Ok, thats fair, so if i told you right now God is giving you His grace and knowledge and i am speaking to you through the Holy Spirit to show you when He will raise you up in the gathering with the saints, will you give it a clear thought of mind?
1 Corinthians 15:22-24 That is when the "rapture" takes place my brother, that is when we shall be gathered up into Him together with Him forever and ever.Amen.
Christ returns here:
Revelations 19:11-21 that is the day of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ when we are gathered up into Him.
We will not be taken out prior.
To be "raptured" is to change from the flesh to the spiritual am i correct in that understanding my brother?
Brother Paul shows us the 3 times this occurs, when the flesh is made spiritual in 1 Corinthians 15:22-28
1st time:is Christ, the firstfruits.
2nd time: is the saints, "His" at His coming
3rd time: is the dead, who are being judged in Revelation 20:11-15
Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.