Eventide said:
I'm not playing your 20 questions... if you have a point to make or a comment then simply say it..
Why are you so impatient? What if I have a point to make - and I make it - and you simply state the negation of that - have we progressed in our discussion? You will continue to hold on to your beliefs and I will do the same with mine with both of us having used this forum as a sound board instead of a discussion board. Isn't it better we try and find out which fundamental belief we really differ on?
Eventide said:
I'm done with your questions while you avoid mine.. if you have something to say, then say it.
I am not avoiding your questions. You asked the question first - as part of my reply, I'm asking these questions. In your reply to these, my answer will be found. But for the sake of continuing the discussion,
your question is this -
"If God choose YOU, then why does He say that if ye shall seek to save your life that you'll lose it, and that if any man shall come after ME, he must DENY HIMSELF, take up his cross and follow Me..
Does that sound like God choosing YOU ? "
Yes, God does command and exhort us to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him, which if we do not do, we cannot enter the Kingdom of God. But what is your point?
Are you saying that we, in our own ability, can keep this commandment? Don't you know that it is God's Spirit in you who will work in you to obey this commandment? And don't you know that all who walk in the strength of the Spirit and not in the strength of their own ability in the flesh will not falter but will persevere to the end? And don't you know that God causes us Christians to will and to act according to His good pleasure? And don't you know that the Holy Spirit is given to all when they begin believing in Christ?
And so we're back to my question - what do you mean by "believing in Christ"?
Related to this is also why I asked the question - do you believe that an unbeliever without the Holy Spirit is able to do anything good in God's sight?
Eventide said:
you need not treat me like I have no understanding of Christianity or of Calvinism.
No, I'm not treating you like that - by no means. But I do feel that you have some misunderstanding about the doctrines. If I thought you didn't know anything, I'd be patiently teaching you, not confirming what you already know. No need to be hostile.
Eventide said:
I know.. even sin they often attribute to God.
Please prove this from some concrete source, or else retract it...
Eventide said:
Well if you're going to tell me that you came up with the exact beliefs of TULIP on your own then I'll simply laugh at that, is that ok ?
Barring the 'L' in TULIP, you can find everything else
here in my testimony.
Eventide said:
And again, that's unbiblical.. God chooses everyone IN CHRIST, after they TRUST in Christ, after hearing the gospel, and AFTER they BELIEVE.. that's a simple biblical fact and it applies to all Christians..
True. True. One has to trust in Christ, has to believe in Christ and it applies to everybody.
But how does one believe? How does one trust Jesus Christ?
Eventide said:
Faith comes from God.. without God nobody would have faith...
Are you going to counter this by saying that God has given everybody faith and that man has to choose to exercise such faith? - Then my question applies to that - how do the people who choose to exercise their faith do that - by themselves or by God?
So, God's election of grace decides who He shows mercy and compassion upon, to bestow the gift of faith by grace.
So, you see, While all you say is true, I'm only placing God as the true author of our salvation - who initiates and works till the end.
I read and understand Eph 1:13
So my answer to you lies in your answers to these -
What are we trusting in Christ for? What do we believe in Him for? Is His death on the cross a direct & sufficient cause or an instrumental cause for something else that is required for our salvation?