Jethro Bodine, there is no need to continue to try and declare what you don't understand as being false. The only thing that is being exposed is the folly of the doctrines of men. You have said in one of your previous posts that if you did not read your Bible, then your faith would certainly shrink. But I would have to ask if you place your faith in the words of a book or if you place your Faith in the Spirit of the living God?
I do not doubt that you have the Spirit of the Lord, but the question I would ask you is in what manner do you have the Spirit? For the Spirit of the Lord has always been present in the world, but the promise of Christ was that he would send for the Spirit to dwell within our hearts. This is the new creation, His Spirit joined with our spirit in one body, not as a Spirit who exists outside the body.
So when you say that you already have the Spirit does it remain outside of you, or do you possess the Spirit for yourself? If I were to look in the old testament, I could say that Moses had the Spirit of the Lord. Samuel had the Spirit of the Lord. David had the Spirit of the Lord, as did Isaiah, Jeremiah and the other of the prophets. John the Baptist had the Spirit of the Lord. But in each case they were anointed with the Spirit of the Lord and the Spirit did rest upon them like a mantle, but the one thing these all had in common was the Spirit of the Lord did not dwell within them, as they were still separated from the Lord.
You may know of the Spirit, but do you possess it for yourself? If you do not look for the Coming of His Spirit to come into your heart, then how can you truly know Christ? For greater is He that is in You than He that is in the world.