glorydaz said:
francisdesales said:
I fear you are inventing another non-biblical separation of terms, sophistry, like the "bema throne" vs the "judgment seat for unbelievers". There is no such biblical warrant for this. I think it is the sola fideist' manner of explaining away the very clear words of James, which totally destroys sola fide. In other words, a tradition of men to be ignored.
There certainly is Biblical warrant, but you prefer to believe God's sons aren't covered by the blood of Christ and must stand before the Great White Throne with the rest of mankind. There is no condemnation to those in Christ. You contend there is.
Are you just trolling, someone who cannot read, or just clueless?
I would ask you to kindly stop your poor attempts to side track this discussion with your CONTINUED false accusations.
Why do you continue to provide false witness? Control yourself...
If there was a biblical warrant for "situational" vs "conditional", you would have explained it. I guess there isn't. However, it appears you are much better at erecting strawmen to knock down, rather than actually thinking about your theology and what I am saying...
glorydaz said:
What kind of partial salvation are you preaching?
I am talking about the Spirit's presence within the man born from above, not eternal salvation. People once saved, whether Jews in the OT or Christians in the NT have subsequently lost that status because the presence of God has left. As Christ remains within us, we will be saved.
Remember Scriptures? How about 1 John 5:12? And how does the rest of John tell us that we are to KNOW we have Christ's presence? Because you said so? What did you say again about the "name it and claim it" bunch?
glorydaz said:
Those who return to the vomit are those who were never saved to begin with.
We've had that discussion, and you were wrong then, and are still wrong. The section in question clearly describes a man who was once saved. If you think otherwise, perhaps you might want to humor me and describe what "being saved" is. I recall that conversation, and it was quite funny watching the hoops you had to jump through to avoid the clear reading of Scriptures.
glorydaz said:
Where's the belief in this "new creature" you're always preaching who can become holy and righteous before God? Perhaps some aren't as "changed" as you think they are. Obviously many will claim to know the Lord...even hear the Gospel preached every Sunday while they sit in their pews pretending to be something they're not. You continue to think they're saved and if God is incapable of keeping His own.
A person's actions are the way the Bible tells us we know about the new creation. Those who obey the commandments have Christ working in them. They are MADE holy, not just pretend-holy...
Christians don't just play being holy (at least the people I know). We share in the divine nature. If you remain filthy rags, that is your fault for your lack of trust...
glorydaz said:
They have flesh to mortify, but they are not of the flesh...they are of the Spirit.
The act of mortifying the flesh is an act of the Spirit recognizing that one has flesh to mortify in the first place!!! Those walking in the Spirit realize that they continue to require God's aid to become more like Christ - and thus, to continue to die to self.
Of course, you don't understand the process and necessity of BEING sanctified in the first place, so this is probably lost on you...
glorydaz said:
Paul makes that abundantly clear in this portion of Scripture. It's our position in Christ...or don't you think we have a position in Christ?
I am not familiar with the idea of "positional" in Scriptures and how this differs with "situational". It is an invented scheme to deny the Word of God and supplant it with the word of man.
glorydaz said:
francisdesales said:
Again, real life says otherwise. The point Paul is making is NOT that sin cannot effect a child of the promise, but that we now have ANOTHER principle to follow. We no longer have just one choice, sin. We now have joy in following a life in Christ. But that, ultimately, depends upon our choice. The Bible clearly says that believers can again become unbelievers and return to their former lives.
Thus saith francisdesales, but the Word doesn't. ;)
We had a long discussion on this, and I cited a number of Scriptures, don't say otherwise. The problem here is that
you don't want to admit that the Scriptures DO INDEED tell us that men can revert back to a condition that is even worse than before. Define "being saved", and you'll see that Peter is saying that such a man has indeed left fellowship and returned to their former walk. Your efforts to deny that are just dishonest.
glorydaz said:
You're simply reading defeat into verses that aren't even intended for the believer.
You apparently have never heard of the OT, since it is full of such admonitions. Ever hear of Amos, Joel, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah? God's people have a responsibility, not a free ticket. The "Day of the Lord" is not just one of joy, but it is also one of unexpected condemnation. Have you read Amos? Your brand of Christianity reminds me of the people who are so secure in their supposed salvation whom Amos chastises. The "defeat" is man's, not God's inability to save. God offers aid, and some men choose not to accept it. Fruit is dependent also upon the soil.
glorydaz said:
Like this natural man spiritual man discussion we're having right now. You think man can move back and forth between being in Christ and out of Christ like a yo yo. The Word does not support that at all.
Sure it does. Those in Christ are KNOWN by their obedience to the Commandments. If you are disobeying God's commandments willingly, you aren't in Christ.
glorydaz said:
You have to ignore hundreds of promises
You don't understand any of the promises, since you equate them as unconditionally given, although you cannot explain how they were given to YOU, when God Himself says He desires ALL men to be saved.
[Are] ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith the LORD. Amos 9:7
But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: For there is no respect of persons with God. Romans 2:10-11
Just because of your supposed status of being a child of God doesn't give you a free ticket into heaven!
Now, please explain how YOU came to receive the promise, when salvation relies entirely upon God?
Salvation is conditional. Always has been.
glorydaz said:
in order to cling to two or three verses that you've misinterpreted to fit your belief the Lord is unable to keep His promises. He simply cannot train up His own children in the way they should go....such a failure of a Father.
You are the one blaming God for when a man is not saved, not me... :gah
glorydaz said:
Do you notice the Law of life in that verse? We are now under a LAW...the Law of Life with Christ in us.
The Mosaic Law is not the Law of Life.
glorydaz said:
We may still sin, but it has no power over us....
It does, if we want it to. You are misinterpreting "power over us". What planet are you living on?
glorydaz said:
we are forgiven for ALL our iniquities.
Of the past. THOSE sins have no power over us...!!! I know of pastors who are alcoholics. You trying to tell me sin has no power over someone? Baloney. Our past sins no longer hold us under the power of guilt and such. Not that future temptations
cannot overcome us.
glorydaz said:
We are now sons of God, worthy of receiving the chastening of the Lord.
and more... God is in charge, not you. Shall I cite Ezekiel 18 again for you?
glorydaz said:
There is not a man alive who, after being given a new heart, can fall into such a deep pit the Good Shepherd cannot pull him out.
God only pulls out those who desire to be pulled out.
glorydaz said:
The Good Shepherd the God you worship isn't the loving Father the Bible says He is, and he treats his own sons as "bas*ards". I don't believe that for one minute. If you weren't so quick to think someone is saved, then you might not be so quick to think they've gotten themselves "unsaved".
Apparently, you think that one must be good and REMAIN good to "prove" that you are saved. Thus, you never can know you are saved, because any subsequent falling away might reveal you are actually deluded..
No thanks, I'm not interested in that tradition of men...
I KNOW I was saved - but I also know I must work out my salvation to eternal life, in fear and trembling. Being saved upon baptism was just a first step in my journey.