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The Myth of saying that Jesus Christ died for all men without exception !


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Also,God is no respecter of persons,God actually came to Cain and told him what to do to be accepted,

What God did not tell him is that only the Lamb that was slain before the creation of the world is the basis of acceptance with Him. Eph 1:

6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

1 pet 1:

18Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;

19But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

20Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,

Abel had been given Faith to rely on the coming blood of the Lamb, and so his sacrifice reflected that. Abel had been chosen in Christ, so he was accepted in the beloved, but cain was not..

none can do well to enter into eternal life, Jesus made that clear by the story of the rich young ruler. Thats the same thing God meant when He told cain what He told Him, knowing that it was impossible for Him to do it...Just as Jesus knew it was impossible for the rich young ruler to keep all the commandments of God..

This is false..


For God so loved the world that he sent His only begotten Son that whoever beleives in Him will have eternal life.


For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that all will beleive in Him.


For God so loved the world He sent His only begotten Son that all that dont believe in Him will be forced to anyways.

Jesus was sent by God that whoever believes in Him will get eternal life.

Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.


For God so loved the world that he sent His only begotten Son that whoever beleives in Him will have eternal life.

Yes, He Loved His Church, which is a World..

Eph 5:

25Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;


Yes, He Loved His Church, which is a World..

Eph 5:

25Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

And who is the church? all who believe in Him, the whole world does not believe in Him.

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself to her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish."

Now when also does Paul speak that we shall completely be taken from corruption and raised into incorruption?

Grace is given by God that we may recieve it and all who recieve it are His.

Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

And who is the church? all who believe in Him

They all do eventually believe in Him, but they are not born believers, for they are born sinners and dead in trespasses and sins, and are by nature children of wrath even as others, but because they are chosen unto salvation, they shall believe..

They all do eventually believe in Him, but they are not born believers, for they are born sinners and dead in trespasses and sins, and are by nature children of wrath even as others, but because they are chosen unto salvation, they shall believe..

We are all born in sin.
It is only through the Lord Jesus Christ that we are made the church, through Him.
All that believe in Him believe in Him who sent Him.
When one is born into Christ they are born into everlasting life, that they are promised as He rose so also shall He raise all of His.
Salvation is the beggining and the end, because in salvation from God in the Lord Jesus Christ we will recieve the promise of God that through Him we will be raised likewise to Him and live eternally with God and Christ on a new heaven and earth with New Jerusalem.

Anyone not born in Him will not inherit Him, they will not be raised, changed at His coming, will not live and reign with Him a thousand years and will not inherit eternal life.
They will not be presented New Jerusalem on a new earth and heaven and will not be with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever. Amen.

Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

We are all born in sin.

Of course, thats not telling me nothing new..

It is only through the Lord Jesus Christ that we are made the church, through Him.

Thats True, when the Church was Chosen in Him before the world began..

The elect were the Church in Christ before they were adam and sinned. Thats the reason why Christ came into the world was to save His sinful Church. Not all men without exception, but His Church Eph 5:

25Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

26That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
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Of course, thats not telling me nothing new..

Thats True, when the Church was Chosen in Him before the world began..

The elect were the Church in Christ before they were adam and sinned. Thats the reason why Christ came into the world was to save His sinful Church. Not all men without exception, but His Church Eph 5:

25Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,

I was agreeing with you, wasnt telling you anything regarding all of us born in sin.
I never said all are saved without exception, in fact i was saying the exact opposite.
You said my carnal speaking of the present/gift representation was false and you still havent shown why, or even said why you think its false, did you just not understand what i was saying, so you replied back it was false?

Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

You said my carnal speaking of the present/gift representation was false and you still havent shown why,

Jesus does not have to be accepted in order for one to receive Eternal Life from Him. He gives everyone Eternal Life whom He died for, He does not offer it, He gives it..

Jn 17:

2As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.

Jn 10:

27My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

28And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

Jesus does not have to be accepted in order for one to receive Eternal Life from Him. He gives everyone Eternal Life whom He died for, He does not offer it, He gives it..

Jn 17:

2As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.

Jn 10:

27My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

28And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

He very much so has to be accepted to recieve salvation through Him, noone who is called by His name will not accept Him.
I dont think you realise how a gift/present works, if i go buy you a bag of candy as a gift and come and offer it, you have to accept that gift to have it, if you dont your either not getting it or your throwing it away because you dont want it.
Jesus was sent by the Father that whoever believes in Him will have everlasting life, not whoever the Lord Jesus chooses gets everlasting life, God chose all men that would come to Him and accept Christ, its open to all men any man can call on the name of the Lord and accept Him.

That scripture you posted is speaking of those who are already His, His sheep, and His sheep will be given eternal life, but if your not His sheep because you dont accept Him you wont be raised when He gathers up His.

Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

He very much so has to be accepted to recieve salvation through Him,

No He doesnt, they receive it through Him, not through accepting Him. Rom 6:

23For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

No He doesnt, they receive it through Him, not through accepting Him. Rom 6:

23For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.


The scripture you have just posted says exactly what I am saying, the wages of sin is death, we are all born in death, to the wages of sin, through the first Adam, the man of the dust, but the gift of God, salvation, is through the Lord Jesus Christ, the last Adam, the heavenly Man, for He gave up His spirit and God the Father, rose Him 3 days later signifying that all who accept the gift of salvation through Him , He also shall raise up on the last day, if you do not accept the gift, which is a choice all men make, you will not be given everlasting life through Him.

No man will enter the kingdom of God without the Holy Spirit in him, no one, all who accept Him, He accepts and gives to them the Holy Spirit, the Helper.
All that the Lord Jesus Christ raises at His coming, those who are asleep and those who remain will have all had the Holy Spirit in them and shall all be gathered to Him and raised up from corruption to incorruption and be forever with the Lord.
The Holy Spirit is the promise to all of His who believe in Him, you do not get the promise if you deny Him.
Salvation is for all, but few are those who enter the gates of Jesus Christ.

Salvation is a gift, we didnt earn it, God gave it through Himself, through the Lord Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, that any man who believes in Him will have everlasting life, if you do not accept the Gift you do not accept God and He will deny you because you have chosen to deny Him, and to live in the flesh instead of striving in the Spirit.

Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
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No man will enter the kingdom of God without the Holy Spirit in him, no one.

Off subject. Eternal life is given to those He Christ died for, its through Him , not from their accepting Him..

Rom 6:

23For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Its given to them as a free gift, its not offered, its something declared to be True in the Mind of God..


The scripture you have just posted says exactly what I am saying

Your understanding of this scripture is in error. The gift of eternal life is not offered, its given. Jn 17:

2As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.

Your understanding of this scripture is in error. The gift of eternal life is not offered, its given. Jn 17:

2As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.

And who are all that are given Him?
They are those who accept salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ, no one, no man, can acheive such a thing by the works of thier own flesh.
Those who are given Him are called by His name because they have accepted the gift of salvation through the Lord.
I am not in error, I am one of His, who have accepted the gift and recieved the promise of the Holy Spirit, I am one who lives in corruption, knowing the hope of Jesus Christ, that when He gathers up His, I shall also be gathered with Him into incorruption, I shall stand before the throne with all of His and give account of all that I have done good or bad and shall forever be with the Lord, because I am given to Him.

Every man is not given to Him, but He offered Himself to all men, that is they believe in Him, He will give eternal life, and they are given to Him.

Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Off subject. Eternal life is given to those He Christ died for, its through Him , not from their accepting Him..

Rom 6:

23For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Its given to them as a free gift, its not offered, its something declared to be True in the Mind of God..

You cannot accept what you do not accept. It is indeed given to all men, Christ died for all, but not all will unwrap and open the gift, those He is given will.

And it is not off subject to speak of the Holy Spirit, Salvation and the Holy Spirit are One.

Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

You cannot accept what you do not accept.

Still off subject, Eternal Life is given, not offered, it does not have to be accepted. Jn 17:

2As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.

Still off subject, Eternal Life is given, not offered, it does not have to be accepted. Jn 17:

2As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.

Its not off topic, who are those given to Him? His sheep, why are they His sheep?
Because the grace of God is upon them that they believe in His only beggotten Son that they may have everlasting life.

God gives every man a gift, which is His Son, that if they accept the gift, open it up and take it, (believe in Him, that is that He is the Son of God and has died and risen, and we believe in Him, that He is sent of the Father and is the Father in flesh, that is One, and we believe He died and rose in so doing was our salvation and as we die, through Him we are given life, that as He raised Him, so also shall He raise us through Him on the last day)

All men are not saved, but are presented the gift of salvation that they may be saved, that they may be His.
If it did not have to be accepted, no man would be in subject to the second death without Him and we would have no need to fear God, who judges all, the dead and alive.
All who believe in Him have Him as the Mediator, the Redeemer, in judgement, in fact the judgement of His happens at His return, which is when His are raised up and gathered to the Lord Jesus Christ.
All who are in Him and He is in, over such the second death has no power.
If Christ wasnt given to be accept (in which accepting you accept Him who sent Him) we would all have power over the second death, for salvation would be on all men.
But this is not so, for men are subject to the second death.

Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Its not off topic

It is.

why are they His sheep?

Because the Father gave them to Him Jn 10:29, even were they chosen in Him before the foundation of the world. And them, and only them are given Eternal life.. Eternal life is given, not offered, and it does not have to be accepted, it has nothing to do with someone accepting it.

A Person does not have to accept physical mortal life from adam, its given to them without consulting the person or persons its given to, so likewise with Life Eternal..


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