I'm beginnnnnnnnning to think the like button isnt appropriate for us. What are we liking and what are we detesting? This is very similar to the Ignore button.
may bring kind of division: you like posts that agree with your own line of thought and ignore or detest ones that dont agree with your stance.
i have notied that excellent posts here get ignored...at times when A corrects B. ;)
I agree Classik, it is a form of favoritism.
We like what we like and ignore what we don't.
But it is not wrong.
If we were in person and you quoted something I liked, I would tell you so.
It's the same thing as giving a like here on the forum.
People form different "camps" so to speak.
Certain people we agree with more than others.
That's all it is.
Sometimes after getting to know someone better, we start giving them likes or stop giving them likes.
And that attitude can see saw for a long time.
Likes is a form of expression.
Sometimes a reply is not necessary but you want that person to know you are in agreement with them.
It is a form of positive feedback.
If we did not get any positive feedback once in a while, we probably would move on eventually, thinking that no one agrees with you on anything.
It is a way to encourage others to continue to express their feelings on all types of issues, and that's important for all of us.
And then maybe someday we can all give each other enough likes so that we can all pass Reba.