James Ch1
13 When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.†For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
16 Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. 18 He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.
its gods church since when does he let demons run the show? If you begin to think that you have attributed them with immense power that they don't have. If you are going to fear demons remember there are angels too sorting it out.
I know that passage is about temptation but it talks about human nature being a factor you cant just blame it on demons entirely they may play a part but how do you tell?
I really agree with you Chris. Calling something demonic is pretty much blasphemy and that is a terrifying thought! I know someone mentioned Todd Bentley in an earlier post.
I don't agree with his theology, nor do I listen to his teachings, but one thing I can say without a doubt is that many Holy Spirit God-loving Christians were getting healed at the Lakeland Revivals. It's not the person that does the healing, nor that takes the glory. It is God Almighty and God Almighty alone and He does it for His people!
Once I watched some videos about Todd Bentley on YouTube and was going around bad mouthing him. The Lord convicted me on that and I had to repent. Saul was in grave error against the Lord and yet David refused to touch one single hair on his head. This is what we all, myself included, (on this forum especially) must remember when talking about false prophets and teachers. We can't judge hearts, especially from YouTube videos. Nor even theology for that matter. I saw some quotes claiming one certain person to be a false prophet and yet the quotes were all taken out of context and misconstrued!
As far as laughing or mocking those who flip flop around like fishes or laugh hysterically. That is not something I'm willing to do.
I have a highly respected spiritual elder/mentor who once told me a little story. She thought that laughing hysterically was not of God and demonic. She was firmly against it. One day she was at a church meeting when this broke out amongst the people. Then suddenly this "Holy Spirit Laughter" fell upon her and made a believer out of her and caused her to grow in love in the Lord.
What she taught me was "DO NOT MOCK/JUDGE" because one day that could be you. And someone will be mocking and judging you for what you judged others for.
Scary thought!
I used to think being slain in the spirit was not of God. And then I watched a healer (at a healing service) not even touch someone (who is staunchly against being slain in the spirit) go straight down like a bullet. It certainly changed my mind because this person was such a strong resister of this practice.
I'm not sure about flip flopping or hysterical laughing, but I won't judge those who go that route. They desire God so much they are willing to humiliate themselves to seek closeness with them. That is not something that I can personally attest to. I don't want to be that person laughing hysterically in public. (I've done it in private, but I don't think it counts sense the Lord told me an extremely funny joke and I simply couldn't stop laughing lol) Those who laugh hysterically seem to do so for no reason or "the joy of the Lord" or something.
Anyways, a few of my rambling thoughts. Your posts are always very rooted in love, Chris. I appreciate your input. Whether things are demonic or not, only God can say, but I agree with you. Some of this stuff seems to come out of the flesh. For how can the Holy Spirit dwell with the demonic? A house divided falls.