- Sep 13, 2012
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Hi JohnHi Diane. I'm curious as to how you interpret the "buy and sell" aspect of the Mark. I've heard before an interpretation that we hold money in our hand and think about money with our mind, but that interpretation seems to ring rather hollow in light of recent developments in world banking. Cashless banking is becoming more and more common and there is a definite trend toward microchips being placed in the hand as the next big thing.
For a world which believes it cannot live without money, the control of buying and selling amounts to de facto control over the world. But in the end it's not really money or microchips which the AC cares about. These things are just tools to turn people away from God.
It is our fear that he will exploit; fear of living without money; fear of what we will eat, drink or wear if we don't have the means to buy/sell. The real insult (to God) with the Mark is that people have been conned into believing that it is money which sustains their life rather than God. It's the same thing Jesus preached about in his sermon on the mount when he said we should not allow worry about material things stop us from working for love (i.e. seeking first the kingdom of Heaven) (Mattew 6:24-34).
I see the mark on ones forehead, their mind, beliefs.
Right hand, means power, their works
The Parable of the 10 virgins Matt 25:1-12
5 foolish
5 wise
5 wise had oil, which represents, the anointed, spiritual truth
5 foolish had no oil, spiritual truth.
Verse 9,10
Go ye rather to them that sell and buy...
While they went to buy, the bridegroom came and shut the door, then the foolish said, Lord open to us.
He answered, I know you not.
They went to the wrong Christ for their anointing.
They had worshipped him, thinking he was Christ.
And no man might buy or sell, save he have the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
God will take care of His own.
Barter system, or manna, or however.
Just don't go for the wrong one, you will be a harlot, no longer a virgin bride, wait, for the True one, less you be found naked and ashamed
Upon her forehead, was a name written, Mystery Babylon (confusion) the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.
That will be in your forehead, mind, your beliefs.
As in verse 4 the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, (royalty, priestly) and deck with gold and precious stones, and pearls. (Riches)
Cup full of abominations, and fornication.
No longer a virgin, fornicators.
My belief