If the rapture takes place before the 70th week starts, and it certainly will, because we have no appintment with His wrath, then indeed, He does return for the Jews, for the battle of Armageddon, and to set up His kingdom. Please note:
The second coming is the time when Christ returns period.Nowhere is it written that Christ returns twice more,nowhere!He returns at the 7th trump,which is the last one,the same one Paul speaks about,which is after the tribulation of those days as stated by Christ Himself.
Again as I have said in a post I just posted,you cannot seperate the Jews from the Church,Christ died for all that would believe upon Him,and the Church is that many membered body of believers,and that includes the Jews also,if they believe,because if they do then they are now a part of the Church,and if they don't they like anyone else stands the chance of losing their souls.
How easily you disagree with Paul.
How easily you disagree with Christ
Matthew 24:21 "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."
Matthew 24:22 "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."
The Jews are not the elect persay,the elect are those that understand the true word of God,be it Jew or Gentile.
Now how can you say I disagree with Paul,when it was Paul that said Chist would not return until after the antichrist has been revealed?
A hypethetical question: if the church is removed before the "tribulation" or 70th week, would this be speaking to the church? Who is the "ye?" Isn't that who is being addressed here? Of course, this is speaking directly to those living in Jerusalem and surrounding areas.
The Ye is everyone that understands,for the whole world will see satan standing in the temple pretending to be Christ,and the majority will be deceived,be ye a Jew or Gentile
Matthew 24:15 "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place (whoso readeth, let him understand
The "abomination" is when Satan stands in Jerusalem, and proclaims that he is God, and the world believes it. The "desolation" is an incorrect translation into the English, which should read "desolator", and Satan is the desolator that will make the claim that he is God, the true Christ. "Desolation" is a condition, in the Hebrew manuscripts it is written, "On the wings of the desolator," this is not a condition, but a entity, a person. It is through this individual, Satan that the abomination shall come from. It is the desolator [Satan] that shall cause all but the sealed of God, to become desolate, or deceived.
The Holy place is the place that the temple sits, and this is the subject for the very first, when the buildings of the temple were observed by the disciples, and the question of what it would be like at His second advent. This is where the desolation [Satan, the Antichrist] shall sit on mount Zion, making his abominations, or statements that he is the Christ.
The world will be deceived when Satan claims himself to be Christ, for he does have supernatural powers, and he will use them to to draw the peoples of the world to come to peace. He will say, I am Jesus whom ye have been waiting for, and I have come to bring peace to the world, and the world will be brought to peace and prosperity by Satan, the Antichrist.
Matthew 24:16 "Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:"
Judea is that land or country that Jerusalem was the capital of. Today we would call it the nation of Israel, on both sides of the Jordan river. It is the place where the major peace treaty is being signed, and the largest part of world conflict is over. If you are in that nation, Jesus is telling you to flee into the "mountains", or nations of the world, but get out of there. This is not when Titus of Rome walked in, but it is the start of the Great Tribulation, when God Himself shall rain down on that city of Jerusalem, and the nation. God is letting you know exactly where not to be, at His second coming.
All referring to those living in Judea.
I will agree,this is talking about those living in Judea,however,all those living in Judea are not Jews,and all Jews do not live in Judea
When? "15When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation..." This is speaking of the midpoint of the week. Again, what if the church was already in heaven? Would this be referring to the church? We have already seen that Jesus is pointing this straight to those living in Judea. In other words, straight to Israel, not to the church.
Again the Church is a body of believers,Jew or Gentile,and again you cannot seperate the two.
And again I ask do you even know who true Israel is?Let me give you a hint,you can read about them in the book of James,and trust me they are not all Jews
Points directly to the moment that Jesus descends on the white horse. Very soon after the 70th week has ended. Notice that at the moment of His coming, many carcases will be left. Not a "rapture" of the church. I believe it is the parable of the tares.
Again there is only ONE second coming,if Christ had came before this time would not this be His third coming?
Again pointing to the second coming.
Again the second coming is just that,the second coming,there will be no rapture before this.
Matthew 24:31 "And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other."
This is not the rapture, but God bringing all the Jews/Israel back to Israel. He said He would do it in one day. It cannot be the rapture, for John shows us the raptured church in heaven, before the 70th week even starts. It cannot be the rapture, for Paul tells us that the church has no appointment with wrath. WE covered about 16 verses, and one may pertain to the church. neither does the rest of the chapter pertain to the church. It is about the day of His coming. The church will be coming back with Him, for we will have been in heaven during this time. Sorry, but John tells us that the time for the marriage supper is before Jesus descends.
You are very much correct,this is not a rapture,because there won't be one,this is when we all gather back to Christ,at His second coming.
This is the seventh and the last trumpet, and there will be no coming by Christ until that time, except the Spirit of God working within you. This is the time that the angels of God will go to every corner of the earth, and even to the heavens to gather the elect of God. Are you one of God's elect? Are you going to be in the field working for God, or wandering after the fake Christ?
You are also correct in that the Church is not appointed to wrath,but why do you asume that Christ cannot protect His own from this wrath while we are here on earth,When His wrath came upon Egypt in the form of plagues and such,did He not protect the children of Israel?This will be no different
Now lets see who comes back with Him
I Thessalonians 4:13 "But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope."
After Paul told the Thessalonians to live right in the community, and search their souls for sin in their lives, they were then to repent of any sin. Paul moved next to what happens when death comes to this flesh body. This topic is important to Paul, for it is the stabilizing factor to the Christian life. It removes the fear that comes from the unknown of ones death. Paul gives this information for one reason, and that is, that we not be ignorant as the heathen are. In other words, Paul doesn't want Christians stupid.
This concern is over "them which are asleep". The concern is over the loved ones that have died and left them, and their decaying bodies are out there in their grave. Paul is saying for us not to be sorry about those Christians who are dead and gone, for that is the concern of the heathen. The heathen's fear comes from their ignorance of God's word, and His promises. The heathen have no hope, for they believe it's over at the burial.
I Thessalonians 4:14 "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him."
If we believe, as a Christian, that Christ set the example for us; so that we will follow as He did, in dying, and rising again, then "to sleep" is to be dead from the flesh body. The Greek is a simple language, for it's structure allows one to be more precise. The subject in the frame of this verse is; "that ye not be ignorant as to where the dead are." If you're a Christian, you know and believe that Jesus Christ died, was buried, and on the third day arose and came out of the tomb. If you do not believe this, Paul classifies you as ignorant, and heathen [non-believer].
These are those whom Christ shall bring with Him,not those that are supposidly raptured,these are those that have already died,these people are in Heaven now right now,they have not been raptured,rather they died believing in Christ.We can read about them in Rev,for they are the souls under the alter.
Revelation 6:9 "And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:"
Revelation 6:10 "And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord [Master], holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth."
These people have not been raptured,yet they are in Heaven,this again is who Christ will bring with him,at His second coming,and they will gather with those believers who are on the earth at this time(the second coming)this is when we all shall be changed at the 7th trump,not before,and not at some rapture.