If this is a response to my post, I have no idea what points are being addressed? Could you please take it point by point if there is disagreement?Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
John 12:25
To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.
Rom 2:7
Saying eternal life is life without end with Christ, is not a difficult idea to understand.
Life that does not end in death is "eternal" "forever" life. Eternal means forever. Life means life.
Let us take John 12:25 and break the sentence down.
Life is the subject. Life as in the act of living. Those who love their life on earth will lose it, ie die, have
life taken away from them
Those who hate their life on earth, in this world will keep it, "life", for eternity.
Now it appears to me conceptually some take the term "eternal life" and make it something different
from life in eternity.
Belief does not have to be continuous. So let me think of analogy.
I believe a rope will hold my weight as I swing across a deep valley. I must land and take off the rope on
the other side to be saved. Now I have faith for a time that the rope will work, but never have to swing
across. The time comes for me to swing across, and I have lost my faith, so cannot, so will perish.
Yes while I believed I was saved, because when the time came, I would trust and be saved.
But without faith in that time, the faith I had for a time has no value, because only when it becomes real
does it matter.
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
1 cor 15:58
Any argument has its opposite implication. If one behaviour means things are not it vain, the other means
it is all pointless. Let the reader draw which is which, because I have learnt, this is a spiritual dimension of
reality, and those who believe all are saved, believe just stating staying in faith is an evil lie. It is odd to me
how some can derive no obvious opposite implications from what Paul writes, but condemn believing faithful
believers as evil who actually follow Jesus. And nothing I write will make any difference to them, because they
have heard it all before, lol. Wise teachers, not.
This is part of your post:
"Why should we stand firm? Because only if we abide are we saved and the labor is not in vain.
If salvation is just a spark in the pan.
1. The sower and the seed. If any plant grows, it produces seed worthy of harvest
2. Standing firm is irrelevant, you are saved, because nothing can ever be in vain
3. Believe in Jesus, but betray and trample on Him afterwards, because He forgives you and will welcome
you home to a house you despise."
If one must "abide are we saved", as you've just said, then one is saved by their own efforts of abiding. I reject such a theology, since the Bible is very clear that we "are saved by grace through faith, and not of works". Eph 2:8,9
Your claim is unsupported by Scripture. In fact, it is refuted directly by Scripture.
The 3 points following your claim are at the least, unclear.
Re: #1, who says so? Scripture? If so, where, specifically? In fact, seed #2 and #3 BOTH grew into plants, but didn't produce a harvest. So pont #1 is refuted directly by Scripture.
Re: #2, the statement doesn't make sense. Please re-word or re-phrase.
Re: #3, making up hateful and obnoxious statements doesn't change the grace of God. We're saved by grace, not by works. Eph 2:8,9
Jesus made the point that those who believe HAVE (as in presently possess) eternal life:
John 3:15,16, 36, 5:24, 6:47, 11:25-27.
So, it should be obvious that in order to possess eternal life, one must be given eternal life.
And Jesus then made the point that those He gives eternal life (see verses about possessing eternal life on the basis of faith), shall never perish in John 10:28.
So, when one believes, they are given eternal life by Jesus. And those given eternal life shall never perish.
There is no room for any recipient of eternal life to EVER perish. According to Jesus.