ok,so you dont believe that the ot is inspired? you claim you were there when the audience of revalation was written what of the hebrews that recieved the law and did the law and were counted faithful and true? ie joshua and caleb? those that did follow it did recieve a reward. God did reserve a thousand men who didnt bow the knee to baal.
am i getting this right if one doesnt believe in the pre-trib rapture one isnt saved? so if that is correct and you state then you have just discounted most saints since the time of the finishing of the bible till about two hundred yrs ago as until darby and schofield the pre-trib concept didnt exist.
Why do you say i dont think the Ot was inspired?
They werent counted faithful and true because they followed the law, they are counted faithful and true because they have faith in God and follow Him.
Was Abraham accounted righteousness because of his work or because of his faith in God, look when God ask's Abraham to take his son Isaac and sacrifice him, look what Abraham tells his servants, Abraham knew before he even left that he would not be sacrificing his son, Abraham knew God and followed Him.
"Now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham, and said to him, "Abraham!"
And he said, "Here I am."
Then He said, "Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you."
"And Abraham said to his young men, "Stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and WE will come back to you."
Abraham a liar? No. Abraham knew God and here is the greater revelation of the Holy Spirit, what Abraham tells his son Isaac when Isaac ask where the lamb for the burnt offering will come from.
"My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering."
The lamb God would provide for Himself for a burnt offering that Abraham was speaking of was the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Abraham knew God.
It was accounted to Him in righteousness.
The O.T is certianly God inspired, it is the Word of God.
I am of the audience Revelations was written for, Revelations was written to the body of Christ, I am through the Lord Jesus Christ a part of the body of Christ and I shall be raised through Him with all of His when He comes.
If one defiles God's word and denies Him he is in danger, I am no judge, i cannot say one is saved or not saved, God's grace and mercy is poured out by Him, not I.
The teachings of man are a path to destruction, the word of God is truth.
If you say Christ has come, you are on the path of destruction, that is truth.
If you say, it is done, when God has not, you are denying God.
When He returns and gathers all up into Him, those who sleep and those who do not in Him, then it is done. It did not happen in 70 A.D, there was no beast and no false prophet, no armies, no mark, no image, no slaughtering of the saints, no return of Christ and no resurrection.
There was however, war and destruction as there has been since the beggining of time because man is wicked.
Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.