Heidi said:
First of all, elementary school isn't called higher education. It teaches people basic things like reading writing and the arithmetic they need to get through life.
I am well aware that elementary school isn't called higher education; that is not the point I was making. The point is, if you want to argue that higher education is secular and use Matt 23:10 as support that our only teacher is Jesus, then it follows that all education prior to post-secondary,
since it is also secular, is evil.
Do you not know that they begin teaching that homosexuality is good in elementary? Are you not aware that worldly philosophy in education begins in the earliest level of education?
Your position is very inconsistent.
Heidi said:
Again, since Jesus is
never wrong, then when Christians and pastors pass along the teachings of Christ without contradicting any of Christ's words,
then we're still only learning from Christ. But University professors
do not pass along the teachings of Christ as the truth. In fact, in most cases, they try to prove that scientists know better than Jesus does. So Jesus is telling us that only
God is completely trustworthy.
A few things to note:
1. Most every pastor and Bible teacher has a post-secondary education and likely all of them have taken "secular" courses.
2. You incorrectly equate higher education with science as though that is all it is. Even then, you fail to differentiate that portion of science which is bad and that which is not.
3. Much of higher education is amoral. Is there evil in knowing how to figure out the volume of a sphere using triple integrals? Is there evil in knowing how chemicals combine to form other chemicals? One could give endless examples.
Here is the main problem Heidi:
You have created a false dichotomy between the higher education of man and the "higher education of God". In doing so, you ignore the fact that
all truth is God's truth, whether it comes through a Bible teacher or a physics professor or philosophy professor or whomever. Are there things taught that are contrary to the Bible? Of course, no one is denying that, but that happens from the earliest education onward and is not something found only in higher education.
The problem is only for those weak in the faith or lacking discernment and godly wisdom. But I would strongly question why someone would want to remain ignorant about what the world teaches anyway. How can one have any meaningful dialogue with those of the world if they don't have an understanding of what it is they really believe? Paul was well versed in the Greek philosophy of his day and used it to his advantage when doing his apologetics. Indeed, how can one become all things to all men in the hopes of saving some of them, if they know very little of what it is those men believe?
As WX2009 correctly pointed out, getting a higher education
has nothing to do with "putting your trust in man". It has everything to do with loving God with all your mind, with honouring God with all the talents and abilities he has given you. That is what I have been driving at with all these questions.
And since you haven't answered my questions, I'll give you the answers:
Just as it was Christians who first brought education to women and to those in lower classes,
so it was Christians who started universities. They did this based on their Christian convictions, based on what the Bible says.
Similarly, modern science was founded on the main premise that since God created the universe, there would be laws and rational order that could be discovered.