The only higher education that exists is to go to the only source higher than man; God himself. If all men lived according to the Ten Commandments and Jesus's principles:
1) Love thy neighbor as thyself
2) Every matter must be established by at least 2 or three witnesses
3) Not to incur debt
Then we wouldn't have the problems we do in the world. But unfortunately because of human pride man acts like a 6-year old who says; "I want to do it myself!"
The state of to the world is living evidence of what happens when man abandons God and does things himself; greed, envy, pride, lust, sloth, anger, and gluttony. And the more that people abandon the real higher educater, the worse the world is going to get.
1) Love thy neighbor as thyself
2) Every matter must be established by at least 2 or three witnesses
3) Not to incur debt
Then we wouldn't have the problems we do in the world. But unfortunately because of human pride man acts like a 6-year old who says; "I want to do it myself!"
The state of to the world is living evidence of what happens when man abandons God and does things himself; greed, envy, pride, lust, sloth, anger, and gluttony. And the more that people abandon the real higher educater, the worse the world is going to get.