Reality check,Jesus did not return and gather the apostles off the earth,the sun did not go black,the moon red, the stars did not fall,the beast of Rev has not appeared,and satan has not been bound. If those things had occured we would not be here,convicted by the Spirit of the need to be saved and the world would not be on the brink of destruction. On the other hand,the New Testament is written in such a way that it "appears"that all of those things should have happened in the first century. Here is TRUTH,the bible makes it appear that all the things spoke by Jesus and in Rev would occur within a lifetime of those who received the message...however THOSE THINGS HAVE NOT OCCURED!!! I am sorry for those folks who cannot handle the time element but the answer is not to fabricate events that NEVER TOOK PLACE. It is important that nothing in the NT ever says that the events have to happen in the first century or at any specific time,so "shortly" and "at hand" ,does not say that Christ HAD to return in the lifetime of the apostles,though it does leave that impression. An impression is not the same thing as a statement of absolute one knows the day or hour.