulness, iniquity will be covered over" typifies and foreshadows Christ's work of covering over our iniquity. [As in God foreknew that would occur.]
Also, '
by fear of Yahweh one turns from evil and this covers their iniquity' puts to bed the idea that people can 'hear the word and immediately receive it with joy' (versus fear the Lord first) and expect their 'joy' to cover their iniquity (Matt 13:20). It is 'fear of the Lord' that will cover their iniquity not joy. In the OT and NT. Joy comes after our iniquity is covered just after 'fear of the Lord', not before. At least it did for me and does per Proverbs 16:6.
The Gospel is good news to a fearful and dying person. But if that person has no fear of the Lord and are happy in their spiritually dead condition, then the true Gospel is hidden from them, in my opinion.